I feel kind of useless in WVW.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Flamethrower: Great for scaring the kitten out of people and zergs when they see that for the first time. But when they realize all it does is miss miss miss miss is when you’re in trouble. Only use I’ve found for it is during door defense by standing on the other side and burning those hammering at the door. But with how people have become more experienced in bursting down doors quicker, it situation becomes way less frequent.

Grenades: Perhaps good for exchanging fire during close range siege whether you’re the attacker or defender. But good luck in hitting moving, juking and dodging targets out in the field.

Bombs: Good for… running away?

Turrets: Perhaps useful at chokepoints. But not so useful with their long cooldown when you’re always moving about.

Medkit: Actually really good for survivability out in the field.

Medical Turret: Only useful for defending keeps.

Elixir Gun: I’m not really sure what to make of it yet.

So really. Engineers have the survivability nailed down. They are typically harder to kill than most other professions. But where is the damage? Are we to rely on rifle or pistols for that?

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ferum Flamebender.5910

Ferum Flamebender.5910

I agree, but other probably won’t, while others will…

I actually think lots of kits are kinda useless/just for fun?.
But still, a whole bunch of people will show up who will tell you which 1000 things you’ll have to do to not be useless… They say…

Aetra Ironbender, Rated E for Engineer- [WoT] Warlocks of Tyria- Far Shiverpeaks

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ninein.4782


Engineers are super for running supplies.


I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


I think for engineers to shine in WvW you need a bit more group support and coordination.

For example bomb builds work great for their group fields, and dps if your running with a coordinate group / groups. If you have mesmers / guardians pulling enemies onto you, you can do great dps, while providing cripples and blinds.

But you need to have support, a few others pushing in with you to make it work.

There are also rifle builds that utilize the tools trait line and static discharge for a bit of sub ~900 ranged dps.

But I noticed with flamethrower, bomb kit, or grenade kit you typically need a more tanky bunkerish setup with good vit / toughness, and you need to be aggressive. Your front line infantry shoulder to shoulder with the warriors / guardians. Sometimes you can play a bit further back and be more mid-range with FT / grenade kit.

But close melee is where I think we shine.

If you do not like being melee, elixir gun / pistol specs offer a bit more of a mid ranged option as support or condition damage. But even with grenade kit I do not see engineers as a true long ranged dps’er.

For that style of play ele / ranger feel a lot more fluid and effective. They have more dps’ing options in the 1000-1500 range.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Shiner.4860


I think he killed 12 downed 15 in one setting soloing with NPC help?
Enough said, if you don’t have the APM/precision/control/option select, then practice harder. A good engi is OP as heck.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


to be fair, he almost certainly has a 3 orb bonus in that vid.

But yeah, grenade carpet bombing, and elixir R self rez are engis two main contributions.
Raw damage in open field, no one else comes close.

In terms if actual unique game changing though.. Could be just mesmers, but man. Zerkers killing seige out of line of sight, portals, feedback winning team fights, reflecting seige, daggerstorms, etc. null field removing stability, and other boons. massive aoe confuse, temporal curtain aoe pull, throw off cliff.. and reflect..
Feeling useful moving from my engi to mesmer alt. Mesmer changes the face of the battlefield. engi just does damage honestly.

Am playing elixir gun atm, giving it a fair shake. its pretty good. the heal is unlimited target.

(edited by Casia.4281)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tremayne.6734


Flamethrower is good for waving around in the middle of a zerg fight and spreading the damagey love around. Elixir gun is very handy for chasing down fleeing enemies. Grenades are excellent for area denial when attacking a keep – pick a stretch of wall and bombard it and the defenders will stay clear, or if they’re very stupid and/or slow they’ll die. Dropping a supply crate on the head of some poor shmoe who’s wandered into your grenade kill-zone complements this tactic beautifully.

And yes, if you’re traited for permanent swiftness then engineers are indeed super at running supplies to build and repair stuff. You know, acting like combat engineers

Bashing on keep doors since 2001.
Rambling insanely at tremayneslaw.wordpress.com since 2010.
Proud member of The Farstar Alliance (http://farstarguild.co.uk) on Gandara (EU) since 2012.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Silver.9084


Go typical rifle engineer ( See Teldoo’s rifle engineer build), and crit people for 1-2k with hip shot, once you get to net shot someone you can almost kill him. With this build i usually get A LOT of kills as an engineer.

When defending, go full glass cannon and use grenade kit, EACH grenade crits around 1k (thats 3k dmg per auto attack if all 3 grenades land, you can be DEVASTATING).

Tux – [VoTF] Vengeance of The Fallen

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Daredent.2961


another “useless” video

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: NastyPiggy.2046



Flamethrower – You can attack through doors to keep people away from the doors and also to help destroy the rams. If you’re group decides to rush another group, it’s a great way to do a lot of damage to a lot of people. During fights, it’s nice to throw down Napalm to give your teammates more damage ability firing through the field. Not to mention flamethrower is a great way to destroy siege weapons so if you take a keep they can’t come back and reuse them.

Elixir Gun – You can slow up rushes or slow down people trying to escape with Elixir F. You also have Acid Bomb to get out of trouble. For support you can drop Super Elixir to help heal your teammates and remove conditions on them.

Mortar – A nice little addition in WvW, if you catch the other server off guard, you can do a lot of damage… just make sure you slow them first with Launch Ice Mortar and then then let it rip. Also, when your team is attacking, you can use Launch Elixir to do AoE heals for your teammates.

It took me a while to get use to the engineer but now I love it. There are a ton of different ways to be effective as an engineer in WvW.

Oh… don’t forget to use Elixir B as much as possible, it does help your damage output.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


OP, once you use the flamethrower long enough to learn to mitigate your misses with distancing and camera angle to the point where you hit 95%+ of the time.

Also, you don’t need a high survivability build to use flamethrower. What you do need is creative positioning, good mobility and escapes.

I build with full berserker and have very minimal issues surviving in small / medium sized engagements with my build while being able to put out MASSIVE dps.

I have the ability to open up on a group for 6K+ damage with flame blast and then continue to hose them down at close to 3K DPS. Get in, do big damage, when things start to heat up this is when you use your defensive cooldowns (shield stun, reflect) elixer S, exlixer S toolbelt, dodges. You can easily decimate groups of players if you play your cards right and build correctly.

Try to fight at choke points and during small/medium sized sieges constantly move in and out of the portal of your tower/keep. Of course you can use the flamethrower through the door as well.

I recomend zerkers armor with fire runes, pistol/shield 10/30/0/30/0. Thats about all the advice I can give.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


For us to help you effectively you need to be a little bit more specific about what it is “you want to do, what are you trying to acomplish” what is your play style in general… Are you level 80? Being 80 in WvW w/proper gear is important.

Bottom line: Engineers are effective and extremely strong in terms of pure damage, support, and defense. Very flexible and contribute a lot to teams and work great solo roaming too.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


Engineer has a high skill ceiling. The potential is there to be godly…but you have to learn how to manage your abilities to get there.

An engineer can go from being useless to pretty godly , depending on how you go about choosing your traits, your skills, and your battles. The icing on the cake is there are several viable builds you can use in WvWvW, depending on what role you want to focus on.

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Really not a fan of flamethrower.

1.43 power scaling over 2.5s with ft1.
.715 with ball, and 1.67 blast. with ft2. the blast is good. and the double hit good as well.

But 1.43 over 2.5s is bad. Rifle auto attack beats this.
.599/.8s=1.797 every 2.4s. AND that is scaling with rifles 1205 max, not ft’s 969. Its a good 24% higher due to that as well. Literally, 2.23 in comparison.
1 s burn every 2.5s doesn’t come close to making up for that. .

6k blasts, and 3k dps ft? what? vs 2000 armor, and assuming 70% crit damage, aka 120% damage crits.. 2727 hit at +120%gives 6k.
15% trait.. you have 2930 power?
Sure juggernaut and hgh, 7stacks
9stacks for 560power/cond.
I only have 1870 in full zerkers, ruby gear. (guns dont count with kit equiped. and havent gotten better then mad king back yet.) even 25 stacks only gives me +875 power/cond.
Was also being generous with your crit damage.
So, adding some liberal vul in there? vs REALLY undergeared targets?

2930 power is still only 2k dps with ft1, and that 120% crit, and 100% crit rate.
So, calling bs on that too.

aoe through walls. seriously all aoes do that. bomb, elixirg, pistol, rifle, grenades.

the vid was interesting. im not sure why he used ft.
the reflect and pb on ft is very nice. The best thing on it for sure.
But he was using rifle, so has that kb already. And ram is a better option if kb is really what you want.
FT1 is terrible. ft2 is good burst targeted damage. however, this strikes me as odd again, as grenades out class it. G2 does way more. G1 is pretty close by itself. Add in the +vul, etc probably outright is. naplam is weak. incend ammo is weak. Blind. blind itself is good. but he has blind grenade. 2 blinds I guess?
Kit refinement for ft? seemed he did make use of that. dunno, just wonder if ram wouldn’t be better for his build. or another elixir. even net turret would do well I think.

(edited by Casia.4281)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


You forgot that each boon gives +1% damage, that is the final trait of Alchemy.

I am basing my damage off of: 70% crit, 15+ stacks of might (Putting me around 2.3K power), 4 other boons.

When flame blast passes through someone it does a significant amount of damage as well. I have seen the actual blast hit as high as 8K with alot of vulnerability.

You also failed to consider crit procs with 70% add a significant amount of damage (33% bleed, 50% vulnerability, 33% burn giving you close to 100% burn uptime). Since the flamethrower has so many chances to crit… well you do the math.

The bleeds are ticking for around ~70 and burns ~500. 1 bleed proc is going to do 350 damage.

Yes, some of the big hits / high DPS are against squishes or glass cannons or people with alot of vuln stacks, but don’t discount a properly speced flamethrower engis ability to melt people.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

(edited by Sundial.9015)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

another “useless” video

As some one has mentioned before. Having full orb buffs and beating up on sub-level 80s isn’t impressive.

As for the flame thrower being good if you ‘angle it right’ and such. Given the fact it misses constantly regardless makes it a hazard to have for small group/solo fights. Using it in zergs is also just plain messy.

I’m tempted to go for the rifle build as rifles are less situational and you’re bound to hit your mark unless the enemy dodge rolls. Strafing around an enemy and missing doesn’t seem like much fun. As much as the cool factor the flame thrower has going for it.

I mean me and my friend duo’d engineers in WvW and we came up against a thief and a warrior. We eventually won the fight with two flamethrowers despite all the missing. The thief and warrior could have also ran away at any moment and there would of been nothing we could do to stop them. The whole fight was awkward and didn’t feel right with such sub-par and unreliable damage. I felt the players behind the thief and warrior weren’t also bringing their A game.

(edited by Azure Prower.8701)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


Takes skill to position correctly with the flamethrower. Like I said, I am able to nearly completely mitigate “missing” with camera angle and distance management. It wasn’t something that came overnight. Also yes, its not a spec very good for holding people down who are trying to escape. Luckly I have other people in my group who are good at that. I tend to try to stick to mainly medium sized engagements and preferable terrain conditions (alot more of this in EB then borderlands).

It is not for everyone, but I am able to use it very effectively in WvW. I wouldn’t discount it just because you had a bad experience with one build.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


I too rarely ever miss with the flamethrower when I use it and I do use it quite frequently. With that said I almost never use it vs 1 target unless i’m using the knockback or the flame field combo for someone else to apply burning w/projectiles. I typically will only in situations where the cone based aoe component comes to good use. Since 1v1 scaling on rifle and grenades is going to get more mileage. _However if you find yourself in 1v1 situations a lot in WvW you’re doing it wrong_ unless you’re just roaming for fun and don’t care about WvW in general.

Proper use of combo fields makes the world go round in WvW it makes a huge difference for you and your teammates and engineers have access to many. Smoke fields are god since attacks that come “through” them from the enemy will miss i.e. smoke bomb and smoke screen from flame turret. Not be confused with the smoke+projectile combo blind its different.

In tower/castle assaults and defenses grenades are going to be your best bet for breaking siege on walls and keeping players scattered. Grenades also work fantastic against moving single targets that dodge.. yes I said that. It takes skill and timing but there is absolutely no issues with it vs. single target you have plenty of ways to slow targets down and stop them in their tracks to burst with barrage and squeeze a jumpshot in as well.

Preferences->Combat->Fast-Cast Ground Targeting makes life easier for grenades. Instantly casts under your mouse cursor.

(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


However if you find yourself in 1v1 situations a lot in WvW you’re doing it wrong_ unless you’re just roaming for fun and don’t care about WvW in general.

Soloing camps, picking off reinforcements?

Engineers are one of the best roamers/hit and run objective takers in the game. You can be helpful in WvW outside of zerging doors down.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: DIMH.5362


I’ve played engineer the entire time I’ve been playing GW2 now (about 600 hours?), and have worked out some good combos. Flamethrower is in fact very useful, but not by spamming 1. I keep it on my bar for the incendiary ammo and the knockback on the #3 skill. My tool bar is: Rifle, Medkit, Flamethrower, Battering Ram, Grenade Kit and Supply Crate. I like to switch up the flamethrower and battering ram from time to time though.
In this skill bar there’s TONS of CC. Freeze Grenade, Battering Ram, Flame Thrower knockback, Net Shot and the Rifle knockback, the last 2 being on quick cooldowns.
So that guardian with stability that keeps running towards you and ignoring your battering ram? Net shot him and unload your toolbelt grenade skill at his feet for a TON of damage. Don’t have enough condition damage so you think flamethrower won’t be useful? It doesn’t really matter, burning does a lot of damage without supplemented condition damage.
My personal favorite combo —> Freeze grenade and kite with grenade 1 until he burns down his endurance, then Net Shot→dodge roll next to him→Unload grenade toolbelt→Blunderbuss→Jump Shot. When you start the jump shot next to him, it does damage on takeoff as well. Even if this combo doesnt kill him, they’ll just be trying to heal for the rest of the fight anyways and as good as dead.

D I M H — Human Engineer [GT]
Henge of Denravi
“Express Delivery”

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: DIMH.5362


Not to mention grenades are GREAT in team fights and sieging. I was sieging a keep today and there were arrow carts and enemy players on the ledge of the keep raining damage on us. You just have to lob the grenade to the lip of the wall (grenades have 1400 range with the trait) where they’re standing and they’ll get hit. It’s a great way to keep the rest of your team from being hit by the equipment and defenders while attacking the gate.

D I M H — Human Engineer [GT]
Henge of Denravi
“Express Delivery”

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: NeuroMuse.1763


However if you find yourself in 1v1 situations a lot in WvW you’re doing it wrong_ unless you’re just roaming for fun and don’t care about WvW in general.

Soloing camps, picking off reinforcements?

Engineers are one of the best roamers/hit and run objective takers in the game. You can be helpful in WvW outside of zerging doors down.

I absolutely agree 100% I love doing it too however 9/10 times when doing this it’s never 1v1. At least the servers we play against it’s busy 24/7 small groups roam between the camps all the time and 1v1 rarely comes up. It’s usually groups of 2-5 people. So if you’re riding alone completely solo against equal level geared 80s in exotics you’re going to end up being a stain on the ground. If they’re up-leveled you can probably mow them down especially if they stay close together.. but its generally always smarter to roam with at least 1 other to increase chances at success especially if you plan on contributing.

(edited by NeuroMuse.1763)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


However if you find yourself in 1v1 situations a lot in WvW you’re doing it wrong_ unless you’re just roaming for fun and don’t care about WvW in general.

Soloing camps, picking off reinforcements?

Engineers are one of the best roamers/hit and run objective takers in the game. You can be helpful in WvW outside of zerging doors down.

I absolutely agree 100% I love doing it too however 9/10 times when doing this it’s never 1v1. At least the servers we play against it’s busy 24/7 small groups roam between the camps all the time and 1v1 rarely comes up. It’s usually groups of 2-5 people. So if you’re riding alone completely solo against equal level geared 80s in exotics you’re going to end up being a stain on the ground. If they’re up-leveled you can probably mow them down especially if they stay close together.. but its generally always smarter to roam with at least 1 other to increase chances at success especially if you plan on contributing.

Yeah generally roaming in small groups is ideal. I hate playing engi in PvD because my wrist hurts from grenade spam lol.

If you are roaming solo however, you are one of the few classes with perma swiftness so you can pick your fights normally, engis even have more mobility than thieves outside of combat.

If you stand between a siege and the enemy spawn location, you are bound to find plenty of loners trying to reinforce the siege, most fun part of WvW imo ^^

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


You forgot that each boon gives +1% damage, that is the final trait of Alchemy.

I am basing my damage off of: 70% crit, 15+ stacks of might (Putting me around 2.3K power), 4 other boons.

When flame blast passes through someone it does a significant amount of damage as well. I have seen the actual blast hit as high as 8K with alot of vulnerability.

You also failed to consider crit procs with 70% add a significant amount of damage (33% bleed, 50% vulnerability, 33% burn giving you close to 100% burn uptime). Since the flamethrower has so many chances to crit… well you do the math.

The bleeds are ticking for around ~70 and burns ~500. 1 bleed proc is going to do 350 damage.

Yes, some of the big hits / high DPS are against squishes or glass cannons or people with alot of vuln stacks, but don’t discount a properly speced flamethrower engis ability to melt people.

I’m not even sure that +1% damage trait even works. I’ve had it since beta, and have never seen a notable difference in damage.
How many boons do you have on you? might, swiftness, regen? 3%
Elixir B, giving ret and fury for moderate duration. 5% Prot, vigor for short term. 7%

crit procs are not significant.
33% chance on 70% crit is 24% chance per hit. FT is 10 hits per 2.5s.
P1 is 3 hits basic, 6 hits with coated bullets, 9+ with triple or quad procing, in 2.5s 5 with PDV in2. 2 in static, 3 with bt.
R1 is 3 hits in 2.4s.
Grenades is 9 hits in 2.4s.
so, that 10 hits is not significantly more then other typical weapons. yes more then rifle.
2 bleeds in 2.5s from 10 hits average. 42.5+.05cond damage/s 3s duration. so 255+.3cond total. 825cond. 247.5= 502 damage. “free” damage is free damage. But thats 167dps. I don’t consider that significant out of 3000dps. A nice addition yes. something to be focused on. no. Absolutely not. Granted we did factored FT scales like —--, and only does 1200 dps. so yeah. 167 is a significant amount of that.
Grenades DO do 3000-4000dps though. And proc those crits just as much, and stack vulx3 EVERY throw. not 50% chance on crit.

incin powder trait is single target. Its awful.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


incin powder trait is single target. Its awful.

So is Incendiary Ammo, from what I’ve observed.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


You forgot that each boon gives +1% damage, that is the final trait of Alchemy.

I am basing my damage off of: 70% crit, 15+ stacks of might (Putting me around 2.3K power), 4 other boons.

When flame blast passes through someone it does a significant amount of damage as well. I have seen the actual blast hit as high as 8K with alot of vulnerability.

You also failed to consider crit procs with 70% add a significant amount of damage (33% bleed, 50% vulnerability, 33% burn giving you close to 100% burn uptime). Since the flamethrower has so many chances to crit… well you do the math.

The bleeds are ticking for around ~70 and burns ~500. 1 bleed proc is going to do 350 damage.

Yes, some of the big hits / high DPS are against squishes or glass cannons or people with alot of vuln stacks, but don’t discount a properly speced flamethrower engis ability to melt people.

I’m not even sure that +1% damage trait even works. I’ve had it since beta, and have never seen a notable difference in damage.
How many boons do you have on you? might, swiftness, regen? 3%
Elixir B, giving ret and fury for moderate duration. 5% Prot, vigor for short term. 7%

crit procs are not significant.
33% chance on 70% crit is 24% chance per hit. FT is 10 hits per 2.5s.
P1 is 3 hits basic, 6 hits with coated bullets, 9+ with triple or quad procing, in 2.5s 5 with PDV in2. 2 in static, 3 with bt.
R1 is 3 hits in 2.4s.
Grenades is 9 hits in 2.4s.
so, that 10 hits is not significantly more then other typical weapons. yes more then rifle.
2 bleeds in 2.5s from 10 hits average. 42.5+.05cond damage/s 3s duration. so 255+.3cond total. 825cond. 247.5= 502 damage. “free” damage is free damage. But thats 167dps. I don’t consider that significant out of 3000dps. A nice addition yes. something to be focused on. no. Absolutely not. Granted we did factored FT scales like —--, and only does 1200 dps. so yeah. 167 is a significant amount of that.
Grenades DO do 3000-4000dps though. And proc those crits just as much, and stack vulx3 EVERY throw. not 50% chance on crit.

incin powder trait is single target. Its awful.

Assuming 100% of those grenades hit (which rarely happens to a single target) you would be right.

However in practice that is almost never the case. Even if you have frozen your target, the grenades spread and all 3 don’t hit one player most of the time. Grenades have travel time, with flamethrower if you are in range or close you can take an opportunity and put out IMMEDIATE consistant AoE damage.

Of course, you typically open up with your main weapon (when approaching I usually use pistol 2,3), then flame blast, then start using flamethower autoattack if there are enough players.

Grenades have the most potential DPS, but that doesn’t translate to them being the best in all situations (especially outside of PvE). They also have strong disadvantages, that is one of the reasons I stopped using them.

Still though, I wish people would stop assuming that you can actually achieve those DPS numbers in PvP with grenades on a consistent basis. It is simply false in every way shape and form. I base this on playing over 100 hours in a grenadier spec.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


incin powder trait is single target. Its awful.

So is Incendiary Ammo, from what I’ve observed.

Interesting. Had not actually tested that.
Just looked at the 60s CD, and the 3 uses. and said. are you serious? yes. that is TOTALLY on par with grenade barrage, and big ol’ bomb.

If you aren’t landing 90%+ of your grenades, you are doing something wrong. the spread isn’t that much, unless you are throwing at 1500 range, down off a cliff. And even then..
Point blank grenade travel time is… zero. they explode on contact. Any melee range for FT, would have 0 miss, and 0 travel time for grenades as well. An argument that FT does instant damage in melee is silly, when grenades would do that as well.
Flameblast has the same travel time as grenades.
Knockdowns, etc.
lets pretend, Im bad, and can’t lead players in open combat. I can’t throw grenades at people crippled/chilled, and running. I don’t know exactly how long and far a dodge roll will go, and have a grenade aimed directly at where they will come out of it. That I can’t remap keys to be able to move and throw grenades anywhere on the screen while moving, including behind me…
When I net or rifle knockdown a target. in that 3seconds of unavoidable damage, I can hit them for 17-25k with grenades combo. Barrage, shrapnel, frost. They get up, if they are miraculously alive, and are now chilled.
Every application of damage is higher. and with more burst. Saying you can’t apply that damage is absurd.

FT is woefully below par with EVERY OTHER WEAPON in the game, for any class.
It seriously needs a 50% or more damage buff. Never mind some possible improvements to the blind, naplam and toolbelt, which are also subpar.
A fully traited FT does about 50% less damage in melee then rifle does with JUST auto attack. do you have any idea how silly that is? Add in overcharged shot, leap, and bluster its just wrong..

Give me one reason why smokevent doesn’t have a smoke field?
Flash grenade 10s CD. Smoke vent 30s CD. Static shot, black powder, etc. compare it to every other blind applying skill in the game. Its horrible. traited blind withing glamours. haha And Im not saying blind is bad. Im saying THAT blind is bad. An entire skill with a large cooldown, devoted to a melee aoe blind. .
That skill used to be a PULL. and aoe pull, like guardian and mesmer. How amazing was that? Off walls, into your melee damage..

Napalm. 30s cd… really? no direct damage. small line fire field. 1s burn. 10s duration is decent at least. 30s is way too high for that move. 5s burn would make way more sense. as well as a direct damage portion.
Incendiary ammo. longer duration, more applications, aoe on hit, or AOE buff(aka, allies get 3 charges of burn as well.)
take your pick.

(edited by Casia.4281)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sundial.9015


incin powder trait is single target. Its awful.

So is Incendiary Ammo, from what I’ve observed.

Interesting. Had not actually tested that.
Just looked at the 60s CD, and the 3 uses. and said. are you serious? yes. that is TOTALLY on par with grenade barrage, and big ol’ bomb.

Yeah, that is probably the worst part about flamethrower besides the bugs TBH. Its completely redundant and useless with an AWFUL cooldown.

Sundial, Necromancer – Aurora Catulus, Engineer – Kaine Illuma, Elementalist
WvW Captain – Horde of Miscreations, Borlis Pass Alliance

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


My problem with kits is that they just don’t scale nearly as well as weapons… but yeah, pretty much pistols/rifles are your heavy hitters. If you’re pistol specced with the piercing shot, your explosive shot can do ABSURD amounts of damage against a zerg, especially with Elixir U. Grenades are your wall suppression/defense spec though. That additional grenade is VERY useful.

Either way, big thing I think they need to do is allow weapon sigils to work with the kits out at the very least. Preferably the weapon stats too.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Istarien.3147


incin powder trait is single target. Its awful.

So is Incendiary Ammo, from what I’ve observed.

Interesting. Had not actually tested that.
Just looked at the 60s CD, and the 3 uses. and said. are you serious? yes. that is TOTALLY on par with grenade barrage, and big ol’ bomb.

Yeah, that’s what I thought also. But when you hit with an AoE attack and Incendiary Ammo is up, only one target actually catches fire.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Velron.3729


I run a very unconventional build and focus on being a great skirmish fighter since I think it’s our strongest role. I absolutely LOVE my Engi in WvW. I’ve been 80 since the weekend after launch day and I have one alt that is lvl 15. That’s how much I play and love my Engi, and all I do is WvW.

Last night we took the north supply on enemy BL with a 5 man. We held it for over 1.5 hours with just the 5 of us. 2 ballista, me and 2 thieves wrecking everyone. That didn’t feel useless at all.

Be more creative, think outside the box…or just reroll if the profession doesn’t suit you. I love mine though and I feel VERY effective.

Fragg – Engineer | Lil Zek – Warrior PVP R43
[DA] Decisive Actions – Jade Quarry

(edited by Velron.3729)

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


If you aren’t landing 90%+ of your grenades, you are doing something wrong. the spread isn’t that much, unless you are throwing at 1500 range, down off a cliff. And even then..

Poison grenades have a pretty big spread even when used on short distance. I don’t have that problem with the other nades. For close quarter combat I usually use something else anyway though, mostly bombs or toolkit, I swap utilities quite often.

I have to agree with flamethrower being quite underwhelming unfortunately. I’d kinda like to use it for the style, but the actual use you can get out of the 5 primary skills and the toolbelt one is just not good enough. I read somehere here that Asura struggle even more with the obstructed issue than the larger races and that may play a part in my experience with the FT, my engy i Asura.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


actually, yeah I would agree with that.
Poison does have a clearly different spread formula. It does spread out more
Which makes sense, with its poison field. you want it to be spread out more.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Mysticforce.5096


I can’t say I’ve ran into many issues with obstruction on grenades. However, I have run into it with rifle – sometimes a bump on the ground could block a couple of shots. I’d certainly take the Asura’s small stature over any other race though…it’s permanent optical camouflage as long as you are part of a group >.>

Tarnished Coast
Orisletum [TFH] – 80 Necromancer
Oriscalamitas [TFH] – 80 Engineer