Good old times...

Good old times...

in Engineer

Posted by: mov.1246


Who also miss the good old times? When a lot builds were viable in pvp?
I mean before hot there was:
cele rifle
marauder rifle
soldier rifle
rifle with grenades or ft
sd builds
pp rapid
pp with elixirs or grenades
ps bunker bombs
and a lot more…
WHY anet you force me now to play pala hammer to be strong and competetive? Why i melt like cheese in the oven when i use another build?
I really hate this, if I compare the old cele rifle build with pala hammer now I feel like that i went from piano to faceroll on my keybord.
Passive play is BORING and too strong

Good old times...

in Engineer

Posted by: Twigifire.8379


There’s limited/no more kit juggling combos which is quite dissappointing Q_Q

Good old times...

in Engineer

Posted by: Elmo Benchwarmer.3025

Elmo Benchwarmer.3025

I particularly miss the Grenade Kit (talking about PvP and WvW, I don’t care about PvE). Landing grenades at impossible ranges and angles was fun and rewarding. Watching good players use the Grenade Kit was inspiring. By reducing the utility of the Kit the June 2015 patch reduced my enjoyment of the profession and the game as a whole. While before every Grenade Kit ability had different uses, the Kit was now all around damage spam. HoT rendered Grenades and most other Kits useless and pretty much sealed the deal. The Scrapper’s linear and passive play style is worlds apart from what the Kit play used to be. It’s sad really.

Good old times...

in Engineer

Posted by: Krysard.1364


Completely agree, actually I dont play my engie anymore cause its soooo boring and simple compared to pre-HoT…


Good old times...

in Engineer

Posted by: ionix.9054


Why? Probably because it is easier to balance one viable build then 10+

The goal is to standardize it as much as possible. They are trying hard for the red team blue team halo effect

(edited by ionix.9054)