Help on a Power, Toughness, Vitality build?
You could easily go rifle and play midrange tank/control. You could even do Flamethrower or Elixir gun (IF you don’t mind those kits) if you don’t mind using runes of the undead, though I hate to say it HGH build for any of them is pretty much your best bet.
If you don’t mind getting a little crazy you could go full turret, the “deployable turrets trait” meshes very well with non kit builds allowing you to place ranged turrets in unreachable places (to melee people) and allows you to focus on kiting/staying alive!
Also totally off topic, but might I recommend divinity runes if you don’t plan on using kits (or plan on using FT or EG)
try knight armor + zerk trinkets + zerk weapon to start off (or a knight weapon if you want to use a dps runeset and not a defensive runeset)
…whatever you do, do not use undead runes with power gear
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try knight armor + zerk trinkets + zerk weapon to start off (or a knight weapon if you want to use a dps runeset and not a defensive runeset)
…whatever you do, do not use undead runes with power gear
You use undead runes for a very nice bump to condi damage, engineers are about balance man, not about stacking ALL of one thing. Giving yourself a bit of condi damage on top (seriously run an HGH build with celestial gear and you will see an improvement OVERALL instead of in one field.)
How good is using Experimental Turrets? Is it worth going 6 points into the Alchemy line?
try knight armor + zerk trinkets + zerk weapon to start off (or a knight weapon if you want to use a dps runeset and not a defensive runeset)
…whatever you do, do not use undead runes with power gear
You use undead runes for a very nice bump to condi damage, engineers are about balance man, not about stacking ALL of one thing. Giving yourself a bit of condi damage on top (seriously run an HGH build with celestial gear and you will see an improvement OVERALL instead of in one field.)
except 7% toughness→condi is really not a good 6th bonus. generally you get what you pay for, and those runes are vendor fodder.
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How good is using Experimental Turrets? Is it worth going 6 points into the Alchemy line?
It is when you realize the added survivability that comes with it, if it makes it easier, think about it like a “Wow shaman” (is how my friend describes it).
The good thing about experimental turrets is it makes your supply drop insane.
The bad thing about experimental turrets is if you are placing normal turrets properly it will be hard to get buffs from them all, that or they are easy to cleave down.
Have had results going into reflective turrets in a light turret decap style build (1 turret on a low cd and heal turret for 2 more KBs with accelerant packed) APT trait is getting nerfed soon though.
Flame turret and experimental turret by itself can be fun in a might stacking build with FT. Might stacking lends better to hybrid though and not pure power IMO..which FT conflicts with since it’s more of a power weapon…silly anet. I should try this in a PVT setup myself. I think the FT looks cool personally and don’t mind it but I know what you mean about the other kits.
Also I’m confused that you listed Soldier (PVT) stats in the subject but Knight stats (PPV) in the OP?
What’s this for? PvE, PvP or WvW?
I used a full soldiers set with runes of strength and knights jewels with a hgh nade build, it actually works really well and tanks amazingly well, if you focus time max out your power and I can’t actually remember anymore but I think your able to get over 4k power which makes for some devastating hits even without crit