Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: dietzero.3514


Or are you all still on the road to carpel tunnel syndrome?

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Still on the road.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


It is a pity because auto-attack is the one thing that really kills grenades. LoL is pretty much about skill shots. Shots that must be aimed and won’t hit automatically. But even LoL does not have champions where even their auto-attacks are… well… not auto.

Leaving 2, 3, 4 and 5 as skill shots is fine. But 1 should be less grenade and more.. rocket (grenades are dumb enough to be thrown by hand and reach 1500 range. Somehow our engineers throw further than most rifles and bows. Cyborg arms or something).

Auto-attack should follow the 99.99% of the other weapons and kits (someone point me to a weapon/kit where the auto-attack must be activated manually?) and hit. Not be aimed like a guardian’s tennis ball that is dodge when things move, but just hit. Again, like 99.99% of the game (even guardian’s and their tennis’ balls still shoot automatically and need not be aimed and clicked to shoot).

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: kubetz.3058


Auto-attack should follow the 99.99% of the other weapons and kits (someone point me to a weapon/kit where the auto-attack must be activated manually?) and hit. Not be aimed like a guardian’s tennis ball that is dodge when things move, but just hit.

Having #1 “just hit” would be very strong without any skill shot element. Problem is that you would be able to outrange somebody at 1500 distance and do a lot of damage (Incendiary Ammo, Incendiary Powder, Shrapnel, Sharpshooter, etc). No other range weapon has properties of grenade kit (being AoE + 1500 distance) and therefore you cannot just do 1:1 comparison.

I agree that spamming #1 is not fun at all, but without changing that skill significantly I cannot imagine them just changing it to “homing” version and without homing element #1 would be useless as it would be even harder (pretty much impossible) to hit enemies with it than it is now.

And if they changed it to just a simple 1 “rocket” homing projectile I am not sure I would prefer it over the current version either :-/ .

(edited by kubetz.3058)

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: dietzero.3514


Ah well. Looks like no Engineer for me. Cheers lovers.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145



cough underwater cough

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: dietzero.3514



cough underwater cough

I knew someone was going to say that.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Simple fix: Allow players to hold down the button of a autoattack marked ground target skill, thus having it go off where the mouse pointer is on every recharge.

Darn it, people are already using gaming keyboards and whatsnot to get around the need for hammering the key to death. Put an equivalent right into the game already.

I swear, ANet seems to have designed the UI under the assumption that everyone is playing with gaming keyboards, rodents, and third party VOIP servers for coordination…

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Having #1 “just hit” would be very strong without any skill shot element. Problem is that you would be able to outrange somebody at 1500 distance and do a lot of damage (Incendiary Ammo, Incendiary Powder, Shrapnel, Sharpshooter, etc). No other range weapon has properties of grenade kit (being AoE + 1500 distance) and therefore you cannot just do 1:1 comparison.

Actually some skills in this game hit considerably further away than skill description says. For example elementalist fire staff #1, fireball, has a listed range of 1200 and it is 120 AoE (180 if traited). I made a test in WvWvW with my guild mate, fireball hits further away (>1500) AoE attack than grenadier GM traited grenades. It seems that ranger long bow with eagle eyes trait can hit roughly 1800 range.

But back to topic: I do NOT want grenade kit to have an auto attack, it would significantly make it worse in many situations (note it takes a long time for grenades to travel to >1000 distance, meaning grenade kit auto attack would constantly hit where the enemy was and instead where you predicted it to be).

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Moka.9641


I would like to have it for static targets.

[AW]- The Holy Engineer

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


no and hopefully they never will and you don’t need a gaming keyboard to play engi. that’s just silly talk. gaming accessories are a waste of money.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


NO! This would be a nerf to the grenades! You would miss moving targets on long range due the auto target, like staff necro aa or iWarlock of the mesmer! Just spam “left right” and you outplayed engi … yea. We need the way it is right now. But …

Simple fix: Allow players to hold down the button of a autoattack marked ground target skill, thus having it go off where the mouse pointer is on every recharge.

… this is the best idea so far! Make it happen ANet, this seems to be a good quality of life buff. Great idea!


Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Galbedir.9178



Simple fix: Allow players to hold down the button of a autoattack marked ground target skill, thus having it go off where the mouse pointer is on every recharge.

YES! Best. Idea. EVAR!
This would save my poor finger joints.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miltek.2104


Simple fix: Allow players to hold down the button of a autoattack marked ground target skill, thus having it go off where the mouse pointer is on every recharge.


Trust me. I’m engineer

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cyanide.7952


If all you do is spam your auto attack you are doing it wrong. Nerf the kit and ruin the playstyle so lazy people don’t get a booboo.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Amen to the idea of holding down the button and having it repeatedly nuke the same spot.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


no and hopefully they never will and you don’t need a gaming keyboard to play engi. that’s just silly talk. gaming accessories are a waste of money.

how many buttons does your mouse have

id be in heaven with a real dedicated gaming mouse, 5 isnt quite enough… and 3 is like ogodicanteven play engi

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


its perfect the way it is. If it had an auto attack, everything would evade it easily

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


no and hopefully they never will and you don’t need a gaming keyboard to play engi. that’s just silly talk. gaming accessories are a waste of money.

how many buttons does your mouse have

id be in heaven with a real dedicated gaming mouse, 5 isnt quite enough… and 3 is like ogodicanteven play engi

I’ve been remapping all my controls. You really don’t need more buttons on mouse – just a better layout for the keyboard.

Here’s what I’m talking about:
Default layout is QWEASD for movement, 1-5 for Weapon Skills, 6-0 for Heal/Utility/Elite, F1-4 for Toolbelt, V for dodge, Tab for targeting.
You’ve got to do some weird stretches to hit Toolbelt and Utility skills, and – at least with my hand size – hitting V with your thumb (the only reason that could possibly make sense as a location for that function) is just awkward.

Slows you down overall, and you don’t want that. Besides, the further you have to move, the more likely you are to make an error. Combined with unnecessary movement keys (A and D turn your character, but so does holding right-click and moving the camera), this is just awkward. Also: It’s really easy to make mistakes in heated fights if you lift your hand for the Utility skills, or to accidentally turn off running by hitting Caps Lock.

What I’m about to change mine to:
ESDF for movement (Up-LeftStrafe-Down-RightStrafe), 2WQAZ for weapon skills, R/TGV/H for Heal/Utility/Elite, 34XC for Toolbelt skills. Shift for dodge, Tab for targeting.

With everything placed around the movement keys, less movement is required to activate nearly anything. With less movement required, hopefully efficiency is improved.
Unnecessary movement keys are done away with, the whole set is moved away from Caps Lock, little finger rests naturally on the dodge button (and can easily move to hit Z or A), and the home row notch often on F helps keep the user centered.

If they’d implement a Target Mode system similar to that found in, oh, pretty much every other action MMO I’ve played (TSW let you toggle it, Neverwinter has it as a nearly always-on system, TERA does similar and lets you adjust where it rests), then I’d be pretty much happy with the controls after adjustment (and be able to set skills to my mouse buttons). Unless they do, though, I’ll just keep holding down RMB everywhere I go.

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


i have a 5 button mouse. mouse4 is dodge and mouse5 is swap weapon and i don’t use the mousewheel button because it’s awkward. 1-5 are my weapon skills, z is my heal, q e r are my utilities, and f is my elite. my toolbelt is shift q e r and f. i don’t have any issues playing engineer nor would i ever think about buying a gaming mouse or keyboard or (lol)mousepad. i’d have to stock up on mountian dew and hot pockets and be prepared to give up sunlight if i went down that route.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

(edited by ellesee.8297)

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i feel like no matter how efficient the keyboard layout, placing the burdens of movement, weapon skills, and f keys on 1 hand is too much… course, the last time i was playing true 3d pc games was 15 years ago with a 10 button joystick for my right hand controls, so im pretty ok with putting a good share of the control burden there.

ahhh… descent/2/3/freespace. never seen a game as good as 2 was.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I have a better fix, allow us to bind these attacks to the left or right mouse clicks.

I play another title that does alot of ground targeting (not as much as this but there is alot) and having it as a mouse click rather than using a keyboard key helps out tremendously on keeping the hands healthy and problem free while running around the world blowing up things. I just think if they did this for the #1 attack at the very least it would make things so much easier.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


Or are you all still on the road to carpel tunnel syndrome?

just got a 14 day supply of Prednisone from my doctor for tendinitis. Can I send A-net the bill?

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

Like suggested above I think there should just be an outlined rough target area, allowing you to still lead grenades skilfully, but toggling the button should start you throwing until using a different skill, or else holding down.

For me it’s not so much about skill though but more in preserving my finger. Because it is most definitely one of the most anatomically damaging skills in the game by a large margin. :P

Grenades have an auto-attack yet?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


are the 12345 just too far from where you rest your hand to comfortably reach?

i have relatively large hands and reaching 1 w/ my ring finger is hardly a stretch, but i cant put meaningful commands on z, x, shift, alt or ctrl with wasd movement

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions