Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

I’ve recently started experimenting with healing turrets.

Basically since picking up a healing turret (as opposed to detonating) reduces its cooldown by a certain amount (1/3 I think), I thought it would be a neat strategy to drop a heal turret for its burst heal, pick it up right away and continue kiting.

However, I have noticed that in this case it seems no more effective than using Elixir H. Furthermore, tapping 6 again to drop ‘cleansing mist’ quickly after deploying it sometimes seems to occasionally (often) cause no conditions to be removed, but cleansing mist to go on cooldown anyways.

Has anyone experimented with quickly picking up heal turrets after dropping or have any other good strategies for using healing turrets other than to plop down for area regen? Is it worth it to use a heal turret only for its burst regen? When is detonating a better option?

Is healing turret + cleansing mist better than Elixir H (with Cleaning Formula 409 specced) for condition removal? Are healing turrets practical AT ALL for the fractals?

Discuss healing turrets here!

(edited by Zero Angel.9715)

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Faction.4013


There is actually NOTHING better than Cleaning Formula 409 for Condition removal…

Reason: ANY Elixir now takes away conditions, not just Elixir C. H becomes BETTER than any Elixir you have, because it heals, gives a random buff, AND removes a Condition. If you have Fast-Acting Elixirs, it’s also on a 20s CD.

Nothing better than that combination, IMO.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

So I guess it turns out that if you pick up the healing turret, it drops your regen dramatically to the point where the regen is almost non-existent but further stacks of regen from other sources do not increase it back to a normal amount. I guess this would be a solid reason to not recommend picking up turrets while still in combat.

Furthermore, it seems that triggering cleansing burst only will queue the next mist burst from the turret to clear conditions and not do so immediately. I guess that one makes sense.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Vasham.2408


Here’s how to properly use Healing Turret:

  • Drop Turret
  • Wait for split second Water field to spawn from turret activation
  • Detonate Turret for AOE healing blast finisher

Doing this it makes Healing Turret our best heal, equal to Elixir H with Fast Acting Elixirs in terms of both cooldown and healing done and it has actual group utility from the AOE heal and regen it gives everyone. There’s really no excuse to use anything else.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


There’s a bug(or maybe intended) that the regen from the healing tower drops to 5hp/sec when the tower is gone.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Zero Angel.9715

Zero Angel.9715

Here’s how to properly use Healing Turret:

  • Drop Turret
  • Wait for split second Water field to spawn from turret activation
  • Detonate Turret for AOE healing blast finisher

Doing this it makes Healing Turret our best heal, equal to Elixir H with Fast Acting Elixirs in terms of both cooldown and healing done and it has actual group utility from the AOE heal and regen it gives everyone. There’s really no excuse to use anything else.

Awesome. Thanks for the tips.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Vasham has it down, but I still feel medkit is our best heal. Great for sPvP (healing between points, dropping stacks of medkits + antidotes on the point while camping / capping it, etc), not to mention DROP STIMULANT. A fury/swiftness buff in our heal skill without actually popping our heal sounds pretty amazing to me.

And you can get the turret to activate the first time, I tested it on the spiders outside of LA – drop it and mash it instantly, and it’ll purge the conditions (and actually provide a slightly higher heal). Just don’t do this more than once a minute (as you can’t see cleansing bursts cooldown), else you’ll be forfeiting an extra <2k heal due to a blast finisher.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: redknight.8036


A fully traited Elixir will always be the best heal and condition removal,
but any engineer with 0 trait can still perform a turret – water field – detonation combo every 20 seconds.

At 0 trait. It makes healing extremely easy for Engineers regardless of their spec.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Ramooh.3286


Here’s how to properly use Healing Turret:

  • Drop Turret
  • Wait for split second Water field to spawn from turret activation
  • Detonate Turret for AOE healing blast finisher

Doing this it makes Healing Turret our best heal, equal to Elixir H with Fast Acting Elixirs in terms of both cooldown and healing done and it has actual group utility from the AOE heal and regen it gives everyone. There’s really no excuse to use anything else.

When you say “Detonate Turret” what do you mean? Do you mean the “Cleansing Burst” skill?

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: redknight.8036


Hit the F1 key to blow it up.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: proxy.7963


Here’s how to properly use Healing Turret:

  • Drop Turret
  • Wait for split second Water field to spawn from turret activation
  • Detonate Turret for AOE healing blast finisher

Doing this it makes Healing Turret our best heal, equal to Elixir H with Fast Acting Elixirs in terms of both cooldown and healing done and it has actual group utility from the AOE heal and regen it gives everyone. There’s really no excuse to use anything else.

I’ve switched from Elixir H to Healing Turret recently based largely on this tactic. It helps that I largely run Pistols(/Flamethrower when I fancy it) in PvE, so I tend to stick to medium range for the FT and Blowtorch. Using Detonate either when I get mobbed or as an aggressive maneuver has saved me plenty of times. Sprinting ahead a second to plant a Healing Turret next to anyone in melee range with anything squishy and then immediately blowing it up gives everything in the area either a decent heal or a swift clout of damage. Then hop back into medium range and wait for the cooldown, which is shorter than Elixir H. It’s not a lot of damage in the long run, but being able to heal and hurt in the same move is pretty handy.

Also, planting it as I’m running away from something (due to poor decisions on my part!) and detonating it immediately again can often give me an extra boost of health I need to scamper away and possibly take out a few of whatever it is that’s chasing me.

Healing Turret’s condition removal is hampered for me because it isn’t immediate. I often find that by the time I’ve waited for the Cleansing Burst to kick in, I’m in a much worse position. So generally-speaking, I find the Turret better almost as an aggressive heal that keeps me mobile. I rely on Cleaning Formula 409 more for condition removal.

I’ve not actually tried the Bomb Kit + Elixir-Infused Bombs before, but I’d imagine they’d work pretty well with the above for maximum AoE healing.

Behold: Opinions!

(edited by proxy.7963)

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Redtah.3016


So cleansing burst used to be instant condition removal, when did they change it? Because as of right now it NEVER removes even a single condition for me, I just figured they broke it and it would eventually be fixed. Really getting annoying having zero condition removal without speccing alchemy for 409.

No one ever knows what your talking about, so I guess you’re already there.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: havoc.8569


So cleansing burst used to be instant condition removal, when did they change it? Because as of right now it NEVER removes even a single condition for me, I just figured they broke it and it would eventually be fixed. Really getting annoying having zero condition removal without speccing alchemy for 409.

It’s a bug that’s always been here. Sometimes it activates instantly, sometimes it doesnt at all, or there’s a delay, or its still on cooldown but shows like its not, or the animation doesn’t show… so many things that make it completely unreliable. Same thing with flame turret and the smoke.

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


Not a bug.

Healing Turret’s overcharge is not an automatic condition-cleanser.
It merely causes the turret’s next regen-boon application is also cure one condition.

Thus, to use it effectively, you must be familiar with your turret’s mist-dispersal timing.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: Doomcaster.5084


what is the Cleaning Formula 409 specced?

Heal Turrets for quick heals / cond'n removal

in Engineer

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


what is the Cleaning Formula 409 specced?

Consuming or Tossing elixirs will cure conditions on whoever’s affected.

Consume = You’re cured.
Toss = Anyone struck by the AoE

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~