When I heard that forge was going to be the name for the elite spec, I thought that was a great idea. It follows the naming conventions of the other trait lines; that is, types of things that engineers create, not a title given to an engineer. Really the only tie-in to the lore of the engineer is that like the engineer itself, it started with the Charr and spread to the other races.
Allow me to explain:
For explosives, you have an engineer which specializes in making things which go boom. For firearms, you have an engineer who does things which have barrels and triggers, like pistols and rifles. Inventions deals with objects an engineer creates, like turrets, condition purging things, and things that make you move faster. Tools deals with things engineer uses to create, repair, and improve things; as such, most of the traits in that line deal with improving things you do anyway, like swapping kits and using toolbelt skills. Alchemy deals with elixirs, which purge and buff the body in many ways.
And then you have Scrapper, which in Guild Wars lore is a term used to describe a Charr warband which has been looked down on by Charr society; they go and perform menial labor. I think this whole idea that these Charr have turned this demeaning title into a badge of honor (as described in the PoI where the announced it). In real life society, a scrapper is someone who goes around, finding metal (scrap metal) and selling it. Neither of those titles fit into the theme of the trait line (which mostly deals with super speed and stun), nor do they follow the naming conventions set out by the other trait lines; a scrapper is a title, not something an engineer can create or use. Also in neither description is the definition of increased movement speed, hammers, or drones relevant.
The reason Forge would make a better name is because a forge is a place where metal is worked using hammers (which is the weapon the engineer gets), and things are created. In a forge, you’re using a hammer to work metal, creating things, and when you strike a hot piece of metal, sparks go flying. It just seems to me like it would be a better fit, given the traits in the line, and the new weapon granted to the engineer.
But maybe all that’s just me.