Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement
I play a sylvari got cultural gear and weapons and then i get a kit on boom looks stupid as hell just let us have a toggle on or off for back/backpack items to know a ele stand you look at the buffs and it’s casts/abilities same can be done to engineer surely.
i HATE the hobosacks, i want to be able to see my normal backpacks/weapons.
If they were smaller/could be dyed i wouldn’t mind it as much though
What about an idea for a different Hobosack Colour, like finding Juvenile Animals on Ranger? You could find special Dye types on Trees and such which you can’t buy in the store and (maybe?) collect different types of materials to break down into Dyes and such to change your Hobosack? It’s just an idea that popped into my head xD
my wishlist for christmas:
1. better skins, no hobosacks
Bumped again. Wish this was fixed.
I love our gear kit sacks but wish they would vary by armor set or someway we could get more skins.
But the idea of NOT having a sack would be a terrible idea.
All i want for Christmas is for my hobosack to disappear.
Well, that’s not really all, but you get what i mean.
Merry Christmas!
Bump Bump a de bump bump
I kinda was hoping, futilely, that there would be a Christmas day surprise patch that removed the hobosacks. Sadly, there was not
Noooooo. I absolutely love my hobosacks. It is absolutely perfect for my look, build. But on the other hand, I do wish you could “turn off” their appearance like you can a helm versus having everyone lose them which would make me a sad panda.
Could the skins be tied to your backpiece and then when you unclicked the back piece it would remove the look? That way if you, like me, love them you can keep them.
Hobo sack is uglier than a centaur.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
Bumping for justice.
skins for hobosacks please
Save the hobo sack (but make an option to make it invisible)!
I agree with this wholeheartedly. For me it isn’t just the hobosacks though, it’s the engi tech in general. Most of it looks too cartoonish or outdated.
All our kits and turrents just look so far behind the rest of the tech you see in-game from charr, asura, and humans that it’s laughable.
We need skins to make our tech look more advanced or maybe a progression system in which level determines how advanced it looks.
Logged in on the forums for the first time just to support this cause. Need better looking/smaller/toggle option hobosacks!
I agree with this wholeheartedly. For me it isn’t just the hobosacks though, it’s the engi tech in general. Most of it looks too cartoonish or outdated.
All our kits and turrents just look so far behind the rest of the tech you see in-game from charr, asura, and humans that it’s laughable.
We need skins to make our tech look more advanced or maybe a progression system in which level determines how advanced it looks.
50% of pvp for is looks, if i dont look cool when im doing something i dont feel like im as effective, maybe thats why turrets suck lolol
I guess I never much cared about looks in a game. But if you do, and many do, then the option to turn off the hobo sack is probably the best option.
I personally like them. Similarly, I tend not to like when ANet creates over the top skins vs simple ones. There are only so many shiny glowy equipment sets I care to see on a battlefield. I wouldn’t want Char tech on an Asura for example. Guess I am old school or just old.
Why are they not implementing this! I didn’t spend 450g on my backpack to never see it!!!!!
Ill say it 100001 time…
Why are they not implementing this! I didn’t spend 450g on my backpack to never see it!!!!!
450g? 0_o might i know what item it was?
My guess is jetpack. I too want to see just my jetpack, not hobosack or the jetpack inside a hobosack combo.
I spent something like 97g on the Jetpack. I wouldn’t have, if I were a Kit-user, because I know it wouldn’t have been visible.
For the love of… why has a mod not moved this post yet. Let it die guys.
For the love of… why has a mod not moved this post yet. Let it die guys.
You mean to tell me they implemented the hiding of hobosacks?! Because that’s the only legitimate reason someone could suggest that this thread be closed or moved.
I can’t wait to run around on my character without the hobosack! I’ve waited so long =D
A mod hasn’t moved this post yet because this is an obviously important issue to many people and people are still raising opinions on it. The topic of discussion has NOT deviated from the original post.
Why hasn’t this been addressed yet? This has been a big deal for a lot of people since launch and this thread is incredibly visible.
Things that go BOOM
10 months ago
They don’t give a d*mn. Get used to it.
Ozilius ~ 80 Guardian ~ Member of [SOUL]
Proud Citizen of Far Shiverpeaks
+1 for the option to turn them off or have skins for gems.
Personally, I like the Hobosack look for humans, but sylvari/asura are ashamed of what they are forced to wear.
I’m actually not against hobosacks by itself, but against their amazingly stupid visuals. They all looks the same with same colors, and they looks like made for some generic soldier NPC, not for player characters. I don’t get it why they just can’t redesign them so they could look kitten?
Man I just want my hobosack to stop having clipping issues with my character’s head all the time, godkitten . Just take the top part off!
Alternatively, it would be nice to have the option to hide them all-together if we can’t re-skin them. I don’t understand why we haven’t gotten an update on this situation…
bumping this amazing thread, maybe as long as it stays there, someone will pay attention.
bump >_>
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Well in my humble opinion (as charr engineer player) those hobosacks are just…hideous. In fact SPECIALLY those things should be customisable alteast in colour cause they stare at you most of the time…if you use kits obviosly and/or just dont like the look . And maybe its only me.. but i never really managed to get the brown tone of this things to atleast paint my armor like them to sorta go with it, is the same with the guild backpacks while we are at this theme. And yea.. then the issue with the legendary weapons that dont show if you got a kit out. Man Anet.. love you guys, love guild wars2 and watcha do… but for christs sake PLEASE fix those kits, add a hide button for those who dont wanna have it, let it show the main weapons sheathed while in use atleast, let us dye them (maybe also a good chance to make guild versions by using the red\brown cloth flap on them) and maybe add an overall bigger collection of back items designed for the classes but available to all while we are at it. (like scroll packs for the mage types, maybe a back mounted war banner for the warrior guys, maybe a back mask or a few masks for mesmers or just a few capes.. or a pole with skulls on it, man.. so easy to find guff to carry arround and pimp out the char. Could think of a big list on the fly.). Wouldnt that look good? Wouldnt that sell some gems? Wouldnt people have a hell of a lot fun just adding stuff like this to their awesome armors to give it a final detail? Maybe its just me.. but id pay for that anytime.
How can it still have so much clipping problems. It does seem to be forgotten completly since the release.
Honestly, I don’t mind the fact we need a pack of some kind to store the tools, but couldn’t it at least be a satchel or something? I agree with the idea to toggle the huge monstrosity off if we can’t get it changed. Make it a gem store item, w.e needs to be done to change this Dx
Honestly, I don’t mind the fact we need a pack of some kind to store the tools, but couldn’t it at least be a satchel or something? I agree with the idea to toggle the huge monstrosity off if we can’t get it changed. Make it a gem store item, w.e needs to be done to change this Dx
I think too that a tool pack or general a kit backpack is actually nice to have. I mean all those elixiers, fuel, poison, caldrops, tools, bombs, turrets, ammo, gadgets and grenades need to be kept SOMEWHERE. Well wo dont likes it should just have the option to dont show it at all and be happy aswell. The ONLY thing thats truly wrong on this is the fact that you cant change the design in any way. Brown with red\brown flap for each race regardless of how the rest of the armor looks. Clashes with way too much colours and needless to say many races too, ESPECIALLY azura and sylvari. I mean as a charr player i can swallow the design easily since thats pretty much charr like it is, as human or norn i prolly wouldnt see much of an issue either, well maybe with the size on a human, but thats also only a matter of taste. If they really would start to fix something id say they should start with the ability to hide the kit packs and the ability to dye them (obviosly including the starter pack) and maybe right away also fix the bug that if you wear a backpack already and draw a kit they sometimes clip together like mad and sometimes the backpack vanishes and gets replaced if you draw the kit. More designs should be of course added too…but baby steps rather then no steps at all. I might not be arround as long as many others, but if it kittenes me off already big time i can only imagine that many are already at the boiling point or just too frustrated to even fully care anymore. I would give an arm and a leg if the packs would go perfectly with my pretty red\back\brass coloured mix of cultural, magitech and kryta clusterf**k armor >_<
(edited by Basaltface.2786)
Whenever I’m using a kit, I have two backpacks on my back.
My zephyr pack disappears when I equip a kit, but it comes back when I use a random skill. Such beautiful clipping.
Why does it put a backpack on my back even though there already is one?
This has been like this for a really long while. Is it really hard to fix?
They could just make the kit packs not appear if the back item is set to visible.
Option to hide them and/or give cultural skins would be really nice. Poor sylvari are restricted to fall colors to match their hobosacks, and none of that goes with the verdant skins. And I can’t imagine the asura being okay with those grimy things.
I came back from a long break and this is still not fixed? Way to go, IncompetentNet.
Current characters: Mistress Viridi (Elementalist), Pigeon Opener (Engineer).
3DS Friend Code: 0903-2770-3378. Mail me in-game if you add me!
PLEASE give us the option to get rid of these hobo sacks! I rather have this then any of your ‘fixing turrets’ patches!
Yea.. seems they really dont care, what i personally just find sad. Isnt like engineers already got the shaft with the vortex of coats that are really not all that different from eachother AND then to add a bit more salt to the wound the races that use a lot of technology in their overall design (charr, azura) get those coats stretched to fit their shapes. Hard enough to find armor that fits\dont clips but then you cant even stray far from the hobosack colours (if you hate clashing colours like i do). The concept arts for engineers (and pretty much all charr concept arts) brought me to the game. Seriosly.. why cant we have stuff like this? Or just look at this guy :
Yea a warhammer scaven warlock engineer.. i know…wrong universe jada jada… but a good example for fantasy engineer nonetheless. Imagine his wonderfull backpack as a flamer fuel tank or screw some vials on it and call it a potion cannon backpack. MUCH more appealing. Then a bucket of dye to fit to the armor you got on and BAM done.
I highly doubt this thread will get seen and\or cared about by Anet… but it wont stop me from keeping it alive, dont care if this is a fruitless task but hey.. better then doing nothing at all. I love the engineer class but id love to also feel\look like a proud (and awe inspiring) master of gadgets if i charge at the enemie with my belching flamer or turn the enemie to a bleeding pin cushion with the darts from my elixir cannon before beating the life out of them with a prybar and wrench and finishing up with my assortment of explosives…not looking like a hobo that somehow tinkered together a flamerthrower.
Recent interviews with Colin have said that they are working on at least two big things behind the scenes in addition to the LS.
Does this mean that it is CONFIRMED that they are finally going to fix the issue of hobo-sacks?!
Doubtful… put I can dream.
Hobosacks ain’t going to be classified as ‘Big.’
They’re going to happen without fanfare; we’ll have to go looking to find out they did it if they do it.
heh.. thats not a “big” issue to them.. even if it should be. The engineer class is dumbed down beyond belief atm. Turrets suck, you only got ranged weapons, the kits are too weak raw damage wise (in my opinion but thats for a different thread) and then they also look just ugly. Some dye would already do a lot or an option to hide it.. man that CANT be that hard to do, or a hide button for those who dont want it. Come on a net show some love for the engineers. Its especially sad if you bought the game to play engineer (like i did)
heh.. thats not a “big” issue to them.. even if it should be. The engineer class is dumbed down beyond belief atm. Turrets suck, you only got ranged weapons, the kits are too weak raw damage wise (in my opinion but thats for a different thread) and then they also look just ugly. Some dye would already do a lot or an option to hide it.. man that CANT be that hard to do, or a hide button for those who dont want it. Come on a net show some love for the engineers. Its especially sad if you bought the game to play engineer (like i did)
Bravo! Finally someone told true. If the skills are having change so huge like heal scaling by 50% or transmutation 100% (cooldown tooo long as usual), it is a proof that class is dumbed down, broken etc.
And of course hobo – sacks, they look like shieet. Its like a beta or something , bump all the way the top !