First time playing GW2 – first character: Engineer – played PvE for awhile then into sPvP
Round 1: I played with the set-up they gave me – I ran straight to a capture point, spammed every turret I had and felt like I was ready for anything. Seriously, I jumped in there – dropped a supply crate and three other turrets & felt invincible. The other guy there (a team-mate) actually took the time to emote a laugh at me. I thought he was impressed! Then we got steamrolled by – oh – three people (or one mesmer – I couldn’t tell). The turrets were useless.
Round 2: (actually several rounds later – but a different ‘set" of rounds) – I’m rifle man – fear me! A good trait set up featuring 30 in firearms, all the rifle bennies – some alchemy. I wear the goggles for the good crits. I work this pretty well, I do excellent (so it seems) single target damage. Okay! I’m a sniper, right? Wrong. I run into a 1v1 vs. a ranger. Ranger is sniper. Engineer is sad.
Round 3: Fire! Fire! Fire! The mighty flamethrower! Just like in TF2! …well… maybe not. I’ve got every trait with a flamethrower mention in it up to and including “juggernaught” …Fear me! Me in the fight – suddenly realizing everyone is running in crazy circles, zig-zagging everywhere, jumping around… slow steady damage of the flamethrower at medium range does not impress them. Even with speed boosts I cannot keep up. Poor, sad pyro.
Round 4: Grenades! I’m the mad bomber. 30 points into explosives – grenadier, improved radius and damage. 20 into inventions and alchemy. I’m made out of win! I carry bomb-kit for B.o.B. (everyone loves Bob!) I wear slippery shoes, I make people fall down and then blow them up! I remap my keys so that attack 1 is the F key… I am now side-strafing in clockwise circles – spamming grenades. I can’t see anything except my own explosions… I think there are red guys in there!?
Now my fingers hurt.