How viable is the Elixr Gun?
It’s a viable pick for a utility for bunker build, usually with kit refinement chosen. You can put down 2x super elixer that way which is good for stacking ret and/or removing conditions, along with decent healing too.
As a primary weapon? Not really too great. Although some people say the scaling is actually pretty decent, especially on eg2 when used on 2 or mokittengets.
(edited by Yukishiro.8792)
(copy and paste address into address bar, direct link doesnt work.);ToAAzCpo8xAjAGrXOfkeNqYOC
this is an elixer gun build i use for sPvP, high toughness and high condition dmg, as well as alot of condition removal + utility… you have massive boon up-time, but dont be afraid to substitute whatever traits or skills you desire…
i prefer this build because i really like condition dmaage, and seeing ticks of dmg fly (not to mention focusing on a power build thief / warrior is effective, due to the constant Weakness you apply from auto attack)
it boils down to preference, but to answer your question, Yes, it can be viable, if you build for it..
id suggest maybe trying the build i have suggested, as well as others you may find from searching, on the test golems in the heart of the mists… in there, you can use the amulets to ‘try’ how different builds will function with the elixer gun, and then decide which one fits You best… you may prefer a precision / power build, or a support / healing build… they are all viable, if you play to their strengths. Its up to you to discover what Your personal stengths/skill are suited for…
the straight forward answer is very viable.
I’ve now mentioned it in a few places/thread.
Elixir gun is really good.
It is probably the second best weapon after grenades.
It is our best long range option. oddly enough.
Rifle is generally though to be. but mistakenly so. it has 1 and only 1 long range move. rifle 1. which 1000 range default, traited to 1200, has .599 scaling and pierces. the rest of rifle is melee range. there is a +10% damage trait.
Elixir gun 1 is 900 range default, traited to 1200 as well. has .380 scaling +4s bleed(.2). there is a +15% damage trait. and also weakens.
Of note, kit is 969 max damage, rifle is 1205 max damage. A huge difference. 24% more damage for rifle due to this.
So rifle 1 will certainly hit harder directly. but eg 1 has that bleed. and weakens.
EG 2 ALSO has 1200 range. 4 bouncing. And scales at .715 So 2 targets for 1.43, or 4 targets for .715. +swiftness/cripple. Any way you look at it. High damage scaling. good buff/debuffs. and 1200 range. This makes egun our best direct target long range option.
EG 3 fumigate is terrible. As I mention in every thread. 3s cast. really really really low damage. applies vul and poison. PDV does better job of poison. And direct damage. Cond removal. super elixir, or 409. again, no one is using fumigate for that. 5stacks of vul. 6s duration on a 10s cd move. just not good enough when other things stack it faster, longer, and without wasting 3s casting such a poor ability.
EG4. very high damage scaling. pure melee. but a nice displacement at least.
EG5. 1200 range. 240 aoe. Can heal from 1440 away.
The key is to not be distracted by condition damage. you get that from might, and other sources. Focus on crit, power, and a bit of toughness. (again not too much. 50% tough, 50% crit damage.
Hrm.. berserk ammy+valk jewel might be good.
798p, 568prec, 284 vit, 15% crit damage +125p, 75 tough, 5% crit damage, 45 healing.
Divinity and celestial too. you really are using every stat.
Rampage ammy, soldiers jewel would work. (more vit then I would like. rather tough. and more cond then needed.)
Valk ammyrampager jewel.