Idea: One bugfix and one change to the Engi, one per person.
Ahh, yours is a big bugfix.
I’m not so sure its a bug though, more of a design flaw.
Either Kits as bundles, or flamethrower aiming issues.
Suggested Change:
Drastically remove the RNG of all elixirs.
Tone it down. Every tossed elixir that is pure RNG, should have one common component. Elixir X needs to be just a pure huge offensive buff. Toss S needs to be reliable stability. Elixir C needs to pick from defensive boons.
Fix: Kits and their “bundle” issues. If for some awful reason that’s completely intended, then at least let us save our autoattack status per bundle.
Change: Replace or completely overhaul Elixir X. Just… get it out of here. It’s unpredictable and breaks cast too easily and is horrible horrible lazy design. I have no problem with the concept of a reliable source of stability and/or huge all-around buff, but the execution we got is just gross.
Idea: One bugfix and one change to the Engi, one per person.
in Engineer
Posted by: Mighty Favazz.1546
Bugfix: Fix auto-attack on kits
Change: I’d really like to echo the elixir RNG issue. What I’d like to see is something along the lines of:
If you are < 50% health, elixir does x
If you are immobilized elixir does y
I know that might go way over the top as far as complexity when the engineer is already alot to take in, but I think this would go along way with RNG.
Idea: One bugfix and one change to the Engi, one per person.
in Engineer
Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940
Bugfix : Allow Sigil of Superior Earth to work in any kit
My Wretch (auto attack) could benefit from this damage increase
Change :
Flamethrower : Smoke Vent > Firestarter
Use ur flamethrower to leave a flaming trail-path (a more visible slick shoes animation)
Duration of the spell 3 sec
Duration of the fire in the ground 3 sec
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
My Bugfix
Fix the ‘kits as bundles’ problem and let us have sigils, stats and autoattack working like we’ve been told is coming for so long.
I second this.
Rifle #5. People use it for jumping puzzles… because it really does not jive with the engineer and the idea of a ranged class. You want to jump towards people? It isn’t even like it can be used as a chase ability, the animation is terribad long. You want to give a power with good utility? Change it to “supressing fire” shoots in a cone in front of you 1200 range, everything in cone gets weakness. BAM.
Idea: One bugfix and one change to the Engi, one per person.
in Engineer
Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861
Fix a bugs around the traits involving elixers
Change Elixer RNG (some dev taking a look at pistoldmg might be nice to)
:O i did 2 changes, now i need to punish myself :P
Bugfix: Overcharged shot can be very wonky. Often it doesn’t break immobilize for me as it’s supposed to when I use it or doesn’t seem to fire properly.
Change: Going to hop on the Elixir RNG bandwagon. Has been and continues to be the thing I’d like to see changed the most.
My Bugfix
Fix the ‘kits as bundles’ problem and let us have sigils, stats and autoattack working like we’ve been told is coming for so long.
This x1000 plzzz… I love Flamethrower but it feels a bit lacking next to my exotic rifle…
My Change
Honestly… Forget Blunderbuss… being closer than most melee attacks to do max damage? no thanks. Make a new attack! Snipe! make it a mobile 1.5 second cast 6 second cooldown long range attack for some sexy ranged burst! I want to be a sniper!
Bugfix: Weapon stats not affecting kits.
Change: Turrets should scale with your gear. It makes absolutely no sense that an ability used primarily for damage is not affected by your stats. The turrets of a level 80 wearing fine and masterpiece items are just as effective as a level 80 with full exotics?
This includes the healing turret’s regen. This has to be a bug.
Creator Flinkk: You’d have nothing to fire if I hadn’t built the device!
Fix – I gotta say bundles too, need to have stats, sigils and junk AND have autoatk enabled on switch. Complete bs that a whole line of sigils (effect on swap) are useless to us.
Change: Scrap mortar, seems like we have enough AOE tht we dont need one that forces you to stand still.
I have heard Sniper kit suggested and maybe it could work in place of mortar, set up a staionary sniper rifle on bi-pods tht works more like a ballista to up our single target dmg.
kit’s auto-attack and sigils have been mentioned plenty I’d say sooo:
Fix: The number 2 skill on both flamethrower and elixir gun are supposed to be ‘lobbed’ projectiles, unfortunately they appear to be obstructed by the tiniest pebble or rise in the landscape.
I feel my engineer should be able to lob a big great ball of fire over something less than a foot high.
Change: Make the shield more viable.
Un-traited the shield has a very long cooldown; 30 and 40 seconds makes it the longest cooldown off-hand in the game (together with focus for guardians) and it is our only defensive weapon option.
I use the shield and do love it (the skills are awesome and the animations great imo) but traiting for the shield requires me to go to the second rank in the inventions line, which goes directly against traiting for pistol use (my only option with the shield).
Although the pistol performs admirably heavily traited for it, it is one of the poorest weapons in game if you do not build for it.
I feel I am being pushed towards a very un-focused build for pistol/shield by this, which I think points at a larger problem: the engineer feels un-focused in general trait-wise (apart from a very few, very specific builds, almost all revolving around either grenades and/or bombs, or dual pistol condition builds).
My Bugfix
Fix the ‘kits as bundles’ problem and let us have sigils, stats and autoattack working like we’ve been told is coming for so long.
This. Pretty much. I feel this is the only element of the class that really bothers me.
My change would be to review the downed state abilities of the Engineer. They seem REALLY lackluster compared to many other classes (especially Thief and Mesmer).
Self Targeted Medpacks. and potions. or make a whole new kit called the First Aid kit that is self targeted only.
seriously i get that medkit is suppose to be kinda supportive but the way it is right now it feels clunky when it comes to self healing i having to run in circles to pick up your own bandages is stupid also ever try using Drop Antidote while immobilized.. its a slap in the face. tbh
that’s why i think the kit should behave like the elemental weapon summons do if traited you get a weapon for your self that summons in your HANDS and 1 drops on the ground now if all the medpack skills worked like this it would be perfect. you can keep your self alive while giving some support to your teammates.
Bug Fix
Turret AI. Make it simple, they focus on the closest target available, or your target if it is in range.