How the DEV'S design Engineeer

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Azimuth.7091


Hello, I have been playing the Engineer class as an Asura from launch. I feel like i study just about every inch of the engineer and came to a idea of a build, but don’t want to use it.

Before I Explain this thread is only for People willing to think, if your not willing to go back and read your traits and skill before post a comment stop reading now.

Now let me explain, the build base is stay in one spot and don’t move. Weird i know but look at some skills it may change your mind.

Looking at skills start with The Rifle, only does max damage when foe is close, and main thing that does damage shoot your for back letting you stay in your general area

Pistol just simple damage but the off hands have the control yet again you keep your foe a bay.

Seem a Little off on what I’m saying but the trait will help . I’m not going to sit and type each one but one the real Engineer players to go see. but for a boost ill say these quick ones.

deal extra damge when endurance is full / for is stun/ not moving.
Turrets have targeting/ med kit /turrets heal them self and can cause cc: along with tons others.

sad to say ina world that moves around It’s hard out there for a engineer but that won’t stop me and should not stop you.

“Only the best players can play the engineer and stick with it no matter what is tossed his/ her way.”- Commander Galvon~ of SoR

Galvon Engineer 80 / Sor/
LOL, Who still use Runes

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


Did you just quote yourself?

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


Pretty sure he did.

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Azimuth.7091


YEAH, I did because I can
“Because I Cam”- Galvon, of SoR

Galvon Engineer 80 / Sor/
LOL, Who still use Runes

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


What a hell I have just read? O.o

Something, what started with "a idea of a build, but don’t want to use it" and ended with selfquoting...

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Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


…be better if you could spell your self-quotes properly. Just, like, copy-paste that kitten or something.

Anyway: I’m honestly fairly baffled as to what the idea of this is supposed to be. “Stand still and don’t move” seems to be the cornerstone of the build, Scope’s probably in it somewhere (you decided to just leave that whole segment nebulous because “but one the real Engineers players to go see,” so I can’t be certain)…

And you decide to title the thread “How the DEV’S design Engineeer?”

I don’t see how this half kitten “I’m going to tell you a build, but I’m not really going to tell it to you, because if you’re a real Engineer player, you’ll know what I’m talking about” has anything to do with how the developers designed the class to begin with (as the title suggests – I actually only clicked this thread the first time to see if there was at least an interesting comment involved, but stayed for the crazy). I’m also unclear on what, exactly, is supposed to be going on in the build itself. There’s a reason people explain their ideas beyond “The idea is to stand still and not move.”

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Lol well to put it back on topic, I have thought of a similar build too, but the thing is I can’t really try it until scope trait is fixed, which would be a big part in a build with little to no movement.

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Azimuth.7091


Looking at the class in SPvp or TPvp there start you off in simple gear mainly having toughness. Not stating we focus on toughness but it’s needed for engineers. To stop my bs and back on topic with the thread is to focus on traits mainly, also let me better explain my first quote about my idea.

What meant when i said stay still don’t move was. When looking at the traits a lot of them seem to excel when the player is not moving, and traits can be place for the player to do more damage when they are not moving or the endurance is full. Also traits can be done to do different damages at range CC Conditions etc.

Some Of The Traits I’m Talking About
Auto-defense Bomb Dispenser, Accelerated-Packed Turrets, Exploit Weakness,Steel-Packed Powder, Cloaking Device, Etc.

I’m real looking up the website for the original trait they had for the engineer during beta, but the main trait that i notice was for the flamethrower in the firearm tree Juggernaut now it gives 200 toughness and ability to stack might, the original one was like 200 toughness and to 50% more damage when standing still, i believe it was.
I will link it once i find it again but i hope this help clear up my post. Sorry.

Galvon Engineer 80 / Sor/
LOL, Who still use Runes

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Vincentino.9427


Juggernaut was originally 200 toughness, stability, and 50% movespeed.

I think what this guy is getting at is that Engineers were designed to be tanky point defenders?

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


So we’re a profession designed to bunker? That’s silly, in a game like GW2. Too much movement – there’s a reason one of the primary complaints about turrets has been about their immobility.

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I don’t think it was their design intent to make us good bunkers when they weren’t even entirely sure what roles would shape out in PvP. They’ve already said they want each profession to have 5-6 competitive builds as well, and I imagine they aren’t all Bunker variants now.

At the moment, we are excellent node neutralizers but not necessarily Bunkers. Turrets are more like an anomaly of not working out so well, I don’t see it as an class mechanic that is forced on us.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Penguin.5197


So we’re a profession designed to bunker? That’s silly, in a game like GW2. Too much movement – there’s a reason one of the primary complaints about turrets has been about their immobility.

It’s pretty much true though. Even though all classes can fit a variety of roles, some are designed to better fit one role than others. Take thieves for example; pretty much unmatched at mobility and can get away easier than other classes due to shadowsteps, invisi and what not and have numerous traits to support their assassin style gameplay. Engineers on the other hand seemed to have been made to bunker/counter gameplay. Look at our traits, we get traits that only activate in certain kinds of situations when in danger: Cloaking Device,Acidic Coating, Self-Regulating Defenses ,Protection Injection, Reserved mines, Autodefense Bomb Dispenser, Protective Shield, Stabilized Armor, Automated Response.

And a part of our description on this site: “They can take control of an area by placing turrets”

We were definitely thought of to just bunker in and not move from an area much. The problem with that comes when fighting other classes, where if they start to loose they can and will most likely run away. Now I’m not saying that we don’t have mobility at all, since everyone knows about our perm swiftness. But there have definitely been times that even with perm swiftness on, other classes have been able to escape easily.

How the DEV'S design Engineeer

in Engineer

Posted by: Lite.3819


Op’s question have already been answer, so i’ll post this.

I believe this was the most fitting quote for the Engineer.


Engineer – Street Rag (Black Gates)
Current Build