Help With Build

Help With Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Ok my first toon was an Eng at launch but I fell in love with thief about 2 months in and never went back. I hate having a level 80 sitting there not doing anything so, I need some help figuring this out.

I know theres been a lot of changes but I have no clue what they are. I’m interested in two builds maybe you guys can help out a poor soul.

Build 1: Strictly for trolling, massive health regen and survivability. I could care less if I ever kill someone.

Build 2: 100% max damage, grenade thrower. I’m talking one shotting people here. I’ve seen it done so I know you guys know the build. Could care less if the wind blows so hard that i’m put into a downed state and die miserably.

So any help would be great. Thanks!

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Help With Build

in Engineer

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


That super tanky troll build is in my sig. The high burst one shot build people use actually doesn’t involve grenades at all. It looks something like this.

You can get 30% + extra dmg %. Toolkit and rifle turret are mandatory, but the third can either be rocket boots, utility goggles, or battering ram. There are some variations, but thats the most common and effective. Search youtube for “Gw2 engineer burst”

Realistically though, this is what you’d want to run.

Edit: Tanky regen ranger not work out for you?

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(edited by Carpboy.7145)