How ton counter confusion engies?
dont be a kitten and spam skills to kill yourself with confu – thats all there is to it
both our confu bomb and our confu prybar are easily to evade as well
but in all honesty pretty much just what i said in the beginning – dont be kitten and spam skills
Concussion bomb (5 stacks) and prybar (5 stacks) require melee range. Also, there’s a delay after the bomb is dropped before it detonates.
Static shot applies 2 stacks per bounce. It’s quite hard to read or expect, as it’s an instant cast and quite a fast projectile. Obviously, an engi will need to switch back to pistol to use it however.
Hopefully you can draw your own conclusions from that on how to deal with ’em!
For the toast!
If they pull you near, they will prybar you.
Both are from the same tool kit.
They pull, you dodge and run. They swing in the air and have the cooldown.
If they have bombs as well (the other big confusion source) than you can bet they switch to bombs after they miss the prybar prybar and hit that…
Often they wait till the first stack is removed and apply the confusion bomb stack.
So if the prybar lands, and you cleanse, expect the bomb stack incoming.
As said: both are melee.
dont be kitten and spam skills
Well I am pretty much ALWAYS under Confuse so your option is not to fight him, and not to dodge neither.
With Cond duration 5s every 12 or 15s is pretty much 80% uptime with ONE skill. So if I am, lets say a melee, my choices are die or run?
Cleansing my save me 10ish seconds but with the number of different conds an Engies apply its pretty much loto. Not to mention LoS’ing to buy time is quite hard since nades hit you almost anywhere.
If you have a block skill, use that, perhaps. Otherwise…well, the Engineer honestly isn’t that tough if you just start hitting them hard (especially as the tree that gives Toughness is kind of crap if you’re not a Turret-user, as far as I’ve heard, though the HP one is popular), and our downed state skills are
1: Throw Junk, inflicting poison, cripple or chill, I think;
2: Get Over Here! or whatever (Rope Dart or something?), dragging the target to the Engineer, with an Interrupt effect and a cooldown of several seconds;
3: Go Away! (Some kind of bomb, Booby Trap?), sending enemies near the Engineer away from the Engineer, on a cooldown of 10+ seconds (which it starts in);
4: Bandage or whatever, to recover HP until you can get back on your feet.
These are popularly considered, as far as I can tell, to be kinda crappy, to say the least.
Therefore: If you get into a fight with a Confusion Engineer, just kill the little kitten with bursts during the period when you aren’t confused. Block or dodge when they try to drag you in or hit you with a crowbar, dodge (switch to ranged, if they’ve recently used the pull, in order to keep up the pressure) if they start dropping bombs, don’t sweat it if they shrink at 25% HP (it only lasts for three seconds, so probably a good time to heal), and burst them down. Go in for the stomp as soon as they hit the ground, because if you stand back and peck at them with your ranged attacks, they might live long enough to make you feel like an idiot with the grappling line and Booby Trap combo, so you need to make them waste the grappling line on not getting stomped.
(edited by Anymras.5729)
if the engy is runing bomb tools and nades then they have no stunbreaker or serious condi removal themselves, not sure if that helps or not but it may sway your playstile if it is available to you to pile on the conditions
i’m assuming the dude was using condi damage + duration food?
Keshana Devone -80 warrior ! Cherry Doomblossum -80 ele !
Titanica Teenytank -80 guardian
The toolkit pull has a 1 and 1/4 second cast time and creates a light-yellow ribbon between the engineer and you. If you dodge that, he will not hit you with prybar or concussion bomb.
Alternatively, you could just use lemongrass soup and runes of melandru.
No food it was sPvP, the guy was using nade, bombs, bar, crate.
As a fellow engie who doesn’t focus condition builds (despite being pistols… go figure), I have 0 issues killing condition engies. It’s the exact reason WHY I avoid going condition. My burst damage can down them before their condition damage gets me, even against a confusion heavy build, and then I can just heal up and move on. At worst I might get downed and jump back up after the fight.
No food it was sPvP, the guy was using nade, bombs, bar, crate.
Well if thats his setup he didnt even bring a stunbreaker , but far as how to beat him you’re going to have to CC him , if you cant then dont chase him around unless you have some SERIOUS burst because before you know it you’ll have a bar of conditions like you just shouted “Kill Yourself!”.
Practice versus engies , simply practice.
They pull, you dodge and run. They swing in the air and have the cooldown.
That won’t work unless they’re very slow. You won’t be able to recover from the pull before the prybar hits you. A stun break will get you out of it, but I’m not sure it’s worth a stun break just to avoid prybar.
Magnet can be a bit hard to see, especially in group combat, but an engineer will do prybar immediately after magnet 85% of the time. So if you’re fighting one, it’s a good idea and try to spot the magnet. It has a 1.5 second channel time before it pulls, so you’ll have to time your dodge, just like if you’re dodging killshot from warrior rifle. Often, the engineer will instinctively use prybar even though you dodge the magnet, meaning they’ll just use it on nothing.
For the concussion bombs, just try to stay out of the bombs. They might try using the concussion one once they’ve snared you with something since that will help guarantee it hits.
For the pistols, it’s not uncommon for an engineer to open a fight with static shot, and to use it whenever it’s available. It can be a bit hard to deal with simply due to how fast it is, so it might rely on you making good reads in order to deal with it. If you’re in melee range, you can always try to continually run behind the engg to screw up with ranged attacks. Projectile reflection can help if it’s available to you, although they might try to magnet you out of that, and it won’t work for bombs.
And make sure you keep an eye on your conditions. If you have 10 stacks of confusion, you might have to play defensive until they go away.
Think he means dodging the pull itself as soon as you realize it’s happening.
You know, I kinda wish the combat in GW2 were less flashy. A lot of things have relatively subtle tells that’re easily lost in the “Did Michael Bay direct these effects? kitten.”
dont be a kitten and spam skills to kill yourself with confu – thats all there is to it
both our confu bomb and our confu prybar are easily to evade as well
but in all honesty pretty much just what i said in the beginning – dont be kitten and spam skills
You know that doing nothing for 7.5 sec means you’re dazed for 7.5 sec?
They pull, you dodge and run. They swing in the air and have the cooldown.
That won’t work unless they’re very slow. You won’t be able to recover from the pull before the prybar hits you. A stun break will get you out of it, but I’m not sure it’s worth a stun break just to avoid prybar.
Magnet can be a bit hard to see, especially in group combat, but an engineer will do prybar immediately after magnet 85% of the time. So if you’re fighting one, it’s a good idea and try to spot the magnet. It has a 1.5 second channel time before it pulls, so you’ll have to time your dodge, just like if you’re dodging killshot from warrior rifle. Often, the engineer will instinctively use prybar even though you dodge the magnet, meaning they’ll just use it on nothing.
For the concussion bombs, just try to stay out of the bombs. They might try using the concussion one once they’ve snared you with something since that will help guarantee it hits.
For the pistols, it’s not uncommon for an engineer to open a fight with static shot, and to use it whenever it’s available. It can be a bit hard to deal with simply due to how fast it is, so it might rely on you making good reads in order to deal with it. If you’re in melee range, you can always try to continually run behind the engg to screw up with ranged attacks. Projectile reflection can help if it’s available to you, although they might try to magnet you out of that, and it won’t work for bombs.
And make sure you keep an eye on your conditions. If you have 10 stacks of confusion, you might have to play defensive until they go away.
This’s is actually great feedback you know your stuff my man!
that food that removes conditions on heal is probably a bonus to condition removal traits, might wanna look into that if you are balanced for some defense with some offense.