(edited by Zenguy.6421)
How to read Eng Forum threads
Reading the engi forums is OP and needs a nerf.
Obsidian Spire OS / EXS
Nerf is the OP, and forum, it needs. — Engineer Yoda
Balthazar runes are broken.
@zenguy how about you prove us wrong? Instead of us allways having to prove that we are fine? Also, who the hell would bother watching me do 1-2 hours of running around roaming in WvW, there can be a lot of downtime doing that time? I mean, I know as a fact the Engineer is just fine in WvW, and all builds I have made videos of (and many more actually) work great in WvW still, and I change it around a lot! So your move sunny boy, prove to me we suck
Edit: also all my duel videos is vs people at same or above my skill level, and I only clip it together, all the fights are unedited! whooopsy huh?
also, I don’t think any of us claim the Engineer is OP, we claim it’s a fine and good class in many ways!
WvW Roaming movies!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
The game isn’t just WvW, though.
And that’s the whole problem, actually. You can’t balance according to pvp and expect that all goes well in pve…
why not just separate the two then >.> you already have them in different places all together, in a total disconnect with each other…why not balance @ each aspect separately?(speaking abt spvp and pve)
I don’t have problems in PvE either, my support build is still awesome, true I miss my free Super Elixir from Kit Refinement, but I’m still basking out a ton of AoE healing and I boosted my damage a bit in that build now I don’t need the Kit Refinement (which I still hope they are removing the shared CD on)
I can dish out one kitten of damage with my Grenade kit and the 15-20 stakcs of Vul. You can stack with most Nade builds make your DPS sky rocket! So we still got stuff doing!
tPvP? still wating for reports from those players! I don’t do that myself!
WvW Roaming movies!
Everybody has their interests. Overall the engineer is in a way better shape than it was before. At least I am not forced to play grenadier anymore. Arenanet also has the baggage from Guild Wars 1 where balance was awkward at best. While the meta was alive, it wasn’t okay to have Paragons relegated to obsoleteness while Dervish was redesigned altogether and was an unstoppable killing machine with the plethora of reaping/AoG/Onslaught builds. HA became an exercise in frustration if you had even one noob in the team who didn’t know how to avoid getting instagibbed by a Dervish.
On point tho, I look forward to fighting you guys again Amadeus. I really wanted to participate in the arranged tournament that was held recently but I had work For now, I have to play a good soldier and help Gandara climb out of the zergling-bracket once more.
Balthazar runes are broken.
The problem between those people who claim the Engi is OP or “fine” and the people who look at the profession critically, is that there is still a difference between a profession being “playable” and UP. Yes, the Engi is playable. Yes, skillful play can yield nice results. No, the Engi is not UP.
But is it really on par with the other classes out there? No, of course not. Are there still mechanically broken aspects to the Engi? Yes, of course, there are.
Usually, no one is saying that they just can’t play the Engi and ragequit. (Usually.) But that doesn’t mean there isn’t cause to look at the profession critically and really understand that there’s not a fair balance between classes.
And the people on this forum who insist on there being nothing wrong with the Engi are missing this particular point by a massive amount.
[Xian] Terracotta Army – Desolation server
so anyone got troubles in pve? really? thats … well .. bad :P
There are enough 30+ frac engineers that will tell you we are fine. those are the people you should listen too. and mask or amadeus here? watch their videos. WvW = fine. go to the ranger forums, the warrior (!) forums or any (non guardian ^^) forums and find the same whiny attitude going on. its nothing engineer related – its the players. its you.
so anyone got troubles in pve? really? thats … well .. bad :P
There are enough 30+ frac engineers that will tell you we are fine. those are the people you should listen too. and mask or amadeus here? watch their videos. WvW = fine. go to the ranger forums, the warrior (!) forums or any (non guardian ^^) forums and find the same whiny attitude going on. its nothing engineer related – its the players. its you.
I wish I could -1 posts.
[Xian] Terracotta Army – Desolation server
I don’t have problems in PvE either, my support build is still awesome, true I miss my free Super Elixir from Kit Refinement, but I’m still basking out a ton of AoE healing and I boosted my damage a bit in that build now I don’t need the Kit Refinement (which I still hope they are removing the shared CD on)
I can dish out one kitten of damage with my Grenade kit and the 15-20 stakcs of Vul. You can stack with most Nade builds make your DPS sky rocket!
So we still got stuff doing!
tPvP? still wating for reports from those players! I don’t do that myself!
The builds you guys make are really good! But saying we are fine is uncorrect imho. Do you guys ever use gadgets in your builds? No. You make really great builds, but the engineer only has 2 skill-lines to pick from:
- Elixers
- Kits
You’ll hardly see anyone using gadgets/turrets in WvW for example. The fact that half of our skills are NOT USED by the community speaks for itself don’t you think? These skills are just bad.
I have been roaming for a long time, and I’m currently testing a new build with 2 gadget. One of them is a life saver, the other one surprise me a lot. I will prolly post about it next week so people can try it themself. And I’M sure Amadeus is working on a power build also.
Still, I think our gadget are a bit too low. Just because you have the choice between a kill with full 5 abilities, and a single one. Most of the time, the single ability isn’t worth it.
But it doesn’t mean the engineer is broken. Every class have utility not efficient. That’s the meta of every MMO.
Over time the mETA will switch and maybe someday Elixir will be really bad and Gadget will be FotM.
Engineer is in a really good place right now in WvW/PvP. In WvW the only class that give me issues are freaking mesmer. Other then that, we are pretty balanced.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
I agree with kardiamond completely.
Our gadgets, flamethrower and turrets seem to be the only options lacking atm. We are fine otherwise compared to the other classes, we don’t have any more broken/useless stuff than most others, I’d say the exception is probably mesmer which is very good regardless (scepter still feels awkward to use for me) and guardian.
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos
I don’t have problems in PvE either, my support build is still awesome, true I miss my free Super Elixir from Kit Refinement, but I’m still basking out a ton of AoE healing and I boosted my damage a bit in that build now I don’t need the Kit Refinement (which I still hope they are removing the shared CD on)
I can dish out one kitten of damage with my Grenade kit and the 15-20 stakcs of Vul. You can stack with most Nade builds make your DPS sky rocket!
So we still got stuff doing!
tPvP? still wating for reports from those players! I don’t do that myself!The builds you guys make are really good! But saying we are fine is uncorrect imho. Do you guys ever use gadgets in your builds? No. You make really great builds, but the engineer only has 2 skill-lines to pick from:
- Elixers
- Kits
You’ll hardly see anyone using gadgets/turrets in WvW for example. The fact that half of our skills are NOT USED by the community speaks for itself don’t you think? These skills are just bad.
My video with most hits, and one of my best build, is actually using rocket Bouts, and i have begun to use them, and net turret and mine again! I’m still working on turret builds after the buff, but so far it’s looking good! Tho, I do agere that gadgets need work, and I actually talk alot about that in my communtaire videos, so White i say we are fine, i still think we got broken stuff we need fixed, but it’s going the right Way atm
WvW Roaming movies!
@Amadeus your videos are great. They’re marvellous examples of Eng play . . . and I’ve yet to see anything in them that is OP. Great play? Yes, plenty of that. OP? No, no sign of that.
People posting that they find the Eng class fine is great – it fills out the picture of how people find the Eng or whatever aspect of the Eng is being discussed at the time.
It’s ‘Eng is OP’ posts that are misleading. They’re also an unjustified siren call for the nerf bat.
The only thing that might be excessive on the Eng atm is that a +100% condition duration build with the Power Wrench trait could stack 10s confusion on one enemy every 12s or so (assuming Pry Bar lands every time). A build like that isn’t especially high dps (or tanky), and it really only works on players that don’t know when to back off in a fight. The real problem with that build is that it forces opponents to stay out of combat, which defeats the purpose of the game. In short, it’s a fun killer far more than it’s an enemy killer.
If anyone has evidence that the Eng is OP (as opposed to ‘effective when played properly’) them, as requested in the original post, provided that, please. So far no one has done so.
TLDR: As yet, nobody has presented evidence showing that there’s anything OP about the Eng. This is despite the clear call for this in the original post.
Claiming a class is OP, when most of the playerbase clearly realises it needs attention, is sometimes just that analytical skills and playskills don’t always go together, also sometimes it’s a self-stroking ego play from those who feel a need to posture as elite.
Most of us are so used to only using 10% of the engineer, that if it drops to 8% some’ll still say hey quit whining, we only lost 2% as opposed to looking at the situation and saying that’s 20% of what was commonly useable, now gone.
Engineer has always had some builds that can do ok, in a mediocre sense, nothing exceptional by themselves but just ok. Often underpowered classes attact a few highly skilled players who like the challenge, unfortunately that can often be mis-analysed as the class is okay overall, when it isn’t it jsut has a few exceptional players looking for a challenge.
Turrets being garbage.
RNG effects.
Multi-kitting being discouraged by trait layout and nerfs.
Lack of unique identity, where’s time warp or null field or moa or stealth or attunements or clones etc etc.
Condition removal being pushed to basically elixirs or prayer.
Reliable stability being removed from the class.
The opportunity cost of engineer, lower damage, less finishers, no weapon swap (no chance to swap stats/sigils) the low weapon choice, utils taken by kits, kits missing finishers like a more normal weapon.
Engineer utils largely consisting of two weaker skills needing two keypresses not one (in WvW skill-lag!) to often still be weaker to other classes 1 keypress (seriously compare elixirs to shouts for example).
The massive buglist and clunkiness of traits.
Yes engineer has some bits that work alright, e.g. HGH builds are left basically, but it has an awful lot that needs attention and that work needed shouldn’t be drowned out by a few shouty voices who want to promote themselves as so awesome that anything they play can never need buffs.
(edited by Kalan.9705)
Still waiting for any in-game evidence of an Eng being OP (as opposed to doing well at extended skillful play).
If you have it, post it.
Maybe its sarcasm but i actually never read any post about engineers beeing oped.
Its the opposite. All decent engineers that ive met ingame since realease, all 3 of them, rerolled since last patch.