Gearing Question...

Gearing Question...

in Engineer

Posted by: Brutus Tarsi.1283

Brutus Tarsi.1283

So I really enjoy running a go-go gadget engineer, with things like rocket boots, PBR, goggles and the like for my utility. I don’t use p/p but I do enjoy p/s and rifle. My question is this…

I know with rifles you stack on power because they scale with power, no problem. But when I pull out my shield and pistol… what should I be gearing towards. I know that pistols don’t scale well with power… and that they are more conditional… but I don’t focus on conditions anywhere else. I enjoy the EG but I don’t really focus on applying massive damage via conditions… rather, just weakness which I can keep up constantly with no traiting or statting for. So what should I do with pistols? Stick with power/tough/vit gear? or have two sets that uses precision?

Side note… precision and rifles seem to make sense… but does precision make sense with pistols much? Would I have to trait all the on crit hits traits to make it really effective?

So two gearing questions in one… yay!

Gearing Question...

in Engineer

Posted by: Antinoobian.7259


Precision on Pistols is good if you have some crit-happy traits (Notably Incendiary Powder from Explosives) but if you don’t then it wouldn’t be my first recommendation. Power is within earshot of useless on pistols, but if you’re looking for burst damage through your Gadgets then I guess you could make Power work. Honestly I’d just stick with a Rifle and stack Power, Toughness, and Vitality for a Gadget build.

Gearing Question...

in Engineer

Posted by: Snafoo.2869


It’s hard to make gadgets work in a pistol build imo (granted I don’t like gadgets that much, so I may be biased).

If you’re going for burst with gadgets and pistols you’re kittening yourself I’m afraid (giving up all the survivability and utility that elixirs offer to end up with sub-par burst compared to most other classes).

You could use gadgets mixed with turrets for control in more of a ‘bunker build’ (net turret, bathering ram, slick shoes, …) with pistol/shield.
Works very well in sPvP, but I’ve never tried it in PvE or W3; it would lack the mobility that is often so important there I think.

Gear-wise I tend to take power/precision on jewels at least, even though pistols scale poorly compared to most weapons, it still offers more than the alternatives I feel.

Gearing Question...

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Power scales better on all weapons then condition damage. No exceptions.