I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: petespri.6548


Alright, here is my dilemma. I love engineers. I love the tech, the bombs, grenades, all of that… but I can’t get my fingers to work with my mind. Confused? Let me explain.

When you attunement swap on an Ele, the F1-4 change your skill bars. You dont hit a utility skill button to swap what your weapon attack keys are. No classes do it this way. But the engineer makes you hit a utility key to activate a weapon set.

Here is my suggestion: Put the toolbelt skills as the Utility skill to pick, placing the associated “Kit” up on the F-1-4 buttons for “kit swapping”. Simply add text to the toolbelt skill to say “equips kit X on your toolbelt”.

Gah, this drives me nuts! I hate hitting the utility and swapping kits.

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

You know you can change the keybinds, right?

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: petespri.6548


It changes it for all professions then, so it’d still be reversed.

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


I’ve been using a Logitech G700 since last October, it really helps.

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: Naab.4301


I play both Ele and Engineer regularly (both in sPvP and WvW) and have no problem switching from one to the other. You just need to get used to it, just like you need to change your playstyle when switching from ranged profesion to melee….

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: FlamingForce.6389


Play more, get used to it. Change your keybinds if you have to cos the default ones suck anyway, for every class in the game.

And please don’t go around the forums asking for changes purely for your own sake, most engi players are perfectly fine with the way it is and would hate to see it changed.

I want to like kits, but Kit Swapping UI

in Engineer

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Easy dokey, I use Logitech mouse come with 24 keys on the side. I key bind all prof skill on the key side of the mouse, so I always have access to them with just my thumb. For ultilities, I key bind them as R,X,C. R is for the most regular Ults used, while X is the least and C is the second most used. Works for every class.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
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