HELP ME! just coming back to engi

HELP ME! just coming back to engi

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Its been a while, I have been playing necromancer but im getting bored and i want to give my engineer some love. I have a few builds that i run but i taught i would ask the forum for some ideas.

Im looking for a “bunkerish” build for WvW and solo PvE (have my sPvP/tPvP builds down already) I would like to use rifle (close to getting my legendary) and Im coming from a PVT necro with around 35k hp so if I go full zerker i fear ill be to squishy for my own good.

So a zerker/PVT hybrid or maybe Knights?

Any control rifle builds that are doing well atm?

HELP ME! just coming back to engi

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


sad day 86 views and no one cares lol

HELP ME! just coming back to engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Casimir.4613


Here is the WvW build that I’ve seen some use (sorry forgot where I found it to give them credit). Personally I sPVP so I made a couple of changes for fun change from my norm.

and hey if you hate it just consider this a free bump

(edited by Casimir.4613)

HELP ME! just coming back to engi

in Engineer

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


Whats with the double take at views no one cares follow up posts?…

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.