How do you move and still fire grenades?
Settings → snap ground target
You target your enemy and if he is in your range, you will throw all ground targets to him (sadly, toss elixirs, etc too)
So.. I start play scrapper. "
I personally also bind turn left and right so my keys are WASD and QE with the last two being my strafe keys. I don’t know if I use them or not since I’ve PC games so long movement is just like second nature. Also I haven’t found many situations where I’ve needed to use anything other than my current binds. I’ve either been moving left or right or forwards and backwards on my engineer in WvW. If I need to mouse turn I assume I am just not tossing nades at that time.
Place your mouse in the center of your screen, hold RMB and throw them (you will have to keep your opponent in the center of your screen too).
I just use my mouse to move around and spam 1 for grenade deadness. The snap to target is handy as well but its just explosions galore!!
Scratch that, other way around…lol! I use my keybinds to move like Bloodlet and then spam click nades 1 and whatever is on cd, then swap kits if need be. But yea, its not to hard really, and I’m old kitten that’s saying a lot!!
(edited by Joxer.6024)
Snap Ground Target is a great thing. I can see having to escape out to throw an elixir would be a pain, but wow, does it make kiting so much easier.
The right-mouse button thing was also great. Distance is just controlled by the elevation with respect to your character; putting the camera at the level of the character’s feet gives a range of 900. Looking straight down gives a range of 0.
I also rebound my “1” button to “A”, and that helps. My movement keys are ESDF, so with “A” I can keep my pinky tapping and still use all movement keys.
Thanks everyone! I have so much to play with!
Place your mouse in the center of your screen, hold RMB and throw them (you will have to keep your opponent in the center of your screen too).
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
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“Practice”. I highly recommend you just practice. No matter what method you use you need to practice.
“Practice”. I highly recommend you just practice. No matter what method you use you need to practice.
Bingo!!! Just like sex, you gotta practice at it to master it.
i switched my #1 skill button with ‘R,’ skills #2-5 are now #1-4, skills #6-9 are ‘shift+#1-4, elite mortar is ’Shift+R’
i switched my #1 skill button with ‘R,’ skills #2-5 are now #1-4, skills #6-9 are ‘shift+#1-4, elite mortar is ’Shift+R’
Ah, hm. My fingers sit on ASDF when I’m playing.
- Movement keys are ESDF.
- The #1 skill is ‘A’ so I can press it while using all movement skills. #2-#4 is RTGV, all by my index finger.
- Toolbelt skills are on the left, QWZX-capslock.
- Utilities I moved to 1-5, since I’m physically pressing them less.
- Then some miscellaneous ones, like ‘C’ for weapon swap and ‘B’ for interact.
- Dodge is mousebutton #3. (I only have 3 buttons.)
- Non-combat ones are all on the far right, like ‘M’ and ‘I’ and ‘O’.
This setup is a little heavier on the pinky finger than I’d like, but I can’t see any improvements unless I get a mouse with more buttons.
(edited by bravehoptoad.5246)
Never had a problem with it, but now that you mention it, my fingers are doing some kind of DDR-like shuffle on the keys when I’m using nades. Like, if I’m hitting a 1-5 skill with one finger that was on a movement key, another finger will slide over to cover it if I need to move in that direction.
I’ve never consciously thought about it though. It just happens.
It’s one of the few situations I use the action camera. Also snap target and use left mouse button to use skill 1 (nice thing: you can just hold the mouse button for auto-attack constantly), keyboard 2, 3 and rest is mapped to my MMO mouse. Works fine.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Nade’s used to be a great skill shot before they nerfed the range. Fast Cast Ground Targeting is the key, and getting the hang of the flight time for leading your target. Don’t do that bullkitten that just sends them to your target, you are giving up the major strengths of ’nades which is aoe control and denial. You can launch ’nades from range and switch to rifle and literally attack in tandem. So much you can do. Or used to do, back before it was nerfed.
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
I use the spacebar to throw the default nades. It works surprisingly well.