Help me build a good durable engy commander.
take defensive traits — mostly inventions + alchemy (at least 50 points in these lines if not 60). engi has tons of good options.
wear soldier, sentinel, or knight/cav. bombs/ft + eg/rocket boots. builds and utilities can vary a bit. adventurer, traveler, earth, or melandru runes (defense or utility, not offense).
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Have you tried it out as a commander? I feel like if im up front being a commander im going to get a ton of focus fire.
Or has anyone actually field tested specs.
Also thanks isanemaniac ill have a look at this.
i dont really like to lead zergs
if i were to do that seriously, i would run something like the above
i have a tag, but mostly for utility. i run my normal grenadier roaming build if i tag up to lead some pugs for a bit.
other people have tried commander builds, inevitably they have a base of 0/0/20/20/0 and 30 more around somewhere.
just keep a guardian or 4 in your group for stability.
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try that also check out the ft build
i am also using it in wvw and am the last one to drop
Here’s my “all purpose” build
Personally I go for the bomb kit. People are going to stick to your tag like glue and you want to maintain a steady train. Bombs are fire and forget, which is great. No targets, just run and gun through the thick of it. I’ll frequently switch to my pistol so I can get off my static shot, poison volley, and blow torch and the coated bullets really help to maximize their effects. I generally don’t have problems with this setup, but I do tweak the skills a bit. Sometimes I’ll trade the elixir gun for the tool kit’s gear shield and the elixir S for elixir B so I have ~7 seconds of stability. The general purpose celestial stat bonuses are pretty useful. Good health, toughness, healing, and decent pain dealer. You can’t go wrong with full PVT gear, although I haven’t rolled with that for some time now.
I’ve invested in Celestial and boon duration, which I like a lot. Boons last for quite a long time and that extra stability and protection has proven itself time and again. However, I have been thinking a lot lately about the opposite. Focusing on just removing conditions fast rather than keep my buffs up longer. For that, I’m looking at this setup
Swap out my boon duration runes for lowering condition durations. Combined with leg mods and lemongrass soup, that’s -65% duration for most condis and -98% for immo, chill, and cripple. That sounds really good on paper to me, but I’m not so sure yet. Often there’s a lot of condi removal in groups, but there are times where this would come in handy. I may use this as secondary gear if I feel like trying something different, but so far I’m happy with my current setup.
Go with a full bar of turrets and supply crate, build as tanky as possible, grab your rifle, get Accelerant Packed Turrets, and enjoy your one-man mini hammer train!
porbalby the best build to surive in a zerg and a comander should die at last. Melandru for more armor if u like too.
I use this when I pin up.
WHen clashing against other forces, I will utilize the bomb kit. That keeps a 425+ heal tic on me as well as 265+ AoE stacking heal. Solid and constant AoE damage. The obvious AoE benefit of healing turret. Rocket boots to launch into trouble or in other cases out of trouble. With stabilizing armor combined with protection injection, I have a 53% damage reduction if I run out of stability and my stun breaker is on cool down. Self regulating defense is a free “get out of jail free card” every 90s. I feel the AoE heal tic of super elixir, elixir infused bombs, healing mist, regenerating mist, cleansing burst, and the heal turret itself combine with self regulating defense, the ability to negate over 1/2 the damage while under control effects, all to work together to allow me spectacular survivability while doing solid damage as well as assisting in keeping my team mates alive and cleansed.
I use two primary builds, and multiple utilities and traits when I command. From my time of commanding NA T1 pug map blobs, I used a Power/Vitality/Toughness equipment build. Since I mostly used flamethrower and grenade kits, my primary weapon type did not matter much. I use a modified version of Juggernaut for leading a large melee train or blob. I use all of the best survival traits in place of extra might/ and damage potential. But while leading smaller and under 15 man groups, I use a more damage over time (I prefer doing DoT vs Raw DPS) focused build with the best grenadier traits but following rules stated below:
My Rules of Thumb:
- 30 points in both Inventions and Alchemy trait lines
- “Automated Response”- its a vital part of any Commander Build
- 10 points into “Tools” to get “Speedy Kits”
Its another vital piece of any commander build- provided you use kit(s) - Remove in increments of 10 from the Inventions trait line if there’s gaps/ something unwanted.
- Put those points ^^ into the other trait lines to make things that you like using more effective.
- As a last resort replace 1 piece of equipment at a time if you feel a glaring gap in your build after following the above rules
Goal of your equipment build is to optimize your survivability:
- Soldiers is a good go to stat type if you prefer larger and more consistent damage
- Dire armor with soldiers trinkets are another good choice if you prefer Damage Over Time.
- Sentinels is another good choice (based on calculations done on Excel but untested in actual WvW)
- Celestial is a good way for getting a well balanced build, although with a bit less survivability than the above types
Nevertheless that high survival build can be modified. The Chest Piece gives the most stats over all trinkets and armor pieces, with the Amulet in 2nd, and legs and rings about equal to each other, with the other pieces mattering less. Celestial can be a good replacement for specific pieces, or an entire build’s basis.
Finally, the engineer is highly versatile such that it can bring many different tools to the battlefield and help fill in gaps in the team. For example, I find Healing Turret to be extremely valuable because of the huge water field. I use Tool Kit when I need to pull enemies down from Walls. I like to use Elixir Gun and Grenades when skirmishing. No matter what build you use, your teammates are so much more important. I suggest that you change your build (utility skills and major traits) to help fill glaring gaps while commanding.
Ultimately, your best build is the one that you like using the best.
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(edited by buckeyecro.9614)
What should I start getting in terms of gear, exotics and ascended.
weapons and armor, like stats I should be going for.
(edited by daydream.2938)
It depends highly on what role you want to play in terms of combat and what your group’s composition is.
Are you planning to lead a large 40+ person melee train or more of a ranged combat with smaller groups?
Generally, Ascended is best, but remember that kits replace your weapon and have their own internal stats. Exotic is a great choice and are must haves.
- Soldiers is a good go to stat type if you prefer larger and more consistent damage
- Dire armor with a mix of soldiers, carrion, and rabid trinkets are another good choice if you prefer Damage Over Time
- Sentinels is another good choice (based on calculations done on Excel but untested in actual WvW)
- Celestial is a good way for getting a well balanced build, although with a bit less survivability than the above types. Easiest way of getting to the numbers stated below:
- About 375-550 in both Toughness and Vitality including all bonuses from equipment and traits
- Range of about 2.6k-2.9k Armor
- Range of about 21k- 24k HP
However way you get to those values is up to you.
Based on calculations done on Excel using for a control of 1*950*950 to get the Numerator, and using various inputs for toughness in the denominator (range of minimum base medium armor rating with full exotic set up to a full major toughness set). With further calculations done with regards to health pool and hit damage.
The graph looks like a parabola.
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