Holosmith - Some things weren't quite right
TBH I didn’t have an issue seeing the heat gauge and your character also changes colors when you increase levels of heat so that’s a really good indicator.
I agree with radiant arc pre and after cast they are terrible. Prime Light Beam I would rather stay targeted especially for the fact that it can still track targets in stealth if you start casting beforehand. And the drawbacks are fine considering you can hit like 10k crits, it’s the same as kill shot basically.
Photon blitz I agree should be 900 , 600 is very awkward of a range for an unload ability.
I think kits kicking you out of forge is great as it saves you an extra click, especially if you want to use one of the skills right off the bat that extra time spent dropping forge and going into kit could be an the opportunity is gone from what you wanted to do.