Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable
in Engineer
Posted by: Lawbringer.1956
in Engineer
Posted by: Lawbringer.1956
If i didnt have my naga and wasent able to switch into my med kit and grenade kit and use all my abilities with just the slight motion of my thumb i wouldnt be playing this class, I do not like the thought of the amount of mashing on my 1-10 keys and not being able to strafe or do anything because of having to extend my hand all over the place just to do a simple kit swap
I think this is the reason so many people hate this class, get a razer naga and learn how to use it, and you will feel OP
in Engineer
Posted by: Haralin.1473
I have both Naga and g700 from Logitech, G700 is way better to handle with, naga was to small and had problems with the mouse buttons which klicks twice when i klick once, after one year.
I prefer G700
in Engineer
Posted by: Lawbringer.1956
yeah, generally it is a piece of crap, but without a mouse with buttons on it this class just feels terrible
in Engineer
Posted by: Minilys.4765
and not being able to strafe or do anything because of having to extend my hand all over the place just to do a simple kit swap
Yeah, totally impossible to change the keybinds for utility skills in this game, or something. This has nothing to do with engineers anyway, go advertise somewhere else.
in Engineer
Posted by: Canoftuna.3167
I do not like the thought of the amount of mashing on my 1-10 keys and not being able to strafe or do anything because of having to extend my hand all over the place just to do a simple kit swap
I rebound 5 to E, 6 to Z, 7/8/9 to R/F/V, Interact to Q, Tool Belt abilities are Alt+1/2/3/4, Dodge is Shift. A and D are left and right strafe.
It’s not that complicated to put everything you need within one hands reach.
in Engineer
Posted by: leviathan.2148
I don’t need an overpriced mouse to play right and comfortably. There is a thing called rebind
in Engineer
Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162
I use a normal 3 button mouse and I have no problem playing Engineer. I used 4 kits and am constantly switching between all of them. It isn’t that hard to rebind your keys you know.
in Engineer
Posted by: nerva.7940
naga is a piece of garbage. g9x, or any logitech mouse ftw.
just curious, why do u need so many buttons? F1-F4 are easily reached with the left hand. kit abilities replace 1-5. i use my mouse buttons only for the utility/ult skills 7-10.
in Engineer
Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861
Razer Naga Hex, because 12 sidebuttons is to mainstream
in Engineer
Posted by: Berglekut.5041
I use a Logitech G700 but don’t really use many of the buttons like I did in other mmos.
1-4 (MB4 is my 5)
F (Heal)
Q,E,R (Utility)
Shift-F (Elite)
Z,X,C,V (F1-F4)
MB5 (Interact/Finish)
I mained a warlock in that other mmo and had roughly 45-50 keybinds once you start adding the modifieres/pet macros etc. Not much in this game gives me much trouble keybind wise but ele/eng have the most.
in Engineer
Posted by: mOOnRaBBiT.8913
lol, i’m using just a normal mouse and i’m doing fine. if you stay with your default 1-10 skill keybind then it’s your fault if you can’t strafe while using a normal mouse.
i’ve setup my keybind almost the same way as i’ve setup my keybind on the previous MMO i’ve played (Dragon Nest). which, by the way, i think is much more action oriented compare to GW2 and require you more to change your keybind to be much more effective or, on difficult dungeons they call Nest, is required for you to survive.
(edited by mOOnRaBBiT.8913)
in Engineer
Posted by: penatbater.4710
Sometimes it’s not a matter of out-of-reach keys. When I first played gw2 with a normal mouse, I felt my left hand was severely overworked and my right hand was lazily lying about moving camera angles and whatnot. I felt I had to buy a mouse with extra buttons (I’m poor so I only have the G300, only 6 extra buttons) to relieve some pressure from my left hand.
in Engineer
Posted by: Poplik.8697
Sheesh how would you play another MMO that has more than 10 keys oO
edit: I just got picture in my mind: mouse with not only numerical keyboard but the entire keyboard on it xD
in Engineer
Posted by: mOOnRaBBiT.8913
Sometimes it’s not a matter of out-of-reach keys. When I first played gw2 with a normal mouse, I felt my left hand was severely overworked and my right hand was lazily lying about moving camera angles and whatnot. I felt I had to buy a mouse with extra buttons (I’m poor so I only have the G300, only 6 extra buttons) to relieve some pressure from my left hand.
now this is a much better reason.
using your mouse with extra buttons for convenience and not necessary for necessity.
(edited by mOOnRaBBiT.8913)
in Engineer
Posted by: Yax.1782
I wouldn’t go as far as the Naga being essential to play this class (which clearly isn’t true) but I do find mine very handy. As others have said keybinds are your friends.
Map strafe to A and D, remap autorun from R to anything else (I use *)
Remap F to something else (I use mouse scroll wheel click)
That gives you within easy reach: Q, E, R, F, 1, 2, 3, 4. I then used the Naga side buttons to bind F1, F2, F3, F4 and heal. Works nicely!
in Engineer
Posted by: brogarn.8723
I absolutely love my Naga and would never play an MMO without it. But it fits my hand, which some people have a problem with, and I’ve got no issues moving my thumb even all the way back to the 12th button.
I also tried using a couple of different types of gamepads, but I couldn’t find one more comfortable than the keyboard, plus it added more stuff to my limited flat space. I’m also a touch typist and use ESDF to move as opposed to WASD. So, I have qazxwtgbv that I also set to be different things. I used to also use h and y, but I had to start using a natural type keyboard because my wrist was bothering me.
Anyways… ya… love the Naga.
in Engineer
Posted by: JoxerNL.3752
The naga is crap, the buttons are way too tiny for my hands, but i’d take the naga-hex anyday
in Engineer
Posted by: FinaleJ.7325
I have a naga Hex tbh I wish it had 8 buttons instead of 6 on the side but hey. What I’m used to doing is setting it to number pad mode(the hex has a switch on the bottom to tell it what it controls the number keys or the number pad) and I set specific binds to it. but in this game I set it this way.
Heal skill – 5 key – this is right next to the back of my thumb
5 weapon skill – 6 on my hex – for engi’s this is normally a target skill this makes it so I don’t have to stop moving to hit the key. (for other classes this is wierd but I have 5 set to something else now)
f1-f4 – QRVT – these are semi unused keys that are around my wasd That I repurposed to be near my hand.
weapon skill 1 alt bind – 3 on my hex – this is so I can keep moving while spamming grenades.
I also made jump F, Dodge space, and activate E so that it’d be a little bit more like kingdoms of amular(probably the most comfortable action RPG i’ve played and what I played to prepare myself for gw2.
in Engineer
Posted by: Mongo.2490
For whatever reason, I can’t get rid of my Q and E buttons for movement. I use Q and A interchangeably .. and E and D interchangeably. If I put a skill on Q or E, I just end up pressing them when I try to move and spam abilities uselessly.
I ended up keeping 1-5 for weapon skills, putting healing at R, Utilities at F T and G, interact at Shift. It’s not bad but my inability to not have 6 buttons for movement (when you really only need 3) really hinders me.
in Engineer
Posted by: Bezerker.2379
I have no problem at all switching kits.
utility is on r,c,v.
No problems
in Engineer
Posted by: KennyOOSeven.4637
It’s one of the main reasons why I love my Ideazon (now Steelseries) Zboard. Keys 7 through ‘-’ are placed directly above 1-6, allowing for quick access without compromising movement. I don’t know how I’d manage a great many games without that easy access; MMOs being the key offender.
Also affords me even more binding possibilities for other actions as I don’t have to remap 7-0. However, the F keys are particularly hard to reach on this board and are usually the first to be remapped.
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
I have a 5-button mouse, but I didn’t even change any of the mouse keybinds.
My keybinds are:
Weapon skills : 1 2 3 4 5
Heal: alt+1
Utilities: ctrl+1 ctrl+2 ctrl+3
Elite: ctrl+4
Tool Belt: alt+2(healing toolbelt skill) shift+1 shift+2 shift+3
in Engineer
Posted by: polarity.8906
Binding your abilities such that you have to take your fingers off the movement keys to use them severely limits your ability to kite effectively.
in Engineer
Posted by: PokeyPenguin.6178
This baby has seen me threw the past 15 years of my gaming life, nothing better.
(edited by PokeyPenguin.6178)
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
It never hinders me at all, I steer with the mouse, and I never take a finger off W(unless I switch to autorun)
in Engineer
Posted by: gurugeorge.9857
Christ almighty, has nobody ever heard of “keybinds”? Sure, it’s a nice treat to have a fancy schmancy mouse, but any standard 4 button mouse nowadays is quite sufficient, in combination with figuring out some non-default keybinds (using keys like Q, E, R, F, G, Z, X, C, V, plus utilizing shift variants of these as well as numbers 1-5 for common tasks). For instance, I have my weapon switching key as Z, and for Engineer I have my kits on C and V. Easy as pie.
in Engineer
Posted by: Vyniea.2054
I don’t have a single problem with the class and I use the default keybinds and a normal mouse.
in Engineer
Posted by: Weirwynn.2390
I have both Naga and g700 from Logitech, G700 is way better to handle with, naga was to small and had problems with the mouse buttons which klicks twice when i klick once, after one year.
I prefer G700
This. Logitech just makes better mice.
Also, I think the OP is assuming everyone uses grenades. For grenade spam, yes, you really do want to have something on your right hand to throw them while maintaining full movement with your left—preferably something for basic grenades you can press with your index finger, in my opinion. Can you kite without it? Sure, I did it for 40-odd levels before I got around to changing it, but I was NOT comfortable doing so.
in Engineer
Posted by: HalmRage.2458
Yeah like everyone else said I just rebound my keys.
-Shift+Q , Shift+E, Shift+R,Shift+T for my tool belt skills
-Q, E, R,T for my utility skills and middle mouse button for my elite skill.
-Changed A and D to strafe left and right from turn left and right.
-I left the weapon swap and 1-5 skills the same.
in Engineer
Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583
The ad bots have gotten smarter. SkyNet must not be too far off…
(This message was typed on a Dell POS Keyboard. POS, for when you’re just too dam lazy to get a better keyboard.)
in Engineer
Posted by: PokeyPenguin.6178
The ad bots have gotten smarter. SkyNet must not be too far off…
(This message was typed on a Dell POS Keyboard. POS, for when you’re just too dam lazy to get a better keyboard.)
Microsoft will consume you, Fear us!….please?
in Engineer
Posted by: Nepocrates.3642
Funny my naga is just an expensive dust collector. only thing i really liked about it was the ability to change resolution on the fly. Sometime I want a fast mouse, sometimes a more accurate one. The naga was not my best purchase.
in Engineer
Posted by: aflarge.1439
I just got a G700 for my home computer, and I have to say.. Logitech is quite good at making mice.
The other mouse, which is one I’ve had for..I’m not even sure how long(somewhere between 5 and 10 years) is the MX518. The only reason I’m even replacing it now is because the plastic on the bottom has worn away a bit, and the leftover adhesive is starting to get problematic.
in Engineer
Posted by: SoularPower.9278
Few solutions.
Naga ELITE – better grips than standard naga for some hands
Combine this with the Logitech G13for your left hand
Problem solved, Been using this combo for years now and it is great in every game, every genre, except perhaps racing games.
I don’t really like the G700 that much, but I’ve been using the naga for years now.
The benefit of the G13 is that you have 22 buttons available to bind, you can bind one of them to shift, giving you 21×2 = 42 buttons. Not to mention all of your movement you do with your thumb joystick. Yes, it took a month to become proficient, but now I can hardly play with a standard keyboard and I fear the day they stop producing the G13.
(edited by SoularPower.9278)
in Engineer
Posted by: bwillb.2165
I’m using an old g5 I got for free, and I’m doing just fine on engineer… F1 is on a thumb button for self heal, other thumb button is dodge, z x and c are utility, v is elite…
in Engineer
Posted by: Gillysan.1962
G700 pretty much on default.
Disabled the ring finger button on top, I just can’t deal with it.
Mouse wheel click for dodge.
Mouse 4 ‘swap weapons’ for other classes.
OK, now if you don’t want a fancy mouse, here is my suggestion going back 12+ years.
Left hand is for controlling movement, right is camera and…
Create second binds for 1 – 10 using the numpad. Took me awhile but I completely ignore the actual numbers on the numpad, set it to 1 – 3 along the top starting with num7, etc. You can rebind all the keys on the numpad to suit your evil purposes, I used to redo every single one of them.
in Engineer
Posted by: TimeBomb.3427
I love my G600.
in Engineer
Posted by: Blackfire.8793
I use f1 f2 and f3 as Q, E, and F. I move F to C.
Not i have my major toolbelt skills at close reach.
There are more major design problems with the engineer then its layout.
in Engineer
Posted by: Sporadicus.1028
If you place all of your abilities on the bottom row (Z X C V) with your Elite skill somewhere else (I usually use . . . uhm. . . R), then you can use control and those keys as my toolbelt skill.
That places most of my skills within reach of my left hand.
I also use a G500 Logitech mouse . . . which I need to program to help myself out sooner or later. Meh.
in Engineer
Posted by: SkyTiger.1954
I use WASD for forwards, backwards, strafing left to right.
Abilities are bound to: Q, E, R, F, C, shift+Q-C and 1-5.
I don’t need an overpriced mouse to be able to play my class.
in Engineer
Posted by: Yozbick.9521
I use the Razer Death Adder. I used to have a Logitech, but the I ran into problems with the cord where it enters the mouse. It kept disconnecting during play (something I later found out is common with Logitech’s thin cords).
As to Engineers, I couldn’t imagine playing one without the ability to switch kits using my thumb buttons. I have my Grenade and Bomb kits mapped to the 3 and 4 buttons.
This is great in combat, but really nice during travel because I can easily swap kits and keep up a 33% speed boost via Speedy Kits. It’s not quite as good as having a mount, but it’s the best I can hope for in GW2 right now.
in Engineer
Posted by: Quartz.3462
I think the razer Naga is overkill. I prefer my G700 but I’d like to try the Naga Hex as that seems to be a good amount of buttons if they’re bigger than the naga. I hate tiny buttons. But I have to agree that a gaming mouse really does in PvP. Engineer does have to use their utilities more often than other professions as they need to swap kits.
in Engineer
Posted by: Nyota.7062
I play with a naga, too, but I managed with a 5 bucks 5 button mouse before, as well.
It’s certainly not essential to this class and GW2 features very few keybinds anyway (I think I got less than 20, as opposed to 50+ in swtor). There are so many binds availabe from WASD, if you use modifiers, even more when you make the shift to the right (e.g. TFGH), it’s just a matter of getting used to something and establishing some kind of layout logic (I bind my heals/interrupts/ccs/stealth/autoattacks/nukes/etc as similar as possible across games).
Biggest problem with razer products is the ridiculously poor workmanship of the mice. I had 3 Deathadders break on me over the course of a single year (returning them until I lost my receipt for the 3rd :/) – and I used them in a totally normal way. I only use my naga still, because I am too lazy to change my habits.
Wouldn’t recommend.
in Engineer
Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693
Huh, I’ve been playing just fine with a standard mouse.
in Engineer
Posted by: Corpus.5347
I dont need a over priced mouse to be able to fully utilize all of my skills. GW2 is one mmo where ive had the fewest keybinds.
Movement – ESDF
1-5: QWRTA
6789-: 1GHC
Weapon swap: Z
f1-4: 2345
I use my mb 5 for loot, mb 4 for autorun, ztrl mb5 for about face, and a few other things here and there. I can easily have room for a couple more skill bars using modifiers. You just have to be smart about your binds.
in Engineer
Posted by: spayced.2016
For my keybinds:
7 8 9 0 are Z X C F (I used this config with guild wars 1 so it has to stay)
F1 F2 F3 F4 are now Shift, Q, Mouse3, V
switched F with E
Like others are saying with the right config and some practice you shouldn’t feel strained.
in Engineer
Posted by: Tanqueray.4837
Anyone recommend a mouse for us lefties? Every one I’ve seen so far is RH
in Engineer
Posted by: Dojo.1867
Only playing with 2 thumb buttons and on a laptop and I do juts fine:
Toolbelts: 1-4
Weapon Skills: Q,E,R,M4,M5
Utilities: X,C,V
Heal: T
Elite: Z
No I do not have to break my fingers. Only annoying thing is walking + grenade spam.
in Engineer
Posted by: matiez.6498
I love my G600
Same! I use all the buttons for menus, call target, and take target. For the keyboard I use Taugrims keybinds. They work really well once you get used to using both mouse buttons to move forward. Makes it really difficult moving back to FPS, though.
in Engineer
Posted by: Rev.7804
I have a Naga that I use on my desktop when I play. Its decent, but definitely not essential. When I play on my laptop I use a 3 button mouse.
What I would really love to find would be a mouse that has a D-pad for the thumb. Then I could have all the movemnt controlled with my right hand, freeing up my left for hotkeys.
I haven’t found any after doing google searches except for a pretty cheap looking one imported from china by a company called Sandio for $80.
Anyone have any other suggestions?
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