I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Blackfire.8793


From what I see and read Engineers seem to be a shadow of how they were in beta.
Between the lack of scaling with Kits and no boost from the weapon the engineer used towards the kits. To the fact every single build for PvP I’ve seen is an Elixer, Bomb, or Elixer Gun build.

It seems every couple of patches they take away another of the engineers versatility. While I don’t mind a supportive play style, I’d like to at least feel like I matter DPS wise.

Currently at level 30 I’ve gotten a ok taste at what the play style of the engineer is. But its not too late to restart.

Question being should I? Or should I just sit back and hope they do something for this class later?

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Where are you seeing this? The class is fine. A bit Underpowered for the rime being, but fine in general. As far as what your seing for PvP, I got no idea where your getting that.

The engineer can do decent DPS.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: PinkRage.5120


If you are already worrying like that at lv 30, switch class then. Why bother asking?

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I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Baro.3549


Engineer is enjoyable as long as you have ppl around you. No matter if it’s Pve, sPvP or W3. I’ve struggled really hard with some of the class story quests on my own, but at the same time I’m loving W3 with the Engi. Pull out a new trick for every situation. If you’re sPvP’ing with the random groups you risk getting a team that think sPvP is about solo-dueling across the map, and that’s simply not your strength.
I should also add that if you’re looking for a straight pistols build or something without any utility, another class would be better for the pure dps build. Engi’s are support, apart from the Grenadiers fans.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


If the fact that there are at least three distinct, popular PvP builds in addition to the PvE options engineers have (grenades and flamethrower at least with the powerful traits they have) sounds like “no options” to you, then perhaps you simply don’t like the Engineer.

Personally, I’m glad so many of the problems with the Engineer are ‘only’ bugsā€”bugs get fixed far sooner than “balance concerns” like the Elementalist (to name a popular example) has. I believe even the kit damage/sigil thing is being “looked into” despite it being intentional, so I’m optimistic.

Sadly, things aren’t quite so rosy for turrets but oh well.

Edit: Also, if you thought minefield blast combos or rocket booting out of the water were intended behavior and legitimate utility… I wouldn’t know what to say.

(edited by Weirwynn.2390)

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


You do not have to do elixir spec’s but you will use elixirs in a lot of spec’s is the best way to put it.

Alchemy and elixirs offers good boon stacking, survivability through stats and traits, and lots of condition removal. The makes it extremely optimal for any build.

But you can do non elixir builds. I typically don’t go into alchemy, or if I do I go just 20 points.

But if you do so you have to know that your going to give up something. Either a utility slot for a CC break + condition removal, or have to rely on group support for condition removal.

This typically means taking elixir S and elixir C / R, and if your going to take 2 elixirs way not do any alchemy build to support them is the basic logic to all this.

But you don’t have to, and you can be just as effective without them if you have the support to do so.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gurpsmeister.9068


Someone mentioned elixer S, I’m not a fan of it. Rocket boots gets me out of stuns and locks all the same and away from my enemy just as well, plus it does a little dmg.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


Someone mentioned elixer S, I’m not a fan of it. Rocket boots gets me out of stuns and locks all the same and away from my enemy just as well, plus it does a little dmg.

In pvp and wvw elixir S tends to work better than rocket boots as a stun break since a lot of players will CC as you fly back, since you can be hit while flying.

So there will be a lot of situations where you’ll try to use rocket boots to escape a hammer warrior only for him to immobilize you with bolas and them leap / charge you.

That and you’ll sometimes hit a tiny rock or bush and fly 2ft then fall down.

Elixir S also allows you to run through AoE or a zerg to get into a keep or tank a boss for 4 seconds while you wait for dodges to recharge.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Spitwyld.1963


Elixirs are essential to the Engineer way of life. You don’t have to use many, but they are essential to surviving and supporting your team.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


Elixir R is better than Elixir S for sPvP, and ifyou want improved support in WvW. Toss Elixir R’s revive is among the best ressurection skills in the game.

In any case, ELixir R or Elixir S are the only mandatory elixirs I see for sPvP (you only need 1). I think you can get by in WvW without elixirs at all, although as a Grenadier I love Elixir U for bursting. For sPvP I would prefer three kits (med kit + flamethrower + elixir gun/tool kit) + Elixir R + rifle + Supply Crate.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


You don’t have to use Elixirs if you don’t want to. There’s plenty of explosive alternatives!

fires off his rocket boots, cackling

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I never like elixirs at all, but when I run dungeons or WvW I live elixir R because I can throw it and it becomes an AoE rez with the toolbelt or I can use it as a stun breaker with the non-tool belt skill.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Blackfire.8793


Ah I see so it not really that elixers are op or that they are better at one thing then another. Its because you can stack boons better then most builds. Am I getting that right?

Dont’ get me wrong. The class is extremely fun. So fun it just almost feels like it wasn’t designed for tab targeting style of game play.

My major point being is if I’m attacked by more then one mob, I have to start wondering. I’ve seen ellies, Mesmers, and Rangers do multiple mobs as if it wasn’t even effort. The reason I say I don’t see the DPS is because of kit scaleing.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Punny.9210


i have Engineer and Guardian lv 80 with full exotics on both now

on my guardian i really have so many choices to build around while on engineer … there are only a few way to build ….

i tried to avoid these pot builds because i get bored but then i realize the rest of it are just ……..


I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shinya.8014


Use Bomb kit for PVE, at trait Explosives and Alchemy

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


The nature of the class comes down to:
primary weapon
1 weapon kit.
3 utility/heals focusing on gadgets, turrets or elixirs.

Traits generally make you focus on one path. You can’t really mix turrets and elixirs, etc well. If you get shorter cd elixirs, 409, etc, then your turrets will be weak, and not viable for example. Or vice-verse.

Elixirs tend to be notably way better then gadgets. And turrets, to a smaller degree. there are a few decent turret builds. Gadgets seem to be notably weaker though. cooldowns much too high. And some self imposed weakness.

I don't want to use Potion builds. Should I pick a new class?

in Engineer

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


I’m an elixir fan, personally, but I think builds based on kits instead of elixirs are very viable too. You just gotta have quick fingers or good keybinds. :P

The Medkit can be really good for self or group healing, and it has conditions removal too on a 20 sec cooldown. The Elixir Gun is nice to have, even just to throw a regeneration aura in the place where you’re attacking or kiting stuff. A bomb kit can give you nice CC abilities, makes you put conditions on the enemies and even create AoE boons for you and your party (example: Fire Bomb and Magnetic Shield makes a combo and gives AoE Might).

What I don’t find viable yet is a build based on turrets, as they’re just too squishy and deal too little damage. The only turret I use sometimes is the Net Turret, handy when kiting people or just as a general annoyance. I do like turrets in underwater fights tho.

(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.