Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


This is a short guide on engineers and healing power in which I will write the basic stats of their healing abilities and ratios with healing power. All the stats are for
lvl 80.These are not speculations but tested and proven numbers.

Healing skills
1.Elixir H
-Base heal=5560 health ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=1 Health
-Base regen(10s)=1300 health ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=1.25 Health
Toss Elixir H-Base regen(10s)(aoe)= 1300 health ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=1.25 Health
2.Med Kit
-Drop Bandages-Base heal=1000 health ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=0.5 Health
-Bandage self-Base heal=4920 health ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=1 Health
3.Healing Turret
-Base heal=4920 ,Ratio is 1 Healing Power= 1 Health
-Base regen(8s)(aoe)=1040 ,Ratio is 1 Healing power= 1 Health
-Cleansing Burst-Base heal=1302 ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=0.2 Health
-Regenerating Mist-Base regen is 2 ticks(3s)(aoe)=780
Ratio is 1 Healing power=0.75 Health
-Combo field Water-Base heal(aoe)=1320 ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=0.2 Health

Utility skills
Elixir Gun
-Super Elixir
-Base Heal(aoe)=380 ,Ratio is 1 Healing Power=0.2 Health
-Base regen(10s)(aoe)=140 per tick ,Ratio is 1 healing power=0.1 Health
Healing Mist
-Base regen(10s)(aoe)=1300 health ,Ratio is 1 Healing power=1.25 Health

Elixir-infused Bombs
-Base heal(aoe)=136 Health
-Ratio is 1 Healing Power= 0.13 health(75 Healing =10 health more healed)
(but since you start with 300 Healing power because of the trait it will be 176 health base with no healing power except from the traits.)
All bomb heal for same amount, except Big Ol’ Bomb which I didn’t test enough.
Big Ol’ Bomb-Base heal(aoe)=151 health with 300 Healing power

Backpack Regenerator
-Base regen=125 Health per tick (Not influenced by healing power at all, but stacks with Super elixir regen and normal regen)

Low heath response system
-Base regen(10s)=130 Health per tick ,Ratio is 10 Healing power=1.2 Health
(You need to be hit under 25% health to active it, not get to 25% health.)

Fun facts are that normal regen stacks with super elixir regen and backpack regenerator, and all healing skills except backpack regenerator are influenced by healing power.

I hope this helps somebody and comment if you find I calculated something wrong
because I am not very good at math.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Very informative, thanks for that.
I was just testing out what + healing did myself, you made things a lot more easy for me

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: SixSins.7610


Does the pulse regen from turret actually scale with healing power? I’d always heard that it doesn’t scale at all and that it comes before any other regen making it horrid in a fight because it stalls stronger regens with a smaller one that ticks for a long time and gets refreshed… I assume you did your research since you clearly stated so, but I’m not clear on where you got the scaling power with +Heal.

Not meaning to offend you by disbelieving that you tested it, but it goes against everything I’ve heard until now and I really want to believe you, lol. Also, does it overwrite other, larger regens already applied before it?

If you could reply to this I would be extremely happy, thank you!

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


No problem I don’t offend easy. Regenaration work in a way that it stacks duration so if you get regen from multiple sources it will stack duration. Then the regen is applied in order of the strongest to weakest. So first ticks the strongest regen for it’s whole duration then the weaker one, and if the stronger is refreshed it starts ticking again first. So there should be no problem with having smaller regen.
I have tested this extensivley in the mists and pve using 0,100,1000 healing power as reference to get the ratios. And for the regen my friend helped me him having higher regen and me lower and it worked like i wrote in here.
But you don’t have to trust me just go to The Mists were you can respec for free while in there and check your tooltip of healing turret with and without healing power and see if it changes. Also I know how you feel since i did this test because the info from forums felt wrong and now I know it was(mostly).

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


Oh and if you mouseover your regen buff that show next to your health when you get it it will show you the source of your regen. This work with all other buffs also.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kozai.8269


Great information, thanks.

Something I’m not clear on is if someone uses a Blast Finisher, for example Rocket Boots, in the Healing Turret Water combo field, is the AoE heal a fixed amount based on the Healing Turret and associated healing stats of the person who dropped the turret, or does it scale in any way with the actual Blast Finisher power and/or stats of the person who used the Finisher?

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Blast finisher in a water field (that’s what the turret’s toolbelt skill gives) heals everybody scaling on the healing power of the one doing the blasting.

For the leap finisher it scales even better but of course only for the leaper himself.

From the Wiki:

Blast Finisher, at level 80, heals for 1320 + 0.2 * (Healing power)
Leap Finisher, at level 80, heals for 1300 + 0.5 * (Healing power)

Also, and to answer your question:

When applicable, the stats of the character that activated the finisher are used to calculate the combo effects. This is most relevant to combos that inflict damaging conditions, as well as the healing effects of Water Fields.

edit: re-read my first sentence, thought I had it wrong, wrote it different… but edited it back because the sentence made sense after all:)

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

(edited by Kimbald.2697)

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


Kozai you got me on this one. I have only tested water field with myself and only the aoe heal(blast finisher) and not the solo heal(leap finisher)or regen(projectile finisher).
I think it would be logical to use the ratio from the one who made the combo field but I don’t know since i havent tested it yet. Will bug a friend to help me test it soon.
Also I have just found this wiki page with the ratios for Water combo field so will also have to check if they are right. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Water_Field
And if you didn’t know the toolbelt skill of healing turet makes the combo field.

(edited by Chupa.2035)

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Check the central page on combo fields Chupa, the sentence i quoted is there.
It clearly states the one doing the finisher is what counts.
By itself a stupid mechanic, because usually the one doing a water field will have higher + healing stats I think. Not as a rule, but for the most part I guess that would be the case.


halfway the page, just above the graph with al the combo’s.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


Kozai you got me on this one. I have only tested water field with myself and only the aoe heal(blast finisher) and not the solo heal(leap finisher)or regen(projectile finisher).
I think it would be logical to use the ratio from the one who made the combo field but I don’t know since i havent tested it yet. Will bug a friend to help me test it soon.
Also I have just found this wiki page with the ratios for Water combo field so will also have to check if they are right. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Water_Field
And if you didn’t know the toolbelt skill of healing turet makes the combo field.
kitten my slow writing. Kimbald allready answered your question and it seems I am wrong on this one. My bad.

Placing the Healing Turret also creates a Water Field (and subsequent field every time the turret “ticks” it’s regen), making a quick, Place Turret > wait .5 seconds > Detonate Turret a powerful burst heal.

Didn’t see if this was specified.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


I have and you are right Kimbald. I edited my post as soon as I saw yours but it didn’t work. Thank you for the information and contribution to this topic. My greatest gratitude for not having to test it now.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Never getting a combo out of that.
Are you sure it’s a water field?

Testing it now and can’t make it work.

Could well be me, just saying I can’t trigger it for now.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


I have just tested it out and you can get a water combo field. Using mines for blast you time them to blast when the white circle from the healing turret appears and in that second you blast and get the water field combo. Not easy to get but possible. I suggest using the toolbelt skill for more reliable effect.
And thank you Kryptorchid for showing me this, and since it is a combo field it should have the same ratios as the one i stated.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kryptorchid.7620


I have just tested it out and you can get a water combo field. Using mines for blast you time them to blast when the white circle from the healing turret appears and in that second you blast and get the water field combo. Not easy to get but possible. I suggest using the toolbelt skill for more reliable effect.
And thank you Kryptorchid for showing me this, and since it is a combo field it should have the same ratios as the one i stated.

The trick to hitting the Water Field from the turret is to not rush yourself. It seems the sweet spot is between .25 and .5 seconds AFTER you have placed the turret. If you get a feel for it, you can get easy heal + regen + blast combo heal (from detonating the turret) every 16 seconds and still have your toolbelt skill if you need a water field in a pinch.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


Never getting a combo out of that.
Are you sure it’s a water field?

Testing it now and can’t make it work.

Could well be me, just saying I can’t trigger it for now.

I know the field produce by the turret fades really fast and you have to have good timing for you to use it in a combo. It is possible I have done it with my jump shot

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


Thank you Kryptorchid I was able to do it. My method was just a way for anybody to be able to confirme that it works and I used it for reliability to test it over 10 times to be sure.

Now some facts I did and didnt put in my original post since i don’t know how to edit.
Healing turret
-Water field blast combo base heal=1320, Ratio is 1 Healing power=0.2 Health
-Water field leap combo base heal=1300, Ratio is 1 Healing power=0.5 Health
-Water Field projectile combo base regen(2s)=130 per tick,
Ratio is 10 Healing power=1.2 Health
Kit Refinement-Creats a spell when you equikittent.
Equipping Elixir gun gives a super elixir with the same stats as the original one and they stack for some reason. Just tested all of this to be sure the wiki wasn’t wrong.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Mura.8673


I’ve been experimenting with blast finishers a lot, I thought I’d list here the blast finishers Engineers have. This thread is about healing and has great info about healing with combo fields and types of finishers, and I read a lot of theorycrafting as well. I thought I’d include some battle tested experience.

Big Ole Bomb
supply crate
rocket boots
shield skill Magnetic Inversion
the Detonate skill from after you Throw Mine
the toolbelt skill from Thumper Turret
and detonating any turret (we have 6 types of turrets)

I’ve spent weeks intentionally having my own combo fields with my own blast finishers in wvw and spvp (I don’t pve). and I don’t mean in the Heart of the Mists either, I mean with big scary Norn warriors trying to pound your face in, or mesmers pissing you off at a node.

Here is my battle-tested experience:
Big Ole Bomb is tricky to time. With practice, you get better at it, but the lag from the time you drop it until it detonates is tough for a beginner. And in the heat of battle, you have to be used to that.

Supply Crate: I used this intentionally as a blast finisher to test the experience, again in battle, not just in the mists. yeah it’s nice if you’re thinking about that and you drop a smoke bomb right before dropping this guy, cause you get the aoe invisibility which drops you as a target, but to be honest, if you’re using supply crate you use when you need to NOW

rocket boots: Not my favourite blast finisher because now I’ve flown backyards what, 900 yards? And I tend to save that for when I’m immobolized. But it’s okay.

shield skill Magnetic Inversion: Again, I prefer to use this as a knockback that I want to use NOW. Not after I drop some combo fields. but it’s okay.

the Detonate skill from after you Throw Mine: I seriously hate this blast finisher the most. It doesn’t sound so bad on paper, but to have to click it to throw the mine, click again to place it on the ground, or throw it which there is a lag time there, then save it for a Detonate on your combo field? Pain in the behind. Meanwhile some guy is charging you. I found it easiest to set up at the beginning of a fight to get aoe might from the Fire bomb. Trying to use it for an aoe heal – misery.

the toolbelt skill from Thumper Turret: The easiest combo blast finisher we have. No lag time, it’s pbaoe, one button and bam, immediate blast finisher. I love it. Drawback: you have to have a Thumper Turret in your utility slot lolz

and detonating any turret (we have 6 types of turrets): This is pretty easy to do too, actually. Even in the pressure of a battle, half way through chances are your turret is about to eat it anyway, so drop a smoke bomb, detonate turret and bam, invisibility. Or do the Regenerating Mist (healing turret toolbelt skill) and detonate your turret, easy.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Just got the field to work, I wasn’t paying attention to the white cirkle enough. Was more going by the smoke, which means you’re late…

Thanks for the tips, just made the turret that little more usefull for me

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


Thank you Mura this is some good kitten information. I was doing my testing just to get the ratios so I don’t have battle tested info like you also I mostly pve.
Here is a list of the other finishers we engineers have and I am sorry I don’t have the info about them as Mura had with blast finishers.
Leap=Rifle 5-Jump shot
Projectile=Pistol 1-Explosive shot,Rifle 1-Hip shot, Elixir gun 1-tranquilizer dart,
Tool kit toolbelt skill-Throw wrench, Personal batering ram toolbelt skill, Rifle turret toolbelt skill-suprise shot
Most people already know this but this is for those that don’t.

(edited by Chupa.2035)

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: STIMjim.7405


So, which is the better heal, the turret or the backpack? In terms of potential i think the backpack might have more, but all this talk about combo fields for the turret, now leads me to believe it’s the better heal.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Bard.7215


The backpack does give crit and swiftness though… that’s something to consider

Sort of like building a sandcastle

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Chupa.2035


The healing turret and healing kit have same stats on their big heals. Healing kit also has single target conditional removal. a buff for crit and swiftness and you drop bandages that anybody can heal with. The healing turret has a toolbelt skill that gives regen and a water field, the overcharge ability gives aoe heal plus cleanse on 60s cooldown and every time the turret refreshes the aoe regen it gives a water combo field for a second that you can use to make a aoe heal. They are both good in different situations. You have to try both and see which fits you better.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: SixSins.7610


Thank you for answering! You cleared my conscience about running the heal turret and leaving it out! So helpful and I checked somethings in the Mists myself just to keep from being fooled by random people on the internet again, no offense, but your intel is reliable to a fault as far as I can tell, thank you so much and more Engi’s need to red this thread!

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Tyaen.5148


Great thread. Now if someone from ANet can tell me why none of our grenades are also blast finisher that would be great.

Tyyaen – Engineer (80) [SS]

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Ghostrage.5127


@Tyaen — Probably because we can spam grenades and bombs via the kits’ regular skills all day long and no other class can spam blast finishers like that. It doesnt make sense to have it the current way in a realism/logical sense, but it does in a game balance sense.

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Not all bombs or grenades are spammable, I doubt that’s the reason.

My guess is that they don’t necessarily want to couple fields and finishers to the same kits too much.
Both bombs and grenades already make fields, offensive orientated fields even.

They do that with elixir gun, which makes it worth using above all else (light field + projectile finisher).
If they do simular combinations for more damage focused kits, they might end up making them too strong without having to swap out of them at all.

Just a guess, it could be any reason of course.
In the end, we don’t know the beginning of it, after all.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Healing Power and the Engineer-mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: ImariKurumi.5761


Quite a number of engineer skills scales well with Healing Power. I’ve been trying to find a viable support build for engineer, any recommendations? Something similar to a Shout, Altruistic Healing, Symbols build Guardian, which is a good combination of Multiple Boons and Healing for the party.

I tried running an elixir build, with 5 elixirs skills but the Boons and Healing provided is pretty lackluster. Tried healing via Bombs, extremely useless trait/build. Only reasonable support i see is via Elixir gun with Kit refinement, for stationary HoT(kinda big downside). Theres also the water field combo for aoe healing which i run with all builds(using healing turret detonation, Healing mist+shield#4). Somehow everything seems really weak for enginner running a support role…