HGH power nades wvw vids
Nice gameplay. The bit around 7 mins in at the bloodlust node was impressive.
Nice vid. My p/p hgh build might be done for after this patch so i might switch to this build.
can you post your full build
i put in acidic elixirs because there is a good chance that is what ill use after the patch, i think it might become my next best friend for countering anything that stacks boons or even steals my own
Ukuni thats impressive.
I’d like to have the skill to play like that , with the same build, but the truth is i would die in the 90% of the same duels you have done.
I got pleasure watching every single duel, a different way to play combined with really hard matches vs more enemy at once.
Now, i’m depressed, and will cry for days cause i’m not able to do the same thing.At the same time it encourages me , because i’m having a really hard time in duels vs every class.
Tnx for sharing!it was fun to watch!
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
Ukuni thats impressive.
I’d like to have the skill to play like that , with the same build, but the truth is i would die in the 90% of the same duels you have done.
I got pleasure watching every single duel, a different way to play combined with really hard matches vs more enemy at once.
Now, i’m depressed, and will cry for days cause i’m not able to do the same thing.At the same time it encourages me , because i’m having a really hard time in duels vs every class.
Tnx for sharing!it was fun to watch!
you’ll get there, it’s all in the instinct, most of my playing comes directly from knowing without trying, and it does take a long time to get used to it but waste enough time and you’ll be on par.
Mmmhh…some tecnical question:
I use from 2 days rune of melandru,due to the condition meta(i mostly meet condition spam mesmer and thieves with the OP runes of perplexity , stunlock warriors or condition warriors , all in WvW ofc).
I must admit runes of melandru they work pretty well combined with leg mods and -36% condition duration food.It’s basically impossible to immobilize chill or cripple me.
On the other hand , vs mesmers and theives i still suffer from this perplexity spam , and it’s hard to get rid of the confusion if i don’t use 409 elixiers when they apply 5 stacks every 8 seconds.
I also use a lot 30 points in tools , i like the rifle a lot , so the crit dmg is a must for me.
I use cavalier trinkets to have thoughness and crit dmg.
I don’t like elixier builds , i don’t like SD build , i always try to find something new.
Now the point is : do you think your build should work with a 30/10/0/0/30?
As utility rocket boots + nades + elixier S .
Do you think there would be a way to make it work?
Or the elixier tree hgh+ cleaning formula is a must?
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
you may be interested in something like this
you could potentially run a 30/0/10/0/30 setup with it, and use zerker and celestial gear while still running the condition duration food and runes to help deal with condition spam, alternatively you might like this as well.
it has a kitten ton of lifesteal that overcomes condition damage pritty easy letting you use your heal for the condition cleanse when you need to it can also be converted to a condition build by taking runes of scavenging with you choice of condition gear
Already saw that videos some time ago’.
But it was a nice refresh see em again , i especially like the second one!
I’ll give both builds a try , with some tweak here and there in teh traits , i thnk i can go 20 in tools instead of 30 , and manage to get Automated responce with another 10 points (i like it , and i immagine my enemy says "ooooooh nooooo , wtf " when i heal a second time .
I also can’t wait for the 10 patch , and give a try to 10/0/30/20/0 with infusion bombs+ elicier gun + healing turret and see how it works dueloling with the turret always down (wondering if we can emulate the warrior signet of regen this way while fighting , between bombs healing +-300 , healing turret regen and super elixier).
Tnx again for the tips!
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
Good vid as always with music, keep them coming thanks.
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425
Already saw that videos
some time ago’.
But it was a nice refresh see em again , i especially like the second one!
I’ll give both builds a try , with some tweak here and there in teh traits , i thnk i can go 20 in tools instead of 30 , and manage to get Automated responce with another 10 points (i like it , and i immagine my enemy says "ooooooh nooooo , wtf " when i heal a second time.
I also can’t wait for the 10 patch , and give a try to 10/0/30/20/0 with infusion bombs+ elicier gun + healing turret and see how it works dueloling with the turret always down (wondering if we can emulate the warrior signet of regen this way while fighting , between bombs healing +-300 , healing turret regen and super elixier).
Tnx again for the tips!
hehehe your thinking the exact same thing as me, ive already started running a bomb healer build and yes you can easily emulate and outdo the warriors signet, its all about correctly using your skill sets, my plan is to use super elixer when i have to fight at range and bombs up close, add in the regen and that trait (regen in a kit) and im getting around 700-800 hp a second if i do it all at the same time im healing around 1000hp a second over 10 seconds which is ridiculous imo.
not sure if i want to run power or conditions with it yet since i can get upto around 1600 condition damage and still get that same healing output but i think in group fights power will be much more beneficial since there is much better options for conditions then a bomb healer engineer.
I already tested this as well some days ago’ , with infusion bombs,backpack regenerator,super elixier and healing turret.
Ofc it was a fail in my 1 vs 1 , as soon as i meet i skilled player i die.
I hope you’ll make some video with this build after the 10th .
I was running it with celestial gears + traveler rune (25% speed) , but i think some healing rune / toughness set work better.trait 10/10/30/20/0 or 20/0/30/20/0 .
The several fails in 1 vs 1 depressed me and i gived up.
I don’t know what is going on with my gameplay,i used to easly win nearly all my 1 vs 1 some months agò with unconventional builds(never used hgh,SD or everything that was the fotm build of the moment).But now…every thing i test is a fail , i can only beat avarege or newby enemy.
I always played an engy , so i don’t know what changed in my gameplay , but if i meet a skilled enemy i die :S .Necros,warriors,mesmers and some rare condition thief…they overkill me if they know how to play.
In zerg action it was fantastic , i was able to stand under doors under heavy fire without retreat , and was even cooler to see my regen tick on my ally.
Ofc i was not immortal and sometime i died too.
But the bigger proble was i looted nearly nothing , with bombs i was not able to tag my enemy in open fields zerg fight , due to teh delay of bombs + enemy moving.
Also , i still cannot stay in first line with warriors even with this set , i’m too squishy while the zerg is moving.Things are different if the zerg is in close rooms like towers , where my bombs trigger all the healing on me due to the lack of movement.
I attempt a discussion with my crappy english, i apologize for this.
I hope it’s understandble.
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
@Nirvana: Bombs are indeed dangerous in zerg fights because you have to be in melee range. If you really want to use bombs on the enemy zerg blob you have to “surf the zerg”. You have to predict where the zerg will be in the next seconds and lay your bombs accordingly. But its extremely dangerous due to the amount of Earthshakers flying around nowadays.
Just use Nades for zerg fights and you will loot… alot! Only a few player skills in this game are capable of hitting more than 5 targets in WvW. Nades has 6 of them. Just pay attention to not kill yourself through retaliation.