Hi, I used to love the engineer while leveling it, made it to level 38 before turning away from it (mind you this was my first time in the world, leveling can take a while)
I was in awe with the diversity, I loved bombs, grenades, elixir gun, rocket boots, personal battering ram, slick shooes ->rocket boots.
I feel like I learned guild wars as an Engineer, was fun, but then a big problem hit me when I got into pvp.
I played about 100 games on my engineer, trying different builds, I loved the static discharge build and its variants the most, but found I couldn’t survive two seconds with a thief, or if I built to do so, could no longer enjoy static discharge for what it was, a burst spec. After trying tons of builds, it finally dawned on me that the best kit for almost anything (except maybe pve) is the grenade kit, its damage/control/conditions made it a most potent engineering tool. Than I found that if I mixed it with a bomb kit, I’d have lots of protection while in melee, while being able to switch to grenades and condition spam some more. With Supply depot being the only real viable elite, and healing turret being the best heal with these two monster combo kits, I’d either mix in elixir gun or toolkit or rocket boots, depending on if I was playing a support, bunker or roamer (far node/assist on assaults) respectively.
Basically, I reached a point where it felt like any other build simply wasn’t viable in Spvp. Have any other engineers reached this hurdle? If so, how did you get over it? I have been playing a ranger lately, and near as I can tell, there is more actual diversity in the class for pvp. Sure power rangers aren’t as viable as a spirit build or bm bunker or even a shout bunker, but really the difference in power isn’t so great that you can’t enjoy the varying specs. I get to go into a match and decide if I want to dmg/support/bunker just like the engineer, and while it is better to bunker as a ranger, its viable to play support and dmg, and when I do play those roles, my weapons, traits and utility skills can vary greatly.
What it all comes down to, is that I find Engineer to be a profession which advertises lots of diversity when leveling and wvw (don’t know much about high lvl pve yet), but in spvp, if you want to kitten , go grenades, if you want to be a B class, enjoy the diversity.
Sorry for the long read, I just want to see light with the Engineer, I feel like I’m missing something about how they can play. Its too bad my all gadget/toolkit static discharge build was such a flop. (only cause you are defenseless to any focus fire, I hate when a good thief notices my build and just harasses me all game, funny enough I had the most problems with p/p thiefs in skyhammer)