Expanding the F-bot

Expanding the F-bot

in Engineer

Posted by: Malraq.9406


I wont lie, i like the F-bot (or the Function Gyro, as it is called) as it is, but it is totally useless without a downed player around. So i have come up with 3 buffs to it, and 1 fix.

1: Let us use it while downed, on ourselves or on others.
is it still hovering over our shoulder while we are downed, and we are strong enough to throw random junk around, so why are we not able to activate it?

2: Let us use it on fully dead allies.
It will still ress slowly and only for 10 sec, but it would at least help with ressing the dead.

3: Let us use it on living people, low dmg + vuln to enemies (hammer has a lot of vuln, so why not the F-bot?), and low heal (maybe reg?) to allies.
Will let us use our new prof mech in a 1v1, like the rest of the specs. would still have the same timer and cd, so you would have to choose is you want some extra dmg/heal or stomp/ress.

4: Let us use it under water.
More of a fix, but it is annoying that we cant use out prof mech under water, like in the krait fractal.

I would be fine with just 1 out of the first 3 + nr 4, as nr 4 is just a small thing that should be in the game.

And on a sidenote, it is the only new prof mech that needs other players around, right?

Expanding the F-bot

in Engineer

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


You should prolly change the title lmao

Expanding the F-bot

in Engineer

Posted by: Arimas.3492


I like your suggestions a lot. My main beef with gyro is just as you said, its useless without anyone downed.

Another thing I REALLY wish they would change is being able to keybind it to something else other than the interact key. I hate it when I want to just normal stomp someone when I can because it would be easier at that moment but instead I waste my F gyro when I might need it later. It should be an F6 key or something.

Expanding the F-bot

in Engineer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I like the first suggestion, the rest not so much.

I think it needs to work underwater and changing it so that it can attempt to res us when we’re downed would be an excellent change. It can be killed and CC’d much like a Ranger pet so it would be similar to the Lick Wounds function but kind of a discount version (less health, cannot swap it out, has a longer cooldown if it dies).

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma