Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Crash.4719



Hi everyone !

I am a French player and I am actually trying to teach peoples on the French Engineer’s Forum, mostly PvE. I am very active on our forum and I am always reading, discussing and sharing advices, (I have near 1k9 hours of Necro/Ingeneer played).

As Engineers, we dont have good French youtubers so make good guide about PvE (they are mostly PvP).

But, in your community you have some awsome guys like Nemesis as Necromancer, who is (for french players) near the best and popular Necro we can Watch on Youtube and Forum. And I also know you have Teldo as Enge’ in PvP.

So here is my question, who is your main shepherd (Thanx google trad U_u) for the PvE Engineer ?? I dont need only ONE name but some good players to learn about.

As I am trying to be a good teacher in my community, I wonder if my opinions, choices and builds, are in line with yours, as I can be with Nemesis for exemple.

Thanx for your attention and sorry for my English !

(edited by Crash.4719)

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Jigain.8231



Down with Vizunah Square! Long live Desolation!

plants Big Ol’ Bomb

I recommend Teldo. Not sure if I’d call him the head honcho, but it’s the first name that comes to mind when I think famous engineers.

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Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Stracker.9180


Teldo is a PvP engineer, not a PvE like he is looking for… I’m french too, but watch a lot of english guys but I’ve not heard of a particular PvE guy, the engi isn’t the most popular in PvE, so there is not a lot of demand for that kind of thing…

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Markus.9084



I’m french too, and I think you should definitely try to eat snails… They taste awesome !

As for the topic, there is not so many PvE engi builds… HgH is still an option, FT works pretty well since the last update and I can maybe post my rifle build for PvE on the fr forum. It’s an very easy build with high damage but without any support/combo for the rest of the team.

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Crash.4719


Thanx Markus but yes, we know the most part of the viables PvE builds, HgH, LF, Grenades Alteration, Support etc.

But you know, as a Necromancer, I was also saying this. I was thinking I was really good in my aptitudes and stuff choices but I wasnt really sure because I had the only opinion of the French community.
After some months I heard about Nemesis who made some guides on youtube. I was surprised that I was thinking exactly in the same way that he does, really the same comprehension of the class etc. He did the same theorycraft, math.. You know what I mean.

I was wondering if I could find the same kind of thing here, for the Engi !

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Markus.9084


Yeah, I know what you’re looking for…

and thanks for your work for the french community

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I’m not sure if PvE Engineers even have a Head-Honcho-type of person. Or persons.

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Jigain.8231


I’m not sure if PvE Engineers even have a Head-Honcho-type of person. Or persons.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking as well. Hence why Teldo was the first one to come to mind.

I mean, people do do PvE with engineers, it’s just that… well… no one’s really making a huge amount of videos showing how they do just that.

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Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


I am the best PvE engineer.

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Juzam Djinn Dk.2845

Juzam Djinn Dk.2845

This guy “crash.4719” just kicked me and another guy in a fractal run, because we were stuck, but it wasn’t either of our faults.

I hope other ppl get this warning so they DONT join him in fractals – u might get kicked -.-

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


This guy “**********” just kicked me and another guy in a fractal run, because we were stuck, but it wasn’t either of our faults.

I hope other ppl get this warning so they DONT join him in fractals – u might get kicked -.-

Wrong thread buddy. Though they certainly were being rude, it’s also not good to name
drop them in the forum. Report them to Anet, and let them do the spanking. =^..^=

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Juzam Djinn Dk.2845

Juzam Djinn Dk.2845

This guy “**********” just kicked me and another guy in a fractal run, because we were stuck, but it wasn’t either of our faults.

I hope other ppl get this warning so they DONT join him in fractals – u might get kicked -.-

Wrong thread buddy. Though they certainly were being rude, it’s also not good to name
drop them in the forum. Report them to Anet, and let them do the spanking. =^..^=

ok ill do that, but i dont know what anet can do about stuff like this.

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Jigain.8231


This guy “**********” just kicked me and another guy in a fractal run, because we were stuck, but it wasn’t either of our faults.

I hope other ppl get this warning so they DONT join him in fractals – u might get kicked -.-

Wrong thread buddy. Though they certainly were being rude, it’s also not good to name
drop them in the forum. Report them to Anet, and let them do the spanking. =^..^=

ok ill do that, but i dont know what anet can do about stuff like this.

Certainly more than french engineers can.

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Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Mouhappai.5406


“Watch the best -insert class here- player on youtube”.
People still believe in these sort of things? Why don’t people believe in themselves anymore?

Help a Curious Frenchy Engineer !

in Engineer

Posted by: Forestnator.6298


“Watch the best -insert class here- player on youtube”.
People still believe in these sort of things? Why don’t people believe in themselves anymore?

Yes, copy everything, call others noob who play different. New generation of players – gg.