Help with leveling?
Suply drop is the only one which isn’t downright kittened.
Depending on your race, you might take a peek at the racials, tho.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
Supply drop should be the first elite for you to unlock.
As for what to invest in. Find what skills you like to use and focus on them with your traits.
After Supply Drop, your next best option is probably your racial summon elite.
As for traits, figure out which kits/guns you plan on using. Read thru all the traitlines to get a sense of what each of them focuses on. Then start putting pts in whichever line seems to boost the effectiveness of the kits you’re using.
For example, if you’re using the Flamethrower primarily, then you should put pts into Firearms to boost your FT and guns. If you’re using bombs or grenades, then Explosives is obviously the traitline for you at this point.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I occasionally use Mortar on the ice walls for Claw of Jormag so that I can feel special, but otherwise the only elite worth using is Supply Drop :/