I hate the grenade kit. What are why options?

I hate the grenade kit. What are why options?

in Engineer

Posted by: kaikalii.4198


For PvP/WvW. It just feels incredibly clunky, and the skills are all so similar and unvaried. I really love the flamethrower. TK, Bomb kit and EG are okay too. What are my options for PvP and WvW?

Kaliiii (Thief) – SoS

I hate the grenade kit. What are why options?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well to be decent in basically any game mode except some cheese situations(decap/turret) or hipster builds(static discharge) you need bomb/grenade. Some may argue that elixir gun is good dps but it’s really too weak to be your main kit.
Most engineers take toolkit and then pick a main dps one between bomb and grenade, traiting their explosive line around them. You can take both obviously but keep in mind that without grenadier the grenade kit is useless.

I hate the grenade kit. What are why options?

in Engineer

Posted by: Eastcorn.5901


Elixir gun + bomb kit + tool kit

6/2/0/4/2 or 4/4/0/4/2.

For pvp, rabid amulet + rune of balthazar.

For WvW, rabid armor + rune of the krait.

Pistol+Shield with sigil of battle and sigil of earth/geomancy/doom/energy/tormenting

This route is pretty decent.