Help With A Fun Engineer Build?

Help With A Fun Engineer Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: sinfulltears.2869


so i really like my engineer but i am kinda bored with my current setup. right now i run pure gadgets with tool kit and P/S. the damage is only good with tool kit and rocket kick XD i was looking through the skills and was thinking a explosives/med kit build seems fun. so how can i utilize med kit/bomb kit/elixer gun/throw mine(or rocket boots)/elixir X/rifle? if those literally dont work together that’s fine too. i am open to suggestions for fun unique engi builds! i know supply crate is like god and we should worship it but like i said this is just a fun build and for PVE. i am no good with planning traits and such but any and all help would be appreiated!!

Help With A Fun Engineer Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Husanak.3769


Take a look at the Gadgruptor build I posted earlier today.

Not sure elixir x is ever a good idea. The throw mine though if you trait the new Gadgeteer trait is awsome. It applies aegis to you when you throw it. Combo that with the knock back and its really fun. That build is fun for controling one target in a pvp… or throwing a constant stream of knockbacks into pve swarms or pvp zergs.

You could change it up and use a med kit… you could do something like keep the rocket boots and run the rfile turret for the fast tool kit spike. (this would give you 2 nice fast tool belt skills to proc SD on )

Just remember that swapping to your med kit is like swapping to a weapon.

So what I would do would be keep the sigil of intelligence / Doom or Hyrdro combo…. use the rifle for all your dmg… but swap to med kit every 10s or so and drop med kit 4 or 5… and then swap back… for 3 insta crits… so take your rifle auto fire off… and use those 3 charges for blunderbuss and jump shot.

(edited by Husanak.3769)

Help With A Fun Engineer Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: sinfulltears.2869


eh not really much for that build. i currently use tool kit so i am looking for something different. i know elixir x is not as good as supply crate but it seems fun.

(edited by sinfulltears.2869)