Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkaeon.3659


As from topic, i used to launch grenades in an arch, until today when i equipped the final Grenadier trait that boosted range to 1500. After that, i usually receive a message of target not in sight and cannot launch grenades from walls as before.

Strange thing is that if i switch back to another trait (removing the Grenadier), i can arch the granades again as usually (supposing target location is still in 1200 range).

Anyone else experiencing something like that?

It’s quite annoying expecially in WvW and during defensive sieges.

(edited by Arkaeon.3659)

Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


the arch thing is the bad one, ’coz usually they happen to hit the ceiling in caves and places like those or other objects, not to mentiontheir SLOW projectile animation.

Even if u get to hit the target without any obstacles, you still manage to miss the mobs that are running towards you, okay, they are situational, kits are meant to be so, but without a reliable 1-slot auto-attack (which stresses you mentally and physically) grenades are truly forced for heavy-hp-mobs (dungeons) and bosses (which happen to just stand there so you can toss those grenades effectively):

I’d say we could rework’em like this:

-lower the board damage of 1-slot skill by 10-15% (so just 5% for each grenade, if kits actually get to retain weapon’s stats)

-boost all grenades projectile speed by 25-33%, fix the cast delay, change skill slot-1 to work like elementalist’s fireball, becoming a normal-3-hitting AoE auto-attack (no longer ground targeted), this should make it similar to its underwater version.

Also about your question, I think that in order to make things balanced the dev team decided that when you are too high or low, compared to your target, even if you actually are in range, hits are bound to miss.

(edited by Rfreak.6591)

Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkaeon.3659


Sorry but about my question, other players experienced the same issue when slotting the Grenadier traits?

I mean, targetting the SAME AREA, i can launch grenades on it if i don’t use the trait, but if i slot Granadier, the target zone became red, and i receive a “no line of sight” message.

So it’s a bug, or something working as intended to balance the increased range of 1500?

Cause i asked Rangers, and with similiar trait they are able to AoE distant area at 1500 without any sort of issue or need of line of sight.

Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


Oh I see then it must an object obstacle, this usually happens when there’s tables, torches or smtg like that standing between you and your targeted area (which becomes red), you have to move a lil bit left or right in order to make up for it, I bet you’ve seen also “invulnerable” and stuff like that am I right? I think that’s ‘coz even thought you are targeting a killable mob you hit walls and such that are invulnerable objects. But still I don’t think that’s related to the grenadier trait because it should change the arch of grenades only when 1200+ from target, but it happened to me anyway with as without the trait.

Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkaeon.3659


I made tests with granades on different areas of WvW zones, and without slotting Granadier trait you can launch down nades from the walls of castle , with the slotted traits instead of being able to throw at 1500, you cannot arch then anymore at all even at 1200 range.

Never received the message “no line of sight” before i slotted that trait, at worst you lanch the nades and they explode on some obstacles, but that’s work as intended.

Not being to launch them in an arch at all now is far worse for our gameplay style.

Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


I’ve noticed it myself, but not to the testable degree you outlined. My reaction? Wow. That is pretty bad.

What’s probably going on though, is that even though we feel like there’s a unique projectile path each time we throw grenades, in reality there’s a predefined arc that gets tweaked with the trait. I wonder if that should, or even could be changed or not.

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Experiencing Grenadier trait stopping Grenades from arching anymore

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkaeon.3659


I also opened a bug support ticket about that. It’s unbearable that we have to suffer for a penalization in gameplay slotting a trait that is supposed to INCREASE our granadier, not to penalize that.

And btw it’s really pissing off me being killed by one-button Rangers spamming hails of arrows safely from 1500 range, while during siege now i’m forced to expose myself getting killed just because of this trait working so bad…

Time to make a ranger maybe??