(edited by guildabd.6529)
Hammer autoattack
We’re already pretty good right now… the Might and Vuln synergize very well with our traits too.
You’re complaining about what exactly? Boons and Vulnerability for literally nothing invested?
Is this happening?
Is this a troll post? Blast finisher? Knockback? Pull? AoE super speed? On AA?! Lol! None of those should ever be considered on any AA
jesus effing christ, the scrapper hammer is literally the single best weapon skill set in the entire game and you’re complaining about how it doesn’t stack up vs Warrior or Guardian?
In pve the scrapper hammer is not the best weapon guy, yep in pvp it´s really nice (staff necro is op, ele focus etc etc)
The scapprer power dps is not op, sustain and survivability is clearly op but not the dps man.
It shouldn’t have great dps when it’s OP in sustain, but some of these suggestions look like they came from that rev post that wanted hammer 4 to reflect projectile and have 5 unlockable attacks after port and a whole bunch of other ridiculous things.
I would gladly change my guardian hammer symbol 1 1/4 cast time for that 2 might and vuln.
jesus effing christ, the scrapper hammer is literally the single best weapon skill set in the entire game and you’re complaining about how it doesn’t stack up vs Warrior or Guardian?
Sigh. I see this same mistake made by so many people. You are commenting based on one game mode but don’t specify which one. I’m guessing you mean PvP. In PvE, it is laughable to consider hammer the best weapon set in the entire game.
It’s totally fine the way it is. The whole hammer kit is very strong and every Engineer player here should know that auto attacks never have been our strength.
The hammer auto is great, in fact even too good if you look at all the other things the hammer can do. It doesn’t deserve more damage.
The hammer is not our burst weapon, it’s our sustain weapon (sry shield, you suck :<), the Rifle is the burst weapon wich truly deserves some damage buffs (not aa).
- Ziggy
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
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