I love my engi, I love the grenades, but...
Specifically what build are you using?
I do just in fine in WvW and Spvp. Its a highly competitive game :P
Engis need to play their strengths and drill it to the ground. Strategic planting of a fire bomb and B’O’B saves me ALL the time.
Grenades are better used for burst damage up close (like Grenade Barrage) to lessen the chance of them evading it. Try to focus on rooting or crippling enemies first before unloading on them. Glue shot, net shot, net turret…. other CC moves helps alot!
i recommend watching really good engis play.
watch for jinn da vikk, ostrich eggs, chaith, or steamhawke. those are the engi players on that stream. watch ostrich eggs specifically because he’s the only engineer that does wvwvw.
(edited by ellesee.8297)
If you want my advice, avoid using the auto-attack on grenades – they’re too error-prone and there’s better options for damage. Try and open up with grenades using the freeze grenades, followed by poison, and then lay down some sharpnel. I usually rock bomb kit and toolkit along with grenades, after I lay my initial 5-> 4 -> 2 grenade combo I drop a Big-ol’bomb, followed by Toolkit magnet pull, and if you have time smack them over the head with the prybar before Big’ol’bomb sends them flying for some good damage and 5 stacks of confusion. At this point while they’re down on the ground I’ll try and drop a grenade barrage followed by some more shrapnel. While everything is on cooldown it’s a good time to bust out your primary weapon(s).
If you want a bit more survivability swap out bomb kit with elixr s – the toolbelt gives you three seconds of stealth which is plenty of time to disengage and heal. The invulnerability is good for the inevitable burst builds and cc warriors that you’ll come across. Laugh in their face as they waste all their cool-downs then lay some hurt. It’s also great for stomping every class other than mesmers and eles.
(edited by Ameno.6813)
I run nades, bomb and elixir gun, the best tip I can give you is get good at kiting and use stuff to line of sight I like to run round ruins, huts walls etc. whilst dropping bombs / grenades I find it very effective and defiantly improved my playing in WvW if I’m stuck in open field against a ranged class it can be a lot harder but I’m still a noob on my engineer
If you want my advice, avoid using the auto-attack on grenades – they’re too error-prone and there’s better options for damage. Try and open up with grenades using the freeze grenades, followed by poison, and then lay down some sharpnel. I usually rock bomb kit and toolkit along with grenades, after I lay my initial 5-> 4 -> 2 grenade combo I drop a Big-ol’bomb, followed by Toolkit magnet pull, and if you have time smack them over the head with the prybar before Big’ol’bomb sends them flying for some good damage and 5 stacks of confusion. At this point while they’re down on the ground I’ll try and drop a grenade barrage followed by some more shrapnel. While everything is on cooldown it’s a good time to bust out your primary weapon(s).
If you want a bit more survivability swap out bomb kit with elixr s – the toolbelt gives you three seconds of stealth which is plenty of time to disengage and heal. The invulnerability is good for the inevitable burst builds and cc warriors that you’ll come across. Laugh in their face as they waste all their cool-downs then lay some hurt. It’s also great for stomping every class other than mesmers and eles.
5s stealth http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toss_Elixir_S
Also very useful for stealthing downed allies to prevent them from being stomped.
I can’t seem to stop myself from jumping up and down in the middle of 100b etc. like an idiot when shrunk down from S. It’s just too much fun xD
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
…I get destroyed in pvp or wvw, I just cant seem to be able to land enough hits and bring a players health down quickly before I get dropped, it way to clunky with the aiming/throwing and any decent player moves a lot in pvp
It really bothers me, because I consider myself a really skilled player and I want to keep my grenade build… but I always seem to be hitting a wall !!!
I tried bombs but it’s so kitten ed boring
How do you guys do it in 1vs1 or small skirmishes ?!
It’s very different against ranged/melee opponents.
Against a melee opponent, kite him while continually baiting him to try to stay in melee range. For example, vs. a d/p thief, you would want to let him come to you, avoid getting backstabbed, then drop freeze grenades right under him and go to work.
Let’s say you’re facing a longbow ranger in the open field—you’ll want to try to gap-close on him as if you were a melee build. There are several ways to do that. For example, offensive stealth use (elixir S or smoke bomb + blasts/leaps). Again, freeze grenade will let you stay at the range you want.
In general, know the maximum range you can expect to hit a moving target. I’d say it’s something like 400 range or so. When your opponent goes outside that range, quickly swap to your pistol/rifle/elixir gun to keep the pressure up while you get back to your desired range.
Also, go with fast cast ground targeting.
Depending on what build you use with grandes, but in tanky build i do find it usefull sometimes to melee with granades, you will always have 3 hits, and you have tons of CC skills to throw at them anyways. Ofcourse you will need to control long range too and with full beserker 1500 range and some enemy zerg you always hit something and you always hit kittenly retaliation is a pain then :P.
Cool thing with grandes is that you CAN be ranged with them, but you dont HAVE to be. The toolbelt nades hit hardest in some1’s face direclty.