Fortified Turrets

Fortified Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Do fortified turrets block ANY siege?

I have not been able to get a legitimate test done.

Fortified Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Electro.4173


If it works like other reflection abilities (which I imagine it does, because coding different types of reflections would be strange), it will deflect the shot if the shot itself hits the shield directly. However, if the shot lands on the ground outside of the shield, then the shield won’t do anything, and you’ll still be hit with the AoE splash.

Given the size of the shield, you probably won’t be reflecting too much.

Fortified Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Hvaran.6327


it’s not.

Tested it few days ago against mortar and treb at least it didn’t worked out. But shots was hitting RIGHT into bubble, not near, not behind and not on a side.

Still need to test against omegas.

Handarand – Handacooon – Handa Panda – Handa Genie

Fortified Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuulpb.5412


The reflective shield doesn’t reflect a LOT of things that it should, I believe it to be bugged, such as every other reflect in the game stops the wurms in frostgorge boulders they spit, and yet this doesn’t, and I have tested all reflects, warrior shield, wall of reflection feedback etc etc, and they do, so why does this not. it’s EXTREMELY lack luster in this case and should be fixed. A.S.A.P

edit: just tried the magnetic inversion and the toss elixir u I think for wall of reflection, neither reflect, can you no-longer reflect the wurm things? my ele’s magnetixc aura can, yet engineers can’t.

Some days I feel like I can’t go on…. and then I eat Garlic.

(edited by Kuulpb.5412)

Fortified Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuulpb.5412


oh and it takes one second to activate form when turret is placed to shield formation

Some days I feel like I can’t go on…. and then I eat Garlic.

Fortified Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


My girlfriend’s Guardian’s reflect wall also fails to reflect Frostgorge Wurm boulders. I’ve seen a bug report regarding it; it seems like it might be something to do with the new world boss.