(edited by Eastcorn.5901)
Gyros can't keep up
Yea I totally agree with Gyros flying (!) down ledges and small cliffs. Next to the fact that it makes absolutely no sense that a flying object cant “walk” over cliffs, it would simply make gyros much more reliable and better in both, pvp and pve.
I would combine 1) and 3) with a leash mechanic, that if your gyro is further away than X range, it simply gets pulled behind you.
2) is also a massive point. Medy and Purgy both should proc 5 times, but while moving or when they start to move on their own, they only heal or cleanse you 3 times. This should’t be the case.
I totally agree with your points, something has to happen.
#need gyro QoL
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I like the idea of the leash mechanic.
I think with all those quality of life changes, I could probably run a 5 gyro build fairly well. Since the only gyros that do damage are the shredder gyro (useless) and the blast gyro, I wouldn’t need to feel guilty about running an AI build
Plus, the gyros are so cute…
The most important thing tough – I’d rather take that than having all the fixes above – is to let gyros inherit player stats → lookin’ at you blasty and shreddy … T_T
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
The most important thing tough – I’d rather take that than having all the fixes above – is to let gyros inherit player stats -> lookin’ at you blasty and shreddy … T_T
They just need to… not suck, however that happens. Dragon Hunter traps, for example, have no scaling whatsoever, and are one of the highest damage sets of utilities in the game. Gyros don’t have to scale, but if they don’t, they need to have base stats that actually make them worth bringing.
Why shouldn’t dragon hunter traps scale?! o.ô They sure do. The tooltip of a few new skills are wrong if you post them, but everything that deals power damage and has it’s source from a player scales with power.
What ANet said tough was something like “Gyros are pets and only mesmer pets inherit stats, that’s their exception, random stuff random stuff bla bla” …
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Do all gyros need to scale with Engie stats? The only one I am 100% on board with is the Shredder Gyro, the rest of them can just have their HP increased. Blast gyro, the other damage one, is mostly used for the CC.
Idk. I like the gyros tracking mechanic. It feels like another ‘tick-mark’ on the list of things I know I need to pay attention to. Terrain has an effect on my flying drones that also basically have to get somewhere in the vicinity of my current node for me to make use of.
Imho: 1. If you are fighting in an area too large for your bulwark, sneak, or blast gyro to do their job i.e. anywhere that isn’t directly contesting/defending a node area. You are doing it wrong. 2. Can you even imagine instacast or even track able animations with increased speed? Gyro’s would be what we really want: orbiting arbiters of manipulable defense and offense.
I enjoyed last meta thoroughly. I do not find hammer playstyle bring or restrictive. I find it to be a game of risk vs reward on what to have on cooldown when. I might up blast gyro and final salvo damage by like 5-10%. Otherwise, I finally feel like I have to outplay maneuverable players instead of just plow through and spam finishers in water field. Engi 4 lyfe
WvW roaming has a plethora of situations where you aren’t fighting around a node. The lack of a gyro’s ability to proc while moving directly reduces the amount of pulsing some of them output. See Xyonon’s comment on medic and purge gyro.
Gyros Scrappers in open-world PvE can’t use gyros properly without Gyros being able to fly down ledges.
Gyro build not the most effective scrapper build for wvw. Case closed. Even if I bring sneak or bulwark into a roaming group, I still use them to track back and forth across enemy in a tight circuit. P/p condi scrapper using sustain traits is very strong atm. Spec/gear to negate dd, and focus defensive play around cleanses. Blow torch, rocket boots. Run circles – literally ‘rinse’ and repeat. Your primary dmg is on short kitten cooldown, so the timing comes down to cleanses and covering condi cooldowns. Sigil of torment works great in this build.
All this suggestions have been said before with loud and populous support. Yet we haven’t had any answer after the first one: “We’ll see if we can see to maybe perhaps do something about that”.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I feel like gyros should worked like a timed version of the herald skills where the gyros are more just visual icons while your the one pulsing the buff as it would remove the ai slacking behind
I feel like gyros should worked like a timed version of the herald skills where the gyros are more just visual icons while your the one pulsing the buff as it would remove the ai slacking behind
If they did this, it would be whilst stabbing the already not stellar gyro stats in the back with nerfnyfe. We aren’t getting fast-following turrets. The QQ would be too much
I feel like gyros should worked like a timed version of the herald skills where the gyros are more just visual icons while your the one pulsing the buff as it would remove the ai slacking behind
That would definitely buff the usability of Gyros. Essentially, it would eliminate the delay and bugged pulsing. I assume the Gyros that would be exempt from this are Blast Gyro and Shredder Gyro.
However, Anet would never do this, because you lose the thematic element to Gyros, and if you only apply this to Medic, Bulwark and Purge Gyros, but not Shredder and Blast then you’d be moving away from Anet’s stance on normalization of skills.
All this suggestions have been said before with loud and populous support. Yet we haven’t had any answer after the first one: “We’ll see if we can see to maybe perhaps do something about that”.
Then the answer is to get more vocal
I’m tired. Really, 6 months screaming to a wall. I think they know.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
That would definitely buff the usability of Gyros. Essentially, it would eliminate the delay and bugged pulsing. I assume the Gyros that would be exempt from this are Blast Gyro and Shredder Gyro.
However, Anet would never do this, because you lose the thematic element to Gyros, and if you only apply this to Medic, Bulwark and Purge Gyros, but not Shredder and Blast then you’d be moving away from Anet’s stance on normalization of skills.
well for shredder we could change it so that it simply became more like the other gyros and just became a moving damage/whirl pulsing aoe that stays on you. though blast gyro is obviously still the black sheep in the lot because of it behaving in a way that to me doesn’t feel like it fits the theme of scrapper in the first place.
Why shouldn’t dragon hunter traps scale?! o.ô They sure do. The tooltip of a few new skills are wrong if you post them, but everything that deals power damage and has it’s source from a player scales with power.
What ANet said tough was something like “Gyros are pets and only mesmer pets inherit stats, that’s their exception, random stuff random stuff bla bla” …
I didn’t say they shouldn’t, I said they don’t, which I am positive was true at some point in the past, before the DH apparently since I checked and its traps do in fact scale as have all traps since at least the release of the expansion. My mistake, I thought traps were still high base damage and low to no scaling like in the old days.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
A mobile shredder gyro would be really awesome…it could work like a faster Whirling Axes.
So long as the Gyro can actually keep up with a swift’d engineer.
A mobile shredder gyro would be really awesome…it could work like a faster Whirling Axes.
So long as the Gyro can actually keep up with a swift’d engineer.
Engineer got short end of the stick with the expansion getting gyros. Exactly zero players wanted more AI summons in the game as most of the prior existing ones didnt or dont work very well.
There is so much other parts of the engie that need fixed or reworked before gyros are a priority. Engie has heeps of garbage traits and skills that need love.
gyros suck since day 1 , scrapper was the elite spec. that i was waiting for , but the gryos are uselsss .
Idk. I like the gyros tracking mechanic. It feels like another ‘tick-mark’ on the list of things I know I need to pay attention to. Terrain has an effect on my flying drones that also basically have to get somewhere in the vicinity of my current node for me to make use of.
Its a lot of busywork rather than actually playing and if you’re moving the gyro ends up being wasted. Plus it compromises our ability swiftly rotate in pvp.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro