Healing Turret creates a water field

Healing Turret creates a water field

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


I guess this isn’t common knowledge so I created a thread about it:

Every time the Healing Turret grants Regeneration it also creates a water field around it. The water field itself is much smaller than the Regeneration radius, it’s about the size of the white fog around the turret. The water field only lasts for about a second, and by the time you see the white fog it’s almost or even already gone; the best indicator to know when the water field is up is to look for the white circle around the Healing Turret.

And yes, I’m talking about the Healing Turret itself, not the tool belt skill.

One way to use this: Plant the Healing Turret, wait for about a second until it creates the water field, then blow it up; you get the initial heal, AoE Regeneration and an AoE heal.

Healing Turret creates a water field

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


It is posted on the wiki, has several threads dedicated to it here, is discussed in every cross class combo thread, mentioned in almost very turret thread, and discussed at length is build discussion threads, so I am absolutely baffled as to what you base the assumption that it is not common knowledge.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Healing Turret creates a water field

in Engineer

Posted by: AlphaDuck.7592


From the small amount of testing I did, picking up the turret will always give you more heal in the long run because it reduces the cooldown. This becomes more and more true the more +boon duration that you have. So only explode the turret if you need that extra bit of health now, or have teammates around who need heals.