Grenades underwater spread

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Jsvkkie.2037


did they change something with the grenades underwater?
before when grenades were faster, the spread wasnt 1km apart from eachother.
now patched, the grenades spreak like 1km
any1 else having this issue?
they should just make the grenades spread less, especially from close range

(edited by Jsvkkie.2037)

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Zandur.5012


The attack speed of underwater nades was nerfed, but nothing was said about the spread. However I too suspect the spread was ninja-nerfed because it is now much wider and much more difficult to hit a single target with all the nades.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Jsvkkie.2037


i do think it was a ninja-nerf too, besides, they hate all the classes exept warrior, who hasnt been nerfed the last 2 couple of patches

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Sabbathius.1465


i do think it was a ninja-nerf too, besides, they hate all the classes exept warrior, who hasnt been nerfed the last 2 couple of patches

I’m of the same opinion that there was a ninja nerf of some kind. Or maybe they changed how the random portion of the spread works. Sometimes it is just ridiculous – against a stationary target maybe 1-2 hit, the rest miss. Especially obvious with the larger-radius throws.

Speed was indeed nerfed, but I think spread was either changed, or bugged a bit. I mean, so far for every change they made they also introduced a bug, so it makes sense. I was just thinking about this last night in the Straits, getting tons of unwanted underwater aggro from grenades spreading all over the place.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: BakBakaa.2453


Yeah, I noticed this too. It appears they work more like they do on land now and not so much the “throw three exploding darts together at the same target and all three hit” like it was before. I don’t so much mind the change (though it is a nerf intentional or not) just so long as they nerf that stupid I am invulnerable invulnerable hurp – durp water spinning attack thieves spam.

(edited by BakBakaa.2453)

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Zandur.5012


We all know the change to underwater nades was needed, but I just want to be kept in the loop. Ninja nerfs create pitchforks.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


The spread was nerfed. Meanwhile thief invulnerable aoe spam kitten was left in the game. GG.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: lepri.6504


we should accept that engineer is the most hated profession of the game. hated by creators

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Wouldnt be the first time they ninja’d a change in that didnt exactly benefited us. aka, stealthnerf.

I see little use in the grenadekit underwater anymore since the grenades dont home in at all, anything that moves automatically dodges everything unless they are in your face or moving in a straigth line towards you.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Dybz.9275


well this explains why it feels like underwater grenades are worse than the patch note nerf would have done.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: Tamvir.2940


Spread was changed but there is a plus side to the change. When grenades traveled in a tight cluster a strafing player could avoid them without much trouble. While a travel speed reduction would be required to remove this as a factor, I find that the spread actually improves this issue over medium range.

It also helps you tag more npc during underwater events.

Grenades underwater spread

in Engineer

Posted by: shortcake.8659


scatter mines is better anyway, who needs underwater grenades when you one shot everything with a 4 second harpoon gun skill

some terrible idiot in [pre]