Fix Static Discharge [Merged]
I guess they never will fix this.
When using non-targeted Toolbelt skills, Static Discharge often shoots into the ground. Such critical issue, much less DPS, wow.
I bet this will never be fixed. I don’t plan on buying gems with $$$ until this and the Aviator’s Memory Box + Gliding issues are fixed.
Why buy fun stuff if ANet won’t fix them when they break?
SD was always my favorite build too… With the option of SD Scrapper with lightning everywhere and a massive wrench mace swinging back and forth, they need to fix this… LIKE RIGHT kittenING MEOW!
Is it just me or has SD been nerfed? I’ve tried a full zerker SD build for PvP and I just can’t kill fast enough for how squishy I am. Its really disappointing imo. Unless my build just sucks. Dunno
There are a few ways you can get around how buggy and terrible it is… When using non-targeted skills, the SD will always go in the direction your camera is facing. So you can toggle on action camera mode and sorta point your cross-hair at mobs or w/e.
But still, it really needs fixing. Like, really.
just a psa, you can aim static discharge with the action camera now, not that its any help, running any build that is legit will barely hit 800-900 crits and isnt worth you using the toolbelt skill to deal damage with making surprise shot still the best skill to use sd with.
If they made seprate damage values for each toolbelt skill when using SD and made it proc the moment you hit the button then it might be viableish to take when using the action cam but otherwise its not really viable outside the traditional sd skills we currently take