(edited by Jarin Arenos.2736)
My engineer has been shelved for a bit, as much from distraction by other classes as any past nerfing. But I’d really like to get back into it. As a fan of flamethrower (BURN IT ALL), I’m looking for some recommendations on playstyle and spec/gear/runes while leveling. My current stat baseline is 20 firearms (fireforged trigger) and 20 alchemy (deadly mixture + fast acting elixirs for more U and B ).
I’m not sure where to go from here, or even if those alchemy points are worth it. Is 15% damage and some useful utility talents worth the exchange of 200 power from explosives (noting that the talents are mostly useless there)?
Edit: Stupid emoticons.
(edited by Jarin Arenos.2736)
The burn durration trait is really not that effective since flamethrower burn is only 1 sec and will only tick 1 time even with 20% extra durration unless you apply another burn before it runs out.
You can use the flamethrower toolbelt skill to do that but it is on a waaaay to long cooldown. This is why I’d add 10 points in Explosives for burn on crit and forget about the 20% extra burn durration (cooldown reduction is more usefull here).Also the 5% thoughness into power trait is kinda bad. To get 100 power will you need 2000 toughness, and building that much grants you little defence for every point.
Yes I know toughness scale better with healing skills than vitality, but it have no defence against conditions, and you need that if you only have 1 condition remover.
this is a pve build so 20% on ft cooldown reduction is only useful for napalm the 3/5 skills are very very situational and flame blast is only effective from max range(and have a short cd anyway) so its counterproductive to a 1 spam ft build.
you have a lot of ways to apply burn via rune of flame legion/fire,napalm,,incendiary ammo(toolbelt) and flame jet from my experience its a 70/80% uptime on burn before you start a new cycle with cd`s ,this is not a build to max out your burn capabilities.
as for the rifle its there not to min/man your dmg its only function is to go in&out from melee range with gap openers (and add cc) when you need to,switch back to ft flame blast run in napalm and 1 spam.
i do agree the 20% on burn is useless this is a very old build(converted from burning engineer build) i would take more rifle range or 10% rifle dmg now (its from my build bank should have looked before i posted).
i like to take 10 points in inventions not really for the 5% convert to power it only gives me (and i run with 1300 toughness mostly,1500 with ft on) 60/75 more power its for the extra healing/toughness/power ®en dunno for me all of this combined is more then 100 power ,10% expertise(useless), a bomb at dodge( kinda useless) and a 2sec burn with icd that gets applied every 8sec or so.
they are both solid its a personal preference even kit refinement is a solid choice.
anyway for op ft builds are mid tier builds at best now, if you ask me i wouldn’t run any build go for nads/bombs they are way better for leveling.
For flametrhower would I build Hybrid dmg,
take 10,30,0,30,0 with Burn on crit in the first line.
Vulnrability on crit, flamethrower recharge and might while having flamethrower in the Firearm line
Then take Elexir recharge rate, elexirs remove conditions, and 15% dmg boost for flamethrower.
For runes use runes that grant boon durration (or might durration).
Utilities should be Flamethrower + Elexir B and Elexir R. Healing skill should be Elexir H.
Try getting at least 30% crit rate (boosted to 50% with fury from elexir B ). This way your’ll crit a lot every time you attack, apply your on-crit conditions sutch as bleed (5 points in Firearms), Burn (flamethrowe’s burn alone is to short), and Vulnrability.
For weapons most of them works, but I would recomend Pistol + shield since the shield grants lots of utility when used right. 2 weapons also lets you use 2 sigils instead of 1 on the rifle. For that I’d take Superior sigil of Earth for the added condition dmg (you deal lots of crits so it will proc often)
Now the enemy should bleed, burn and be vulnrable all the time while you attack them and that will grant you additional 5% dmg from 25 points in firearm, if you use Superiour runes of Strength will you also get 5% dmg from having might on.
Remember that your toolbelt elexir skills and elexir utility skills remove conditions, this means you have 6 condition removes on short cooldown (we traited for that ).
P.S: Stay away from water.
P.S: Stay away from water.
Not true, I don’t use grenades at all except underwater where you don’t have to manually target them. They rock.
P.S: Stay away from water.
Not true, I don’t use grenades at all except underwater where you don’t have to manually target them. They rock.
The thread is about a Flmaethrower build.
Flamethrowers don’t work underwater (for reasons not difficult to deduce)
What do grenades have to do with anything here?
Flamethrowers don’t work underwater (for reasons not difficult to deduce)
What is this easily deducted reason?
I am going to deeply how your not going to use some physics or chemistry to explain the rules of a fantasy game in which I can use a bomb to become invisible, use a rifle to launch myself. Throw grenades further then my rifle can shoot, rain a meteor shower down with a staff, shoot three rows of flames from my daggers, ect.
Now please, what is your justification as to why we should lose access to this or any skill in the water or any other environment?
P.S: Stay away from water.
Not true, I don’t use grenades at all except underwater where you don’t have to manually target them. They rock.
The thread is about a Flmaethrower build.
Flamethrowers don’t work underwater (for reasons not difficult to deduce)
What do grenades have to do with anything here?
dude really?
you applying that real world logic needs to be or is present in a fantasy game?
so the reasons are difficult to deduce,if they aren’t for you pl do tell me how can i apply burn to ppl underwater?yet i cant use my Flamethrower or flame turret because of some reasoning that fire/fuel underwater is silly?
someone on fire underwater isn’t silly?
its a bit off topic but we need access to all skills in every situation no reasoning can contradict that.
as for op i would go with what are said.
you can mix the 10 points in tools ,inventions or explosives.
in tools i take kit refinement,in inventions energized armor,in explosives incendiary powder.
i like this build
you will use ft most of the time and use the rifle only to snipe from range when you need.
*you can switch elixir c for w/e elixir you want i like it for the added boons(hgh mostly)/condition removal.
rune:fire or flame legion
(edited by cottage.3274)
The burn durration trait is really not that effective since flamethrower burn is only 1 sec and will only tick 1 time even with 20% extra durration unless you apply another burn before it runs out.
You can use the flamethrower toolbelt skill to do that but it is on a waaaay to long cooldown. This is why I’d add 10 points in Explosives for burn on crit and forget about the 20% extra burn durration (cooldown reduction is more usefull here).
Also the 5% thoughness into power trait is kinda bad. To get 100 power will you need 2000 toughness, and building that much grants you little defence for every point.
Yes I know toughness scale better with healing skills than vitality, but it have no defence against conditions, and you need that if you only have 1 condition remover.
I love my ft, the change to hit boxes seems to have helped greatly.
Flamethrowers don’t work underwater (for reasons not difficult to deduce)
I find it ridiculous. If fire-attuned elementalists get special underwater fire-based skills, what is so far fetched about the flamethrower being converted into a similar device for underwater usage?
Is the rifle worth giving up the second signet from dual wielding, then? May need more testing to see how the stat change interact with the kit now…
Flamethrowers don’t work underwater (for reasons not difficult to deduce)
I find it ridiculous. If fire-attuned elementalists get special underwater fire-based skills, what is so far fetched about the flamethrower being converted into a similar device for underwater usage?
It is not far fetched. It’s just that it’s easier to put an X on a utility skill rather than having an underwater version of it. However fire attunement skills for an ele seem necessary since it’s a fundamental mechanic of the class. And weapon skills =/= utility skills.
Maybe it’s in the works. Maybe not yet. Who knows.
Does this post actually have anything to do with February … ?
Does this post actually have anything to do with February … ?
Maybe OP pertains to upcoming pvp changes in feb. But I think no, not really. It’s just a catchy thread title. Expect “Mine Kits in March” next.
However fire attunement skills for an ele seem necessary since it’s a fundamental mechanic of the class. And weapon skills =/= utility skills.
Elementalist have attunements. We have kits. Those are two comparable and unique mechanics to the two professions. I do not understand how you can justify why you think its okay to penalise engineer in this mechanic and defend elementalist in it.
However fire attunement skills for an ele seem necessary since it’s a fundamental mechanic of the class. And weapon skills =/= utility skills.
Elementalist have attunements. We have kits. Those are two comparable and unique mechanics to the two professions. I do not understand how you can justify why you think its okay to penalise engineer in this mechanic and defend elementalist in it.
Well, Conjures are elementalist exclusive but do not have underwater versions, yes? When I said mechanic, i meant attunements for eles, and toolbelts for engineers. Kits of engies, similar to conjures of eles, are UTILITY skills.
I do not mean to flame and I do not think it is okay to penalise engineer for not having an underwater version for flamethrower. You are putting words in my mouth. I was just trying to make a justification on why flamethrower has no underwater version. Do you get my point?
Utility goggles are really good for easy mode dungeons. Utility goggles combined with Elixir B can give you a very long duration of fury which is required if you want high amounts of crit. Utility goggles give you stun break, which is very useful for mobs like scavengers. Scavengers are power only if you get knockdown but once you stun break, scavengers stand there helplessly. Utility goggle’s toolbelt skill gives ten stacks of vulnerability which is useful for group dps. Put vulnerability on the boss and your teammates kill the boss faster. At mob groups that has zero knockdowns, I usually spam elixir B and Utility goggles together. When I see scavengers, I use elixir B and then wait for the scavenger to knock me down before I use Utility goggles.
If you go into harder dungeons where dodging is required, replace it for Elixir R. It is a defensive stunbreak. It refills endurance and lets you res a downed ally.
For sigils, I use two sigil of strength for might stacking. You can easily reach 25 stacks of might just by attacking. I haven’t tried sigil of fraility but it might be good for party dps.
For Runes, I use Fire/hoelbrak/strength to increase might duration by 60% to maintain more mights. Instead of 7 stacks of might, I can maintain 10 stacks of might.
For weapons, it is better to use Pistol/pistol because of glue shot. Pistol/shield isn’t really good at all.
I use full Berserker armor and trinkets because I hardly take damage.
I do not mean to flame and I do not think it is okay to penalise engineer for not having an underwater version for flamethrower. You are putting words in my mouth. I was just trying to make a justification on why flamethrower has no underwater version. Do you get my point?
That is precisely my point. I feel that there is absolutely no justification for it.
I fail to see how I put words in your mouth. All i did was point out how you were trying to justify a very bad thing with the profession. Then you turn around and claim I am putting words in your mouth as you volunteer that you were just trying to justify it.
There is no justification for professions being directly and unnecessarily restricted in certain areas. As well, I find it hard to compare conjured weapons to kits when it comes to their value to their respective professions.
(edited by coglin.1496)
Ooh, I hadn’t considered the synergy of Net Shot and Napalm. That could be worth dropping my second signet right there. I’d just been running Air anyway; I think I can live without. What’s peoples’ opinion on elixirs/goggles for utility? I figure B is pretty much a given, being awesome and all, but U for ‘ohkitten’ burst damage? Goggles for extended fury?
As for the greater functionality of bombs/nades, I’m aware of it. I just don’t like the playstyle much. Flamethrower is fun enough that I’m willing to be a bit sub-optimal overall. I just want to optimize flamethrower itself.
What’s peoples’ opinion on elixirs/goggles for utility? I figure B is pretty much a given, being awesome and all, but U for ‘ohkitten’ burst damage? Goggles for extended fury?
my view is that goggles are not even an option in a ft build.
its all about might.
if you take juggernaut the synergy with 30 in alchemy is a no brainer (in non pyro tank builds) for the boons duration ,add to that the synergy with hgh.
to effectively utilize hgh you want as many elixirs as you can for the might.
you can get up to 20 stacks of might perma and spike to 25 here and there on a boss fight.
use Sigil of Strength rune of fire and you get 25 stacks perma as long as you use cd`s in a good timing.
fury uptime is good even without goggles,b is on a short cd long duration and if you go 30 in alchemy you get hidden flask in adept.
the tool belt have too long of a cd to make any difference outside of burst.
vulnerability its something to leave to professions/builds that can spam and stack it.
i recommended elixir c because he has the shortest use and toss cd , (after b and h you have s/r/u/c) but if utility is what you look for any of them can work.
i dislike elixir u and i think the haste doesn’t give much in pve and the toss is way to rng to use imo.
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