Healing Turret

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Choops.3710


So when I read the tooltip and it says ‘supply a burst of healing that cures all conditions’ does it not really mean all conditions? I use it. Still have conditions on me.

Pikachoops – Engineer, Fort Aspenwood

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Daredent.2961


You have to deploy the turret — then hit F1 to destroy the turret for a instant heal + condition removal. Its a 2 step process.

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Twenynge.8520


You have to deploy the turret — then hit F1 to destroy the turret for a instant heal + condition removal. Its a 2 step process.

You won’t get any condition removal unless you deploy the turret, hit cleansing burst, and wait for the next turret “pulse” (there is one every seven seconds). You can elect to hit F1 as the above poster stated for an additional area heal, just make sure you don’t do so until after a) you’ve pressed cleansing burst and b) the turret has pulsed.

Bottom line, cleansing burst activates on the next turret pulse. F1 has nothing to do with it.

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Daredent.2961


I will test tonight, but I could swear you get the condition removal along with the heal if you immediately destroy the turret, but it has to be immediate.

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


When you use there overcharge function it doesnt make them use that ability immediately, It simply changes there normal “attack” to the overcharged effect.
So if you tell your healing turret to use its overcharge function, Cleansing Burst, it’s normal healing effect is replaced with it.
So like Twengyne said, you have to wait for its next pulse to gain the effect. This is true with all turrets.

What Daredent is talking about is when you self destruct a turret it counts a combo finisher: blast. Your healing turret’s normal healing pulse creates a very short lasting water combo field.
So if place your healing turret, let is use it normal healing pulse (which it does immediately) then self destruct it, it will create a combo effect of Area healing.
This has nothing to do with what your asking about.

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: gkaare.8576


Cleansing Burst says it removes all conditions but it will only remove up to 2 conditions. The description is incorrect and 2 conditions is intentional.

Also, as Twenynge said, it will remove the conditions on it’s next pulse. This means you could be waiting up to 8 seconds for that condition removal! If you want the condition removal instantly, I recommend activating Cleansing Burst IMMEDIATELY after deploying the turret. There is a short delay before the first pulse from the turret and if you apply Cleansing Burst quickly enough, the first pulse will remove conditions instead of applying Regeneration.

The Regeneration from the first pulse of Healing Turret is bugged, though. So getting the condition removal is way better than a 5 hp heal.

Healing Turret

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


I dont even leave the turret up long enough for that. It’s a 20 second cooldown heal that is reduced to 15 seconds if you immediately pick up the turret. I just drop and immediately pick up.