Healing Turret... Bug?

Healing Turret... Bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Undo.5091


Ever since the June balance patch, I have had issues when using Healing Turret in combat. From time-to-time my Healing Turret cast seems to be getting interrupted from simply taking damage during the initial heal. Unfortunately, I haven’t really tested this out, but I wanted to post this more as a question. Do any other players feel like their Healing Turret casts are being interrupted without actually being CC’d?

I do want to note a few things first:
-This has occurred both with and without the reactive lenses trait.
-I do not believe that I have been interrupting my own heal (since I’m usually trying to get the Cleansing Burst to go off as well)
-When this occurs, only my Healing Turret is on the “interrupted cooldown” (~3 seconds).

Healing Turret has usually been a difficult skill to interrupt, which is why I have been a bit skeptical over if it is working properly (and reliably).

Engineer (XIII) (KoTR)

(edited by Undo.5091)

Healing Turret... Bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Its not just you. Its also been occurring to me as well. Always at the most inopportune moments. But seems like a bug that’s happening to mesmers as well. I was watching Helseth and he had the same issue as well. Right now I’m not sure what is causing it.

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Healing Turret... Bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: GrandHaven.1052


Could be related to the skillQing bug thats still a thing.

Healing Turret... Bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nilix.2170


Yes this has definitely been happening and it’s cost me my life in Fractals.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

(edited by Nilix.2170)