Few general questions about Engineer

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


With the upcoming changes and my dearly beloved guardian being pushed further into the role of support for the zerg, I decided that I’d rather bench him and roll my lvl 20 engineer as a main. My reservations coming mostly from everyone saying that Engis have low condition cleansing and I want to ask, just how low? Also does Engi have any other tools to compensate for that low condition cleanse and mitigate the incoming kitten storm of conditions that the post patch meta is going to turn to?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Lucey.1452


Engineers have one of the best party wide condition cleanses in the game, coming from healing turret. Basically lay down the turret and overcharge it to remove 2 cond from everyone in a large circle. Also it’s a huge water field that you can blast for AoE heals. Beyond that elixer C will convert conditions to boons. The toolbelt skill of Elixer R removes all conditions and acts as an aoe revive (although with a huge CD). You can also trait into Alchemy X – Cleaning Formula 409, which causes elixers to remove an additional condition. And the 15 trait point trait in alchemy causes incoming conditions to convert to boons (15s CD). There are a lot of ways an engineer can mitigate conditions, you just have to know what and to trait into them.

Professional Bag Farmer and Under Bridge Resider

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


Alright I think that settles it then, thanks a million.

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Engineers have low condition removal in PvP/WvW roaming builds. No one can really afford to take elixir C into a tournament.

If you’re in a group and just chucking nades or maybe frontlining with bombs, you’ll be fine. If you’re planning on being a solo artist then yes, you’ll be as vulnerable to conditions as a roaming guard.

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Arlette.9684


So in a Engi vs Necro fight it comes down to who blows up who first?

Moira Dreamweaver lvl 80 Guardian [TG], Sky Mira lvl 80 Ranger [TG]
Isle of Janthir
All is Vain

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

So in a Engi vs Necro fight it comes down to who blows up who first?

Meta condi necro has S/D + Staff, which contains 2 condition transferring skills. If the necro and engi on the same skill level, the necro should win simply due to this, and the fact that Terror is VERY strong vs engis due to lack of decent stability/stunbreaks.

Engi has good short cast blinds (Instant on FT, near instant on pistol, near instant with nades at 0 range) that can be used to blind the condi transfer (Dodge also works :P), but you have to know when the necro is probably going to use it.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


So yes, Arlette, to answer your question, we are indeed very lacking in condition cleanses. Lucey laid out all the options. Healing turret, which requires multiple button presses to remove 2 conditions every 20s.

Elixir C, our only actual full cleanse has a hefty cool down of 40s.

Elixir R has a good cleanse as a secondary mechanic, but it has a ridiculous col down to use it for conditions at 120s, and you are forced to ground target it.

transmute isn’t bad as a 15 point minor trait investment.

cleansing formula 409 only works with a 20 point investment AND a utility skill investment in a very specific utility set, and to be totally honest, it offers you limited option for damage.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


So in a Engi vs Necro fight it comes down to who blows up who first?

condi necros have a huge advantage. it’s very, very rare an engi beats a condi necro unless the necro has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. power necros are a different story. the engineer usually comes out on top. and mm necros are just easy.

engis probably have the least amount of condi removal out of all the meta pvp builds. plus our only source of condition removal is tied to our heal. it’s a good thing engis are really, really, really strong otherwise it would probably be an issue like warriors before cleansing ire + berserker stance.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: STIMjim.7405


If I’m not mistaken Elixir gun #5 removes 1 condition in its blast radius.

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Raiff.6742


This all reminds me of when retaliation was the big skill to have. Lol. Too funny.

Few general questions about Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Transmute + HT is enough for me, I miss my condition mini pupation from Necro but engi has sustainability. Also I usually play a power burst build so I can beat necros. As a condi engineer you should almost always elide to a Necro that’s even awake.