Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

[Rocket Boots]
The current version has self-cc, making the skill bad
What it should be like (
Like savage leap but , nearby enemies are knocked down 1 sec on activation and knocked back in the area you land in (Range 1200 Aoe 180)
[Uses]: Initiate/Escape from a fight, activation blast finisher, landing leap finisher
[Changes to other gadgets]
Slick Shoes: break stun (3rd gadget stun breaker) cooldown 45 sec
Personal Battering Ram: 12 sec cooldown and reflects projectiles
Throw mine: Main mine and toolbelt mine explosion radius 220
Utility Goggles: lets you and your turrets see stealthed enemies/traps for 10s 900 AoE (Looks like detective vision from Arkham Asylum, they remain invisible to your allies)

[Gadget Trait ideas]
Mutagen Infusion: Using a gadget cures 1 condition + 1 condi per 20% missing hp

Thumper Turret: toolbelt stun breaker, health/toughness on par w/ ursine pets (Full turret builds lack stun breakers)
Rifle Turret: hp/tough on par w/ cat pet
Flame Turret: hp/tough on par w/ drake pets, Throw napalm cooldown 20s
Rocket Turret: reduce toolbelt CD to 10, hp/tough on par w/ cat pets
Healing Turret: hp/tough on par w/ cat pets, overcharge applies on current pulse
[Weaker Skills]
Flamethrower [Napalm]: removes 1 boon on enemy per sec
[Flame Jet] can be manually cancelled by pressing again (retaliation hurts)
Elixir X: grant condition immunity for 6 sec (transforms suck)
Mortar: Change into a 1 sec CD kit, does not trigger rune of lyssa
Elixir Gun [Healing Mist]: make a stun breaker (full kit builds lack stun breakers)

Acidic Elixirs: When you throw an elixir it creates a 200 AoE combo field based on the elixir thrown (H water field, C light field, S lightning field, B fire field)
Leg Mods: Increased distance covered when dodging to 500
Juggernaut: Bonus toughness applies to bomb/tool kit, might gain on elixir gun
Kit Refinement: Global Cooldown Removed, 10 sec individual cooldown
Scope: increased weapon auto attack range, bombs unblockable, no change on nades
Acidic Coating: 20% to trigger vs all attackers
Shrapnel: also affects rifle auto attack and offhand pistol
Empowering Adrenaline: Negative effect from quickness is removed
Accelerant-Packed Turrets: Turrets gain 5 sec quickness when overcharged
Stabilized Armor: 5% reduced damage taken from ground target abilities
Rifled Barrel Turrets: Turrets gain 15% of your stats
Deadly Mixture- Condi and boon duration +10% while in flamethrower or elixir gun
Performance Enhancement: healing power boosted when below 50% hp
Adrenal Implant: also makes quickness last 2 sec longer from all sources
Always Prepared: Drop a Big O’l Bomb when you are downed
Evasive Powder Keg: Drop a Mine (throw mine) when you evade (cooldown 15 sec)
Reserve Mines: replaced by Autodefense Bomb Dispenser, cooldown 30 sec
EOD: Replaces ABDs spot, dmg taken reduced by 10% when dealer is 600units or closer
Armor Mods: Gain 3 sec of retal and prot when you deal or receive crit dmg (CD 12s)

1-Rocket Boots should be made like savage leap but it knocks down on activation around u and when you land. Range 1200 Aoe 180
2-Slick Shoes breaks stun, Utility Goggles reveal stealth to yourself and turrets, PBR has lower CD, More gadget condi removal
3- Turrets health/toughness on par w/ some ranger pets, Shockwave breaks stuns
4- Make elixir gun toolbelt skill a stun breaker, improved flamethrower and Elites
5-Clean up garbage traits


There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

(edited by Super Riceman.8702)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: emikochan.8504


If you use another stun break it cancels the knockback


Welcome to my world –

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Monadproxy.3489


stability also stops the kb and you will break imobolize.(can’t get stuned with stability)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Don’t take the above smarta$$ remarks to heart.

It just that ever since release a good amount of ppl have complained about Rocket Boots because they knock you down and there has been dozens of new ideas and fix it threads.
There has also been nothing said at all about the Rocket Boots skill and whether it is even a consideration of the Devs.

The same goes for the Knockback on Overcharged Shot and the delay and clunkyness of Jump Shot.

Your idea sounds awesome and if balanced right it could be sort of the Engineer’s version of RTL. One thing Engineers really lack are quick & fluid openers/closers, which is something most other professions seems to have an abundance of.

Dawn of War 2 is a sweet game btw.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: emikochan.8504


Hey let us have some fun :p It’s kinda moot anyway, just waiting on patchday over here to see what’s changed (nerfed) :p

Welcome to my world –

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


one of these should do the trick:

- knock the opponent down as well, before you jump

- not knock yourself down at all, just jump back like using EG #4

Dream scenario:
- knock the opponent down AND not knock yourself down!

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Victoitor.2917


Rocket boots is funny. It sucks because of the knockback and even the downside sucks even more because it DOES NOT trigger protection injection trait. What the hell then?

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


I think everyone should be encouraged to share their ideas.
There is also not a single thing a person can say about ppl posting ideas, theories or complaints in forums for one simple fact:

Flame Blast can be detonated in the air after firing

If you were to go back through forum history it would be hard not to agree that that specific fix to the Flamethrower Kit came directly out of forum discussions.
(one example of many I am sure)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


If you use another stun break it cancels the knockback


So two stun breaks just to use one skill? I would call it ingenious if my skill bar wasn’t limited.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: bettadenu.5483


I like this idea, it should be a 900-1200 range jump that blast finisher where you start and knockdown/knockback people where you land.


Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


If you use another stun break it cancels the knockback


Nope still there the only difference is all of the other classes enjoy a nonRNG nonclumsy set of abilities that keep them safe. I agree with OP the time for the cutsie stuff is over. This was originally a soldier class, it’s time they treated it with respect and made it what it should be. If they wanna keep it in adventurer status (leather) then they need to revamp the entire set of abilities to reflect that.

I don’t think it’s at all asking for too much that they revamp it if they plan on keeping it an adventurer class so that it can do burst dps, not slow itself down, and actually effectively have some kind of condition damage rather then the sorry state that it’s in now (in PVE specifically).

It’s not as nerfed as it was before but there’s still a large large number of problems that I don’t think anyone will ever get to if we don’t keep the requests for honesty coming in.

kittendowns from jumps, turning rocketjump into a foward attack knockback, turning the potions into single effects and not RNG effects, making the rifle either a shotgun or a sniper rifle but not both is a fantastic idea that I’ve never even see them comment on due to filters put on the AMA.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Rocket Boots are why Elixirs are far superior to Gadgets.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: UserNameDeluxe.4693


I thought elixirs were better than gadgets because elixirs actually get trait support and can be augmented to do interesting and useful things.

Also, yes. Rocket boots should be like jump shot, except with 1,200 range and either burn on knock enemies down on landing.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Alpha.1308


all i read:
Mortar to kit
having another kit would be useful for traits,also allowing us to bring a USEFUL utility instead of wasting it on throwing in a random flamethrower or grenade kit JUST so that we have SOME kind of weapon swap,aswell as giving the awful elite a way to be mobile,(and having an actually USABLE elite)
just up the cooldowns and/or rework numbers (especially Launch Elixir,good idea,ridiculous numbers for an elite [unless it was a kit with current numbers])
and make on-elite procs just do the same that it does for Flesh Golem,only work once every 30 or 60 seconds or w/e it is
just give the kit a 1 1/2 cast time to set it up or something so we don’t have an on-demand Lyssa and gg…

(edited by Alpha.1308)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Kazza.9720


Connect the 5 Gadgets to a Gadgetkit and give this kit a strong toolbelt-skill would be a funny thing, but it could be a little bit overpowered

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Toeofdoom.6152


Trying to make gadgets “smooth” is missing the point. These aren’t your super spy gadgets of magically doing exactly what you wanted.

The rocket boots were cobbled together in a basement out of whatever was at hand which would burn in some sort of vaguely controlled runaway explosion. The fact that it works at all baffles pretty much everyone but on the other hand no sane person would put that much BOOM in one spot.

So what does it need? A giant trail of thick smoke^ and a bunch of fragments^^ – most likely of the boots themselves – flying out to punish whoever got right up in your face. For the next couple of seconds they’ll be swinging wildly… before coming back to find that genius who thought up “A volcano in a can”.

^Possible combo field, but not giving instant stealth. The field wouldn’t significantly increase overall blindness/stealth abilities from what I can tell.
^^Not intended to be used like 100 nades, but punishing closer players fits the ability.

(edited by Toeofdoom.6152)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilix.2170


a) AOE Knockback just like Throw Mine
b)Rocket Boots makes you do a really really cool backflip that would make every thief so jealous, that they’d buy it from you right after we get nerfed down to Merchants.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Raestloz.7134


Trying to make gadgets “smooth” is missing the point. These aren’t your super spy gadgets of magically doing exactly what you wanted.

Wearing a goggle instantly breaks you free from stun, which logically would’ve prevented you from trying to equip the goggle in the first place. Truly, gadgets are fascinating bunch that can leap onto your face by itself, and as such your argument has been destroyed by Rocket Boots

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Toeofdoom.6152


Wearing a goggle instantly breaks you free from stun, which logically would’ve prevented you from trying to equip the goggle in the first place. Truly, gadgets are fascinating bunch that can leap onto your face by itself, and as such your argument has been destroyed by Rocket Boots

Wearing goggles is no different from any other break stun – kinda breaks the whole “stun” concept. In this case they take the dubiously useful form that comes with nearly zero further defensive value and so frequently fail to do more than embarrass you. Smooth.

Outside the “flavour” bits, I see rocket boots as more useful vs melee while the goggles are better vs long ranged attackers who probably won’t stun you again yet have many sources of blindness.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Rocket Boots are why Elixirs are far superior to Gadgets.

And the elixir traits
And the shorter cooldowns

The devs got Rocket Boots right the first time. It’s just that they put it on the EG and called it Acid Bomb. Amiright?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


I’ve found one place in the game where rocket boots are mildly useful, which is in the swamp fractal. I haven’t got trait points for 409, and if you’re reskilling for wisp running you have 0 other condition removal skills other than elixer c that you can use without kit swapping.

With rocket boots, if you get crippled you can face away from the wisps and then fire it off to cure your immobilize. There’s still 2 huge downsides – sometimes you will rocket backwards into another trap or into a wall, and other times you might try to use it as a stunbreaker and rocket yourself backwards away from the wisps instead (sometimes again into another trap)Still, it’s the only choice you’ve got otherwise. Course if you are a human you can at least bring your racial condition removal skill, I’m sylvari so I’m a bit screwed in that department.

(edited by icewyrm.5038)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Clip.6845


The worst thing about RB is, it doesnt make you immune to immobilize, so when an enemy applies it again mid-air, you basically just stunned yourself without moving out of range. It would be a great skill if it garanteed a 1500 range distance no matter what happens after you activate it. That way I wouldn’t mind the selfstun.

80’s: Engineer/Warrior/Necromancer/Mesmer/Thief/Elementalist/Guardian [Seafarer’s Rest]

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Rocket Boots just needs to function similar to Mesmer’s Blink and Ele’s Lightning flash, just with an animation rather than instant teleport. Remove the stun, make it ground targeted and 600 or 900 range, call it good.

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


The worst thing about RB is, it doesnt make you immune to immobilize, so when an enemy applies it again mid-air, you basically just stunned yourself without moving out of range. It would be a great skill if it garanteed a 1500 range distance no matter what happens after you activate it. That way I wouldn’t mind the selfstun.

yup, a stunbreaker that knocks you down when you use it, should at least be reliable enough to ALWAYS move you the full distance, no matter what.

And they could add something like a small cripple, immobilize or knockdown to the nearest opponent.
That would make it more usefull in an offensive way too. As well as giving you time to get up…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Downed skill #2 should be changed to Drink Elixir S to match Vapor Form.
Self-Regulating Defenses should be changed to Super Elixir of something.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


I play engie in pvp predominately with gadgets .perhaps RB transferring up to two conditions to characters caught in the blast (think it would be quite cool transferring their stun /immobilize back at them)

Edit – tired post, made little sense.

(edited by manbullss.4309)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


This actually sounds awesome.
Rather then removing Immob, cripple or chill you could transfer it to the enemy and then blast away.
Given the selfstun you receive it would be very helpful if you had a chance to root your enemies for a second or two giving you time to recover.

Of course if it worked the way RB does now, which is blast you away before removing CC, so if you have CC you get blasted in place or half distance, then I still wouldn’t use it.

(edited by CriSPeH.8512)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


IMO the RNG would fit in perfectly too

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: drewtwo.8374


7-Scope- change to 3% crit chance per boon on target (easier to code than current form)

Scope: The further away your target is, the more damage you deal.

This would work similar to the Mesmer Greatsword Spatial Surge, providing the Engineer with an option to play a more ranged style of game. Just for the purposes of an example:

• 0-599 = Base damage

• 600+ = 50% increase

Or there could be more ranges with different damage values (tweaked to take into account all of the weapon skills Engineers have).

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Henge.3907


I think the tool belt skill for it should be like those 3 charr in CoF that slide into you send knock you back and hits hard, only replace the animation with a flying, flaming ninja kick that explodes on contact. I think just doing that would make it viable to use, even with the normal part launching you back

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Trying to make gadgets “smooth” is missing the point. These aren’t your super spy gadgets of magically doing exactly what you wanted.

The rocket boots were cobbled together in a basement out of whatever was at hand which would burn in some sort of vaguely controlled runaway explosion. The fact that it works at all baffles pretty much everyone but on the other hand no sane person would put that much BOOM in one spot.

So what does it need? A giant trail of thick smoke^ and a bunch of fragments^^ – most likely of the boots themselves – flying out to punish whoever got right up in your face. For the next couple of seconds they’ll be swinging wildly… before coming back to find that genius who thought up “A volcano in a can”.

^Possible combo field, but not giving instant stealth. The field wouldn’t significantly increase overall blindness/stealth abilities from what I can tell.
^^Not intended to be used like 100 nades, but punishing closer players fits the ability.

I like this idea. Keep the goofy knockback, but add a trail of shrapnel or something that cripples so that enemy players can’t immediately close right back in on you.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: drewtwo.8374


Traits don’t have to be of benefit to all skills a player has access to. Should 409 and HGH work with Gadgets too?

A trait called “Scope” should probably have at least something vaguely to do with using a scope (hence the whole ‘standing still’ thing). Adding Boon hate onto it just seems out of place.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Specterryu Quipter.8412

Specterryu Quipter.8412

Dream scenario:
- knock the opponent down AND not knock yourself down!

This would be awesome, I don’t think the devs will give us another knockdown though. We have a lot of CCs already. I’m fine with the EG animation suggestion.

Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live, as well as think.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: drewtwo.8374


I agree that Gadgets need some way to deal with conditions, personally I’d like to see a Grandmaster trait in the Tools line that gives passive condition removal every X seconds where X depends on the amount of Gadgets you have, but that wasn’t really what I was getting at. I was just pointing out that a trait doesn’t need to benefit all skills or play styles.

I also agree that the current version of Scope is just plain bad due to its use being incredibly limited (so the game is basically ‘tricking’ unaware players into spending 20 trait points into Tools, what was that about aiming to have no bad builds?) and it also happens to discourage players from using the best feature of GW2, movement!

Would I have a problem if they removed Scope in favour of a Boon Hate trait?

No. I don’t use or think Scope is good at the moment after all, just skip the “Scope” part and make it something completely different (e.g. Target the Strong ala Firearms Minor Traits). But I’m not sure on exactly the kind of anti-boon trait I’d like to see. There’s nothing wrong with the Critical Chance per Boon idea but it’s not very inspiring either.

There are so many traits I’d like to see removed, reworked or replaced due to being boring though so let’s not get into that discussion.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Toeofdoom.6152


What if scope gave you a guaranteed crit for standing still with a 15 second cooldown? Might need to require you to stand still for a second or 2 if that turns out extra powerful (pry bar, blunderbuss, grenades seem like good candidates)

I think gadgets have just one trait because they’re all meant to be situational. Nearly any trait beyond cooldown time works against that. In the right situation you can chuck a gadget in traited or not. A full gadget build is hoping for 3 specific situations at once.

Utility goggles could also block confusion and retaliation, extra useful while at range and engi tends to be one of the weakest classes vs. those.

The mine doesn’t really go well with the untraited plan – without explosive traits the radius is rather poor. Given those traits are primarily used for other things. I’d just unlink it.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: JubeiTM.5763


[Rocket Boots]
Utility Goggles: lets you and your turrets see stealthed enemies within 800 AoE

WOW! This!

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Toeofdoom.6152


It’s pretty easy to tweak power levels. The scope idea is not even remotely situational because it adds damage to every fight you’re in. Does require a bit of effort to use well.

Gadgets vs kits is tricky, but there are things gadgets should be able to do better – control effects, break stuns and compressing effects into a single ability being the main ones. They can still do that while being relatively specialised.

With the healing turret changes and no healing gadget, there’s a pretty obvious solution for general condition removal. I’d be up for other specific removals too, but can’t think of any that fit.

I wonder if PBR should give you stability… Hmmm.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


It’s so kitten frustrating that gadgets need 1/2 tweaks to become viable,
Slick shoes CD to 40 sec
Rocket boots snare removal working before the blast (or halved self stun)
And a trait that Provides mediocre condition removal for gadgets relatively deep in the tools tree

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


Wouldn’t it be cool if you used two gadgets within a certain timeframe if they comboed and nulled negative effects
slick/rocket = trail of fire and no stun (think ele)
Goggle/mine = stealth mines
PBR/mine = timed explosive on hit

This would be so awesome, but quite hard to implement

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

Wouldn’t it be cool if you used two gadgets within a certain timeframe if they comboed and nulled negative effects
slick/rocket = trail of fire and no stun (think ele)
Goggle/mine = stealth mines
PBR/mine = timed explosive on hit

This would be so awesome, but quite hard to implement

I wouldn’t require combo-ing two skills to remove the negative effects, right now the self knockdown is what keeps people from using rocket boots.

The Idea of combo-ing skills does sound cool but they need to fix whats wrong with the individual skills themselves.
The problems w/ gadgets are;
PBR- long cooldown
Rocket Boots- self CC
Utility Goggles- needs a niche in the stun breakers to be considered over the elixirs which is where the idea of seeing stealthed enemies came from
Slick Shoes- long cooldown, doesn’t break stun, an elixir or kit would be more useful
Mine- Both the utility and its toolbelt need a larger AoE to make area denial possible

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

(edited by Super Riceman.8702)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


Speedy gadgets should lower TB skills by 10% more
Analyze should apply weakness for 4/5 seconds
Slick shoes should remove soft CC
mine TB should be ground targetable
And rocket boots NEEDS to remove soft CC before being fired

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


and personally i think downed is fine, junk should always apply cripple and we are good to go

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: chungiee.8764


I love the Utility Goggles idea

Chungie – Aurora Glade (EU)
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Analyze should toss out a lot of non-damaging conditions: weakness, vulnerability, cripple, and confusion. Goggles should imbue fury and ret. This would make Goggles worthwhile taking it over an elixir.

Boots toolbelt is great. But their core functionality has a self-cc. Just why?

Agreed, Slick Shoes should remove soft cc and last 1s longer.

Mines should drop in a spread around the player, not so randomly. Also, their radius needs to be bigger.

PBR needs a redesign. It’s so lackluster. Not a blast finisher? Does anyone ever take this?

Generally gadgets needs shorter cooldowns all around. If they get buffed in some way then I can see the longer CDs but as it is, why would you take a gadget over an elixir or kit?

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Spart.6578


[Weaker Skill/ Traits]
Juggernaut: Bonus toughness also applies to bomb kit/tool kit, might gain on elixir gun

As someone who uses bomb kit as a main kit right now, I’d have to say that would be a huge trait investment to get toughness there. It would be far more viable to grab 20 in inventions if you really needed that extra toughness. If they made a GM trait for bombs that would be awesome, but investing 30 in firearms for 200 toughness wouldn’t really be worth it.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

[Weaker Skill/ Traits]
Juggernaut: Bonus toughness also applies to bomb kit/tool kit, might gain on elixir gun

As someone who uses bomb kit as a main kit right now, I’d have to say that would be a huge trait investment to get toughness there. It would be far more viable to grab 20 in inventions if you really needed that extra toughness. If they made a GM trait for bombs that would be awesome, but investing 30 in firearms for 200 toughness wouldn’t really be worth it.

It wouldn’t really be meant for people who main bomb kit, its so that Juggernaut can have application outside of flamethrower builds.
It means you can use juggernaut in a multikit build, nonhealing bomb build, etc.

I agree that it would be more useful for 20 pts in inventions but its meant to make the trait more versatile not specialized

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyon.9735


The first problem I see with gadgets as a whole are their insanely long cooldowns and they lack upside in using them. It’s rare to see people using more than 1 gadget in any area of the game be it PVP/PVE/WvW because you’d rather go with 3 kits than 2 gadgets in your utility slots.

RB – has self CC and you can get immobilized again mid-air. Can’t we make it targeted like Ele or Mesmer’s teleport skills except it’s not instant?
Utility Goggles – has a very long cooldown for a stun breaker that gives you 10s(default) of fury and immunity to blindness.
Throw Mine – has a short CD but I can’t see much of an upside to it aside from using it as a Blast Finisher.

Like TS said, we should get more upside in using gadgets like removing conditions and stuff. I’m hoping one day I can play my engineer using 3 gadgets and be effective.

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: manbullss.4309


because of the control they offer gadgets are inherently better than elixirs, i think if they had the same amount of traits gadgets would be vastly superior, A-net may be scared of flatout buffing them for this reason

Or thay may think nothing is wrong in which case they are F- A -G- G- O- T S

Fixes for Rocket Boots/Skills/Traits

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

Reserve Mines and Autodefense Bomb Dispenser are bad traits.

Reserve Mines is bad because; its effect will not save you at 25% health since the mines have a weak effect and there proximity is so small the enemy has to intentionally step on them to activate them.

Autodefense Bomb Dispenser is not a bad idea but spending 30pts just to get it is

ABD should replace Reserve Mines’ spot as the 15pt trait since it is more useful and would give defense to a dmg tree without requiring 30pts. Then they can replace the vacant grandmaster spot with a better and more versatile trait.
[EOD]: Replaces ABD’s spot, dmg is taken reduced by 10% when the dealer is within 600 units or closer.

Unlike many of our grandmaster traits, this does not just benefit one skill or skill type.
Any of the engi skills can be utilized in close range so more than one playstyle would benefit from spending 30 pts in explosives. It means that not all who spend 30pts in explosives are grenadiers. It would help make up for the pts not spent in inventions or alchemy that would give you utility and defense.
There is also an element of counterplay, enemies can negate the benefit by kiting or cc-ing the engi

Shrapnel is a bad trait because it benefits a select few skills and still is not worth picking up over something like incendiary power.
It should boost bleed durations for rifles and pistols so that it affects more than 2 kits

Empowering Adrenaline is bad because the bonus requires you to waste dodges and nobody picks it up.
Removing negative effects from quickness would mean that there would be more uses for Elixir U since it no longer puts the engi in danger.

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

(edited by Super Riceman.8702)