Grumpy Engineers?
Happy Engineers? Talking and having fun together!?!?!
WvW Roaming movies!
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
There is nothing wrong in telling people about “How to play”, it’s just a matter about doing it in a civil and nice tone, and not sound like a kitten when doing it! (Not that meant as your doing it as a kitten, just pointing out there is nothing wrong with giving good adivdes and trying to help players with trouble out ^^)
WvW Roaming movies!
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
I’m always changing skills / weapons for the situation, so that’s not me, but that’s not what i was referring to. They’re just so moody! I dunno how to explain it. But back to what you were saying, I don’t tell anyone how to play :x cause if i go down, id feel like a fool.
I usually go for some stupid jokes like “Engineer master race <3”, and just spending most of the instance talking about playstyles, especially if they use flamer or something even more esoteric. All of this, of course, to the detriment of the guardians who buttclench so hard at this perceived “lack of performance” that they’ll probably pop a vein.
Not like I don’t want to complete the instance; I decided years ago how I will react to “gogogogogo fastfastfastfast OMG NOOB” type of frothing in the mouth “powergamer”.
Balthazar runes are broken.
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
Is that really the case?
Is Grenade Kit truly the only way an Eng can be effective in a PvE party?
Are we really that limited in our PvE options?
(Not criticising your post, Kamahl. Just want to hear if other Engs agree with or expand on your appraisal.)
I think the build doesn’t really matter in PVE. (dunno about fractal 35+)
If you know what to do, you won’t have trouble clearing the content regardless of the build you use. (as long as you aren’t using turrets )
In high lvl fractals for example, you will notice range = win.
Granades offer a good deal of condition and CC and are ranged for 1500. (trait needed)
Even warrior or guardian stop melee at some point because the dmg is a lot.
Its not impossible to build a tanky engineer though and survive the frontline with a flamer.. if you want.
I think a lot of the frustration comes from discovering or finally mastering a build only to have the key mechanics altered or removed in a patch.
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
Is that really the case?
Is Grenade Kit truly the only way an Eng can be effective in a PvE party?
Are we really that limited in our PvE options?(Not criticising your post, Kamahl. Just want to hear if other Engs agree with or expand on your appraisal.)
If you want to use more brainpower than the usual engie, there are other (quite effective) builds for PvE. Some of them require foods and special buffs from Dynamic events but they are there.
I’m usually very critical here on the forums, because it’s the place to be critical… It’s a form of feedback after all.
It’s what the dev’s have as player feedback, so i see no point in being overly joyfull when things need to b pointed out.
That said, anyone who came across me (Wiggely Wombat) in game, will know that I’m always cheerfull there.
Very often a tad sharp in my humor, or simply not funny at all because my jokes fail here or there
But in general I’m a happy little engineer, and I must say: most engineers I’ve come across seemed pretty good spirited too.
I am grumpy, I will comment on Warriors and Guardians when they’re mindlessly spinning their greatswords for great justice. Otherwise I just hold my tongue and just write tactical stuff and possible plans, some times lame jokes associated to “puts on sunglasses”.
Now stop with the urban legend. You don’t need to be Grenades to be effective in PvE, hell, I’d like to see you with these grenades when facing the Ascalonian Captain as example. A well built P/P set is fine, you can even add a range traited Elixir Gun on top of it, the new Giver weapons scale ridiculously well with all the condition damage we can deal. Berserker Rifle is welcome too, especially for the Dredge fractals.
think of it this way, what engineer do you know is satisfied with life when no one understands or appreciates the genius behind the mechanical and technical wizardry behind what looks like simple bells and whistles?
especially when they RNG on you half the time? and tell you they don’t work when you know they do? and try to short change you on the RFP payout because they don’t think engineers really know what they are talking about? i mean really, engineers are just pen and paper magicians. …right? ya…
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
Well that’s too bad, as i find rifle downright boring. One long range attack that pierce and one short range that bleeds, and the rest are utilitarian if that. Pistol at least make me do more than look at the autoattack go plonk-plonk-plonk (with the inevitable boom when some mob gets in my face).
Just wish shield didn’t have such absurd cooldowns, but then that is the curse of having a single skill balance across PVE and SPVP i guess.
I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades
I might be getting the wrong message here, but what I think you’re trying to say is that the only viable engineer build with pistols is grenadier, and that they can’t possibly be using pistols for oh say, a tanky or conditioneer build. Because those can’t even hold a match to grenades, right?
But in general I’m a happy little engineer, and I must say: most engineers I’ve come across seemed pretty good spirited too.
Because you’re always running into NERF.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
You don’t need to be Grenades to be effective in PvE, hell, I’d like to see you with these grenades when facing the Ascalonian Captain as example. A well built P/P set is fine, you can even add a range traited Elixir Gun on top of it, the new Giver weapons scale ridiculously well with all the condition damage we can deal. Berserker Rifle is welcome too, especially for the Dredge fractals.
Net shot ? Freeze grenade? Not sure why grenades are hard on a boss who’s heavily stationary. I’m going to abstain from breaking it down why grenades > everything for engineer ranged DPS – there’s several other threads where it has been done. I’ll leave it to you to do some research or self testing if you continue to believe otherwise.
Every Engineer I come across, most of the time via grouping for dungeon or something.. They’re always so grumpy! They’re never in a good mood, and usually have more harsh personalities than I’d prefer. Sure, I’m not little ms sunshine. Not at all actually… but have some fun
you get two engis in your party you should be like kewl! We have a better chance at failing now! or something :P for jokes
Eh, another rant.Sorry
Spsssh maybe if they took this class seriously it might perk some people up a bit but my 1 month hiatus and predictions for their lack of concern last month was well deserved, they obviously didn’t do a thing to help our situation.
looping message
did you not notice the nearly two pages of buffs/fixes we got in the last patch?
here they are again in case you missed it:
Packaged Stimulants trait:
No longer increases the recharge time on the Drop Bandages skill.
No longer reduces the recharge time on the Drop Stimulant skill.
No longer applies incorrect fury and swiftness durations to the Drop Stimulant skill.
No longer prevents acquisition of the Drop Stimulant pick-up while the player is under the effect of swiftness or fury.
Rifled Barrels trait:
No longer applies incorrect bleed and weakness durations to the Tranquilizer Dart skill.
No longer reduces the recharge time on the Elixir F skill.
Forceful Explosives trait: No longer reduces the radius on bombs dropped by the Evasive Powder Keg trait.
Fireforged Trigger trait:
Correctly lowers the recharge on Elixir F and Super Elixir if the Rifled Barrels trait is also equipped.
Correctly lowers the recharge on Acid Bomb.
Grenadier trait: No longer removes the recharge when the player stows the Grenade Kit.
Super Elixir skill: Displays the correct tooltip information when the Rifled Barrels trait is equipped.
Toss Elixir H skill: Displays the correct boon duration on the tooltip while the player is underwater.
Throw Mine skill: Correctly turns off the Detonate skill if the mine times out.
Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.
Elixir U:
Removed Quickening Zephyr from the base elixir.
Removed Veil from the toss mechanic.
Now casts instantly and breaks stuns.
Stabilized Armor trait: Reduces incoming damage by 5% while endurance is full.
Super Elixir skill:
Increased both impact base healing and scaling with healing power by 100%.
Increased base heal multiplier by 50% and healing power scaling by 100%.
Tool Kit skill: Increased potency of skills that heal turrets by 100%.
Acidic Coating trait: Now has its intended 10-second cooldown.
All utility turrets now detonate after 5 minutes.
Thumper Turret skill:
Damage from base attacks increased by 66%.
Base attacks now cripple for 3 seconds.
Self-destructs after 5 minutes.
Shockwave skill:
Increased damage by 66%.
Cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 45 seconds.
Rifle Turret skill: Increased damage from this turret’s base and overcharged attacks by 50%.
Surprise Shot skill: Increased damage by 50%.
Rocket Turret skill: Reduced recharge from 60 seconds to 50 seconds.
Net Turret skill: Increased turret’s health by 25%.
Net Attack skill: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 45 seconds.
Flame Turret skill:
Reduced recharge from 40 seconds to 25 seconds.
Increased main attack’s arc from 30 degrees to 60 degrees.
Throw Napalm skill: Reduced cooldown from 60 seconds to 30 seconds.
Flame Blast skill:
No longer double-detonates when the projectile expires naturally.
Turns off Detonate after the flame blast ball is gone.
Grenade Kit skill: Grenades no longer require the player to have line of sight of the target area to throw them.
Kit Refinement trait: Reworked kit skills to balance their effectiveness. All kit skills are now on a static global recharge (20 seconds). The changes are as follows:
Med Kit: Equipping this kit applies Magnetic Aura.
Bomb Kit: Equipping this kit creates a Magnetic Bomb that pulls enemies toward the center after a brief delay.
Elixir Gun: Equipping this kit activates a Glue Trail that follows the player for a short time. Enemies that step in the glue are briefly immobilized.
Tool Kit: Equipping this kit grants the user Super Speed for a brief duration.
Flamethrower: Equipping this kit grants the player Flame Aura for a time.
Grenade Kit: Equipping this kit drops a mine at the player’s location that deals damage and removes a boon.
Skills that activate this trait can now activate in midair.
Blowtorch skill: No longer displays “miss” on attacks that connect at medium and far distances.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
Im fairly happy with the engineer right now but the last round of “buffs” was a big pile of poop for me, it fixed nothing and didnt make me want to change any of my skills around whatsoever.
Camelot Unchained is on Kickstarter.
We never get buffed, only nerfed :c
Patch notes
Basically, buffs that weren’t the ones required to make those skills useful (cause turrets are still squishy and thus easily destroyed by whatever enemy that comes around), traits nerfed to oblivion thanks to their unreliability (yes,KR,despite what you think about it), things like an SE buff that isn’t even applied (and when you ask about that in the bugs forum devs simply ignore you) and new bugs like with deployable turrets that make you understand how they didn’t even test those changes.
Meanwhile, thieves get traits hotfixed in a maintenance while i’m still waiting for a response about that SE “buff”.
April fools come, and all the other classes get nice weapons. For us, just the shield.
And then you have people asking why we are grumpy. Well, we are in a game where either devs don’t care about us or don’t even seem to know what the problems with the class are.
Patch notes
Basically, buffs that weren’t the ones required to make those skills useful (cause turrets are still squishy and thus easily destroyed by whatever enemy that comes around), traits nerfed to oblivion thanks to their unreliability (yes,KR,despite what you think about it), things like an SE buff that isn’t even applied (and when you ask about that in the bugs forum devs simply ignore you) and new bugs like with deployable turrets that make you understand how they didn’t even test those changes.
Meanwhile, thieves get traits hotfixed in a maintenance while i’m still waiting for a response about that SE “buff”.
April fools come, and all the other classes get nice weapons. For us, just the shield.And then you have people asking why we are grumpy. Well, we are in a game where either devs don’t care about us or don’t even seem to know what the problems with the class are.
I don’t know where to start with this. I expect to be ignored by devs, thats just me.
As for the april fools thing, the other worlds are going to come out ,and with them, more weapon skins. At least thats the rumor and what I was told. I don’t think the devs know what they’re doing, but despite all of that, i see some amazing engineers that make my jaw drop in wvw. Theres alot of complaints, i understand the complaints, we have such a hard time already why debuff us more? but the less i worry, the happier i am i guess. so..
stop being grumpy~ hmph
I’m totally grumpy! My little Engie typically takes the worst builds possible because that’s what he wants to do! He hates thieves because they are hacks and have acne in real life, and doesn’t understand why you people never carry supply!!
His friends find him funny (even when he gets into the rocket fuel), so that’s all that matters.
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
looping message
Patch Notes some of which never were fixed despite claims and most of which touched on NONE of the real concerns with the weakness of this class.
Looping Message remains solid: If they gave a kitten they’d do something about the real concerns of this class and they’d really fix it instead of claiming to and allowing the same bugs or game design flaws to plague it. “There we put out a patch note saying we fixed it, that proves we totally fixed it! Do you think they’ll notice it’s still there? Nah, they’ll be too busy having to fight things three times longer then any other class and trying to figure out just how they should be specced after we’ve destroyed the rest of their tiny few pvp builds they keep posting to the forums.”
Since when did Grumpy Engineer thread turn into “Our class has so many problems and blaarg blarg blarg” thread
I was just stating you’re grumpy! You crazy people
Since when did Grumpy Engineer thread turn into “Our class has so many problems and blaarg blarg blarg” thread
I was just stating you’re grumpy! You crazy people
you start a post that is rather one-sided about engineers being grumpy, in a general way.
Than you also wonder why they are grumpy, which we all assume was the intention of the post.
This is a discussion forum after all, not your diary…
As expected people start listing reasons why engineers would be grumpy.
Did you really think those posts wouldn’t list ‘engineer issues’ as the most dominant reason?
You asked for it, to be honest.
And this is cming from the one who replied he isn’t even grumpy. But I did say I was very critical here on the forums.
So there you have it
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
I’m always changing skills / weapons for the situation, so that’s not me, but that’s not what i was referring to. They’re just so moody! I dunno how to explain it. But back to what you were saying, I don’t tell anyone how to play :x cause if i go down, id feel like a fool.
you have the sexiest enginner i’ve seem and best eQUIP! just saying..
also, FT is actually good at grawl! but requires some skill! use #3 to reflect arrows! if you’re close enough you can use before he shot anyone and it will get reflected!
but yea, if you see them using FT #1 anywhere ( exept when farming WvW) tell them how to play
Since when did Grumpy Engineer thread turn into “Our class has so many problems and blaarg blarg blarg” thread
I was just stating you’re grumpy! You crazy people
you start a post that is rather one-sided about engineers being grumpy, in a general way.
Than you also wonder why they are grumpy, which we all assume was the intention of the post.
This is a discussion forum after all, not your diary…As expected people start listing reasons why engineers would be grumpy.
Did you really think those posts wouldn’t list ‘engineer issues’ as the most dominant reason?You asked for it, to be honest.
And this is cming from the one who replied he isn’t even grumpy. But I did say I was very critical here on the forums.
So there you have it
I guess I just get frustrated because it’s the same thing being said over and over and over. no wonder everyone’s so angry. this kind of negative energy spreads fast. Don’t worry~ Be happy~ uhh
I got sunshineeee~~~~~ On a cloudy day~~~~
is anything working CHEER UP, the class is fun
sigh, I need to come out with my fungineer videos quicker
@Google, Awwww thanks that means alot.
What do you guys mean when they use FT 1? So if you’re a FT build you should never use 1?
(edited by Wuffles.5319)
Never! :P
exept when you’re running away!! I found something funny! use flame yet and instantly switch to another kit and walk away!! the flames will stay in place and keep hitting! :P
and in WvW it’s good to farm in zergs
I find it just as frustrating seeing the same people claiming everything is fine and fine, no matter what the complaints are…
Both extremes ruin the forum atmosphere to be honest.
I have difficulty taking someone serious in a discussion when they are wearing colored glasses all the time.
When people tend to disregard the complaints too easily, they push their opponents further into their negativity.
Both sides are very responsible for drawing out more biased views out of each other.
Not jus the negative people, the non-critical overly positive people as well…
This only refers to the forums of course, a place where I like to see healthy discussions from both sides.
In game I see little reason to be grumpy towards other players.
It’s not like the forum atmosphere is relevant there, no dev is listening, no feedback is needed (positive or negative).
Just play and have fun.
And about that flamethrower #1: it touches upon an issue you and others might have with grumpy engineers.
If you can’t even decide on the forums what is good gameplay or not, you should maybe ALL stop telling others how to play.
It’s not like there is a consensus anyhow!
^ I understand but… I am in no way wearing rose colored glasses. I realize our class is hated by the devs, and i’ve said it on numerous occasions. Im just saying its really bring everyone down. the more you say life sucks, the more someone else will start thinking well gee, maybe my life does suck. and so on. I’m just tired of hearing the same thing being said over and over again. Every post is the same kitten thing. Let’s switch it up a bit. I’ll be posting something fun shortly in a week maybe maybe that’ll cheer people up.
I was just playing bro :P
btw have you seem that everything is fine video on that other thread, it’s too funny :P
and actually I couldn’t agree with you more wuffles! gotta start being possitive and enjoy the class! and this is coming from the guy who got told was leading a crusade on the forums! lmfao!
(edited by google.3709)
I was just playing bro :P
btw have you seem that everything is fine video on that other thread, it’s too funny :P
hehe yup! pretty funny. Both videos. The first one kind of goes on til it dies though.
I was just playing bro :P
btw have you seem that everything is fine video on that other thread, it’s too funny :P
hehe yup! pretty funny. Both videos. The first one kind of goes on til it dies though.
we just got turned into trees! BUT.. Everything is fine
don’t take my posts too serious in this thread by the way.
It’s a fun little topic, and everything I write I am doing with a smile.
My points of view are sincere, but it’s not like I want to have an argument over them.
Well, Arena Net finally decided to delete the Engineer – Everything is still fine
^ I understand but… I am in no way wearing rose colored glasses. I realize our class is hated by the devs, and i’ve said it on numerous occasions. Im just saying its really bring everyone down. the more you say life sucks, the more someone else will start thinking well gee, maybe my life does suck. and so on. I’m just tired of hearing the same thing being said over and over again. Every post is the same kitten thing. Let’s switch it up a bit. I’ll be posting something fun shortly in a week maybe
maybe that’ll cheer people up.
my way of handling that is making topics where I aks people how exactly they cope with such or such change.
Trying to find out what works and what not.
I do complain at times, but I always try to keep things constructive… and civil.
‘Learn to disagree in style’ is probably my motto for these forums
Net shot ? Freeze grenade? Not sure why grenades are hard on a boss who’s heavily stationary. I’m going to abstain from breaking it down why grenades > everything for engineer ranged DPS – there’s several other threads where it has been done. I’ll leave it to you to do some research or self testing if you continue to believe otherwise.
I’m not believing anything, the world doesn’t turn around grenades, period. If you’ve come to think that way you might aswell just make a Greatsword Warrior and carry on, there is more to that.
(edited by MrForz.1953)
o/~ I’m a chicken hunter, hunting for the chickens. I’m a clockwork orange with the mechanism tickin’…
I got sunshineeee~~~~~ On a cloudy day~~~~
Got a black AK, gonna blow you awaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!! o/~
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
o/~ I’m a chicken hunter, hunting for the chickens. I’m a clockwork orange with the mechanism tickin’…
I got sunshineeee~~~~~ On a cloudy day~~~~
Got a black AK, gonna blow you awaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!! o/~
The difference between a good engineer and a bad one is miles apart. I usually hold my tongue in PvE if I see pistols, as long as they’re staying in grenades – but if we’re having trouble at the grawl fractal, and they’re using a flamethrower still, you can guarantee I’m gonna tell them how to play.
Is that really the case?
Is Grenade Kit truly the only way an Eng can be effective in a PvE party?
Are we really that limited in our PvE options?(Not criticising your post, Kamahl. Just want to hear if other Engs agree with or expand on your appraisal.)
I would disagree with Kamahl. I currently use a bomb heal/support set-up and it works great for me. There are ‘viable’ builds out there—-
Viable: Capable of working successfully.
— but the problem we tend to have is that while our builds work, they aren’t AS effective as similar builds for other classes. We are mediocre, but we work. Also, that’s not to say that we can’t excel (some Engs are capable of doing awesome things) but we have to work harder than any other class.
(edited by Behmen.4360)
I realy don’t get it, I play an Engineer only with turrets and I can’t understand why people are constantly whining about turrets fragility. I can keep them up in instances most of the time, i’m not saying it is easy, but it realy depends to how you are positioning your turrets, and thats why any real turret engy should always take deployable turrets to help positioning those in strategical areas.
Yes turrets have long cooldowns, they are also vulnerable, but heck they are extra control and dps during an almost constant cycle. Every hits they are taking are hits your team won’t have to suffer unless it is an AoE. And be honest, the only reasons you will see your turrets getting destroyed are :
1) Because you went full glasscannon, and can’t grab aggro without toughness.
2) Because you put your turrets packed together and they get hit by cleaves or AoE.
3) Because you stay in front or next to them the whole fight!
4) Because you don’t use deployable turrets trait.
Yes A-net needs to fix some of the stuff related with turrets, but it has nothing to do with damage, resistance or control (they do those things pretty well in theory). But their clunky overcharge mechanism aren’t balanced around the fast paced combat of this game. You don’t need a purge after 4sec when you are burning and bleeding to your death. You don’t need a Shockwave 3sec after you got stunned by a thief with Basilisk Venom, etc. Overcharges have the advantage to be usable while controled. Making those instant and focus your target (depending on the turret) would already solve 80% of the targeting and micromanadging wich are the core issues related to turrets.
So please stop complaining about that “kitten” surviability because it is not the real issue!
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)