How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShiroiKuma.6013


I’m really enjoying my engineer right now, however I’m curious what I should stack to get the most out of it?

With my rifle, I can see the tooltips change based on +power +condi etc…

But on the Flamethrower abilities, they don’t seem to change so I’m not sure what the best stat to stack is to get the most oomph (burn) out of my Flamethrower.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: SkillGlitch.5301


The Flamethrower attacks are power based. The 1 hits 10x for power based dmg and puts a dot on at the end. #2 is a power bases attack. #4 is ticks of dmg, also power based.

If you want to get the most burning from the flamethrower you should prob invest in crit to get the burn/vulnerability/bleed procs from the firearms/power traits. There are some builds out there that run heavy crit/cond and use the flamethrower to apply all the conditions quickly.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


If you try to use the flamethrower kit as a primary weapon, you’re gonna have a bad time.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Flamethrower right now is kind of bugged. It can miss targets often with no clear indication as to why.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


The Flamethrower attacks are power based. The 1 hits 10x for power based dmg and puts a dot on at the end. #2 is a power bases attack. #4 is ticks of dmg, also power based.

If you want to get the most burning from the flamethrower you should prob invest in crit to get the burn/vulnerability/bleed procs from the firearms/power traits. There are some builds out there that run heavy crit/cond and use the flamethrower to apply all the conditions quickly.

The #4 ability, all of the ticks of damage are condition based, just wanted to clarify that.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: smapty.4270


Going for a power flamethrower build may seem more appropriate based on the skills in the kit but you will only hit 2-2.5k an attack if you land the full effect on someone (this is a high crit/ power setup).

I have been using a condition damage flamethrower/ bomb kit setup lately with probably the best results of any build I’ve tried (and I’ve played around with a ton of different builds and setups). Using the flamethrower to apply conditions is extremely efficient and yields some big damage numbers… You won’t have the burst some other classes can dish out but if played smartly you will almost never lose a 1v1. Even vs 2 or 3 you an still hold your own pretty impressively.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


My biggest disappointment with the flamethrower is that you can’t get Juggernaut and Deadly Mixture AND max out Inventions for toughness.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kordwar.5417


Flamethrower right now is kind of bugged. It can miss targets often with no clear indication as to why.

Hopefully this is will help you out.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


Flamethrower needs a combination of both condition and power because of how it plays.

You can go either way or both ways.

With pistols as your backup you’ll want to lean more toward condition, so that their condition damage (3 different types if you dual wield) becomes more effective.

If you play with rifles, I would suggest getting more power. Rifles have no condition abilities, but do very well to help a player dance in and out of range.

Explosives and Firearms together do well for the flamethrower by buffing power, condition damage and duration, and precision.

Your third option can be either defensive (alchemy is a mix for you since it has a Master trait that can boost your FT damage, while Inventions increase both toughness AND healing – more health and armor!) or offensive (Every point in tools increase crit damage, which helps out on your FT’s direct damage hits and increases the chance for proc-on-crit conditions to be applied).

You have many places to go, and many trait paths to choose. I just hope my information helps you decide.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

(edited by Sporadicus.1028)

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: draculthemad.6273


Flamethrower right now is kind of bugged. It can miss targets often with no clear indication as to why.

The effect follows mouselook, even if the graphic doesn’t.

That video Kordwar linked is good, but it doesn’t really show the way you can use that feature to hose down multiple targets.

Some other things about the Flamethrower:

Its both power and condition damage based.

The primary is power by itself, but EACH of the 10 tics can crit separately and proc the on-crit bleed or flame you can have as an engineer from traits. That can mean LOTS of bleeds and burns on any target it hits.

The last attack of each 2-second blast also procs a 1-second burn on every target it hits.

tl;dr: It benefits directly only slightly from condition damage, but if your traits are right it can benefit significantly from it. Its single target dps is meh, but as a way to spam conditions on a group its pretty powerful.

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: JoxerNL.3752


For Flame Thrower :
1st of all stack Power and Crit, you want to get nice big juicy crits, and the burn dmg you will be getting off of crits later on, rightnow not important. (by the time this becomes important you can either mix n match or get gear with precision/power/condition)

2nd of all go get yourself a rifle, it is incredibly cost ineffective to keep pistols up to date rightnow, especially since their stats etctera are not counted when your using your flame thrower, so in short : updating 1 rifle through karma = easier then updating 2 pistols, waste of karma since you will be in your flame thrower kit 90% of the time.

I suggest going up the Firearms & Alchemy tree, aim for getting the traits that enhance the Flame Thrower, reasoning behind rifle is pretty obvious, just look at some of the traits, and alchemy has that nice juicy +15% flamethrower dmg in it aswell as giving you some great survivability.

As for how to kill in PvE : backpaddle, just DO NOT backpaddle in PvP of any kind.
The mob AI is dumb enough to walk forward stop dead in it’s tracks, try to use an attack ability while getting hit by FT, and miss due to you backpaddeling, then start all over again, works even better if your using a Thumper turret <- FT’s best friend ever!

If using this in PvP see yourself as a skrimisher, someone who flanks others, i have done this in our WvWvW fights alot of times with great success, though sPvP is less so successfull due to it being small scale. but luckily with using the exact same spec you can make a nasty dual pistol/HGH spec, only need to change 3 traits around, keep same tree’s.

Hope this helped, if you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

Edit : adding specs : the Flame Thrower Spec i use :

And lastly the pistol spec i can easily switch to when i feel like it :

(edited by Moderator)

How do I increase Flamethrower efficiency?

in Engineer

Posted by: GonzoNeo.4965


I just post this in Gw2Guru right now if it helps, i was making Flamethrower gear tests

osted Today, 03:54 PM

I just tested the FT gear to PVE/Dungeons in PVP lobby with the same trait build (10 Explosives/30 Firearms /30 Alchemy) but with 2 diffent gear always vs Medium Golem and FlameLegion runes:

I know this is with PVP gear, but it give me an idea to build the character

Power, Condition Damge, Vitality Amulet:

Well the FlameJet is about 1800-2100 medium damage, generally more close about 1900, the burns ticks hit about 690 and the bleeding about 112 each tick. The % crit is about 18%, with this i cant do perma burn and the bleeding stack is only 1 tick, sometimes 2, the Vulnerability tick is about 1 too but not perma.

Power, Precission, Vitality Amulet:

The FlameJet is about 1900-2400 damage, more close about 2200-2300, the % crit is about 48% the burn damage is 467 but i can make it almost perma, the bleed ticks hit about 67 each damage only but i can reach 3-4 charges before the golem dies, same with vulnerabilty, i can get 3-4 charges before the Golem dies, i think that is better 3-4 charges of bleeding with 67 damage that 1 with 112, and the vulnerability give more damage to me and my party. Futhemore the Flame Blast hit harder, but the Napalm burn no.

I think that i will go for Power and Precision, more autoattack damge, more Flame Blast damage, less condition in each tick damage but i can put more bleed and vulnerability ticks wich mean more bleed damage in pve and more damage to my allies, i have less burn damage but i can make it almost perma damage without put traits in 20% burn duration.

In PVE there are no armor with Power, Precision and Vitality, but the Knight Armor use Thougthness instead of vitality but is fine to me.

I would love see the test result of more people, so you are welcome