How do you manage your keybinds?

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


Hands are only so big, how do you Engis manage your keybinds for your toon but have them as universal so you don’t have to keep rebinding when you switch class?

Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMonk.4531


How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Macros I play piano myself.

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


Yes that’s the one I’m using right now. Turns out 70+ buttons isn’t quite enough.

Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: basz.6129


Q, E, R, T for toolbelt skills

SHIFT, Z, C for kit/utility swaps

TAB target nearest enemy

~ target nearest ally

X elite skill

F5 kept this for elite toolbelt

I use standard browsing mouse, right click select target and auto attack, left for simply select target. I use browser wheel as a mouse 3 for heal skill.

These are my secondary command buttons, but I use as primary. Left most of the original command buttons in use as well, just in case I do get mixed up (more for when I first changed my bindings).

This may feel cramped at first, but I found that trying to jam everything onto gaming mouse, and maintain control of my camera how I wanted resulted in me sometimes having problems aiming where I wasn’t looking. Solved this by jamming it all into a small space on my keyboard. The difference is that my keyboard is stationary, and once I got used to tightening my finger strokes, the small area layout is highly effective. I am able to get and stay about 2 skill activations ahead of current-skill, this allows for some very calculated and time dependent finisher combos that are necessity to play engi in pvp. Hope it helps

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ken.3785


z,x,c,v: utilities and elite
e: call target
r: take target
f: interact
g: about face
q: heal
shift+[1-5]: secondary toolbets (f keys are too far away)
t: autorun
shift+space: swim down

s: changed from walk backwards to dodge
a,d: strafe instead of turn
shift+a,d: turn

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


Do you people not use skills while moving or somthing?

Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: basz.6129


I do. Can’t speak for anyone else.

The key is binding your most used things close to movement keys so you are able to manipulate your fingers to keep moving, and activate skills/utilities/toolbelt. Noone has ever said that engi doesn’t have a high skill cap, and every semi-decent engi slogging through the game has invested time into that character to get familiar with unique playstyle and personal keybinding layout.

Oh, forgot, I also changed A and D to strafe, did away with turn. I use my mouse to turn.

And I use number line, default 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, for attacks/skills in-kit.

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: DarkMonk.4531


Yes that’s the one I’m using right now. Turns out 70+ buttons isn’t quite enough.

I’m using left hand for moving\dodging\using\targeting and my right for skill usage and target calling. wasd – for moving, q-e – closest\next target, f – use, r – dodge, space – jump. On mouse 1-6 weapon skills + healing, 7-9 – utilities, 0 – elite, G-shift + 1-5 – F-skills, G-shift + 6\9 – call\take target. I use it to play all professions without switching profiles or keybindings.

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: Pakkazull.6894


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for weapon skills, Q for healing, shift+1, shift+2, shift+3 for utilities, E for elite.
Toolbelt skills are shift+Q, shift+E, R, C and shift+E. The other keybinds (target call, etc) are just standard. Well, except A and D are strafe, but that’s just standard for anyone who ever plays PvP in an MMO.

(edited by Pakkazull.6894)

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: santenal.1054


Personally i would recommend you buy a logitech G13 for your left hand because it’s more comfortable then a keyboard and you can easily select a different set of keybinds for different classes (+logitech gaming software). For your right hand i recommend a gaming mouse with lots of buttons. The G600 is perfect for GW2 but if you also like to play shooters maybe it’s better to buy a mouse that is easier to pick up and move around.

ps: macros are not allowed in gw2

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: leviathan.2148


1-5 – weapon skills
R – healing skill
Q,W,A – utilities
T – elite
X,C,V,B,N – F1-F5

G – interact
Shift – special skill

dodge and swap weapons are on mouse keys

I am an engineer – a pianist of destruction! Now please go back to standing in my AOE. - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: godmoney.6025


1-5 = weapon skills
Shift+1-5 = toolbelt skills
Z, X, C = Utils
V = Elite
F = Heal
Q = Extra bind for Toolbelt skill1 to blast healing turret up quick xD
T = Take target
Shift+T = Give target
Alt = look behind
WSAD = Movement and strafing
`Tilde = weapon swap
Mouse Thumb button= Dodge

La Fantoma – Aurora Glade

(edited by godmoney.6025)

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: DGraves.3720


Man, I can’t even imagine some of your set-ups. I would die.

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: bloodletting wolf.2837

bloodletting wolf.2837

Razer MMO mouse was the best money I ever spent for GW2.

Kaa Mchorror NSP grenadier [hayt]

How do you manage your keybinds?

in Engineer

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Lol, the handfull of times I’ve discussed my keybinds with people they’re so confused how I manage to make it work, but…

I play on a laptop with a touchpad (the one just below the keyboard, what ever they’re actually called) and I have some motor skill problems from childhood which makes my left hand extremely weak. I can use it just fine, but it lacks a lot of precision.

Anyway, due to using a laptop and having a weak left hand, I have it set up so that 80% of my keys are on the far right of the keyboard, mostly on the calculator.

Looks like the image attached below, same keyboard as well:

Green = Weapon switch
Ctrl = dodge
Shift = jump
Arrow keys = movement
0 = heal
Decimal = elite
Purple keys = weapon skills
Pink keys = utility skills

All F1 – 5 keys are the same, “/” and “.” are swim up and down. The only issue I have is that the F keys are too far away from the mousepad which means depending on the situation, I might need to stop moving entirely to press one… Which really sucks since I mostly do WvW. Fortunately, it’s not a problem a lot of the time other than when I fat-finger F5 and 6 (screenshot)… That’s the worst, lol.


Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

(edited by SpellOfIniquity.1780)