(edited by Andovar Edoras.2143)
Idea to make Engineers more popular!
It’s a fine idea m8, but it’s one we have dicussed several times (and been a quite long topic on the suggestion froums once aswell), Most people think it would be cool, but we rather want them to fix our bugs and bring our gadgets and turrent into line with the rest ect. before they start working on this stuff! The more the class get fixed the more players we will se playing it!
WvW Roaming movies!
Engi will never be mainsteam because most of ppl want easy one button gameplay, thieflike pwning and warriors big numbers. But if we talk about look change its best way make legendary kits imo.
Tekkit’s Workshop
Give us a desert eagle as pistol and a desert eagle sound for the shoots.
But to be honest I do not want that the engineer is the most popular class. I like to play the underdogs
I wish turrets followed you around as a little toy chopper. Like a mini pet. And periodically shoot at your target. If you activate the skill, it will mount itself onto the ground, and it will automatically overcharge.
So… like a signet+minion with an engineer twist, which i think might work well in terms of turret viability.
But more than anything, it would look so cool. It will sell the fantasy of being an engineer(better than backpacks at least). People will see our little toy choppers transforming into a turret and go “I’m totally rolling an engineer, right now”
I wish turrets followed you around as a little toy chopper. Like a mini pet. And periodically shoot at your target. If you activate the skill, it will mount itself onto the ground, and it will automatically overcharge.
So… like a signet+minion with an engineer twist, which i think might work well in terms of turret viability.But more than anything, it would look so cool. It will sell the fantasy of being an engineer(better than backpacks at least). People will see our little toy choppers transforming into a turret and go “I’m totally rolling an engineer, right now”
Yea, GW2 and STO engineers seems to suffer from the same issue. That turrets are inherently static while the rest of the game is built around mobility.
I guess they could change the F feature into this. So rather than picking up a turret to reduce cooldown (i would frankly have it eliminate cooldown, given the cardboard nature of the turrets) you would it F to have it sprout a rotor or in some other fashion come with the engineer.
After doing so the engineer would in effect be the turret(s), having all the normal periodic effects coming from the engineer. The option of overcharge and detonation would still be in effect, with the latter originating from the location of the engineer.
Would be interesting if one could have a turret-sprouting hobobag for this, btw.
My problem with PvE Engineers are:
1. Turrets with cooldowns past 30 seconds (rocket, thumper, and flame) aren’t helpful when they’re destroyed. They seemingly don’t have enough time to make a big impact.
2. Turrets aren’t mobile and thus, can be easily destroyed given proper range, dodging, etc. Once an enemy targets one of your turrets, from what I observed, they won’t re-target (could be just my bad luck).
3. Engineer weapon skills are a bit on the boring side. I know kits are important, but the skills for the weapons need to be a bit exciting too.
If they wouldnt penetrate engineers with the nerfbat in every * single patch it wouldnt be that unpopular perhaps?
Quite annoying to create a new build after each patch.
Not to be a negative nancy on this post but all these types of post are waste of people time writing them. Devs don’t even staff enough people to handle mundane tasks like fixing tooltip errors. I just find it hard to think they would spend time on creating more complex code to anything. 90% of “class balance” changes are just changing numbers around.
Not to be a negative nancy on this post but all these types of post are waste of people time writing them. Devs don’t even staff enough people to handle mundane tasks like fixing tooltip errors. I just find it hard to think they would spend time on creating more complex code to anything. 90% of “class balance” changes are just changing numbers around.
Nobody asked you
So, it is quite obvious that engineer is the least favored profession, and i thought of 1 thing that would increase their popularity. And im talking about appearance..
(note that no skill change is involved, keep those)
Engineer tech looks very “charr-like rusty” war tech, so here’s how id improve it:
~How about giving each race different looks, especially for turrets. Let charr have the current, BUT for example asura would have their glyphic magitech style and sylvari would have plant-like turrets!
I often hear those “asura engi?” questions that usually end with not taking engi because of the tech appearance.
Share your opinions and/or support! Bring engi back into popularity!
The idea to change turret appearance is cute, but that’s just what turrets are to start with: cute. They draw massive aggro and die instantly in PvE (or get left behind after a minimum of usefulness due to lack of control over them, zero mobility and stupid-long recharge times), they’re laughably useless in PvP, and you really only see people who don’t understand how much more powerful kit-swapping is ever using them (I am sure some turrets Engis are going to come out of the woodwork to flame me on this, but let’s face it: if you picked turrets over kits, you picked wrong). With the exception of Supply Crate, I never see level-capped Engis using turrets at all.
A flashy new skin on our turrets isn’t what we need. What we need is turrets that don’t suck in the first place.
:: |SPvP | Rev | Engi | ::
I love the idea. Only thing is i think being able to pick our turret look would be preferred. Sort of choosing how you want to build your tech.
Give us a desert eagle as pistol and a desert eagle sound for the shoots.
The only thing that interested me. Pistol skins suck compared to rifle skins.
Its one of those things that would be nice….and i’m sure its being considered or on the list of things to do. But i dont see why you feel engineer is under played or why there is a need for it to be more attractive. Its attractiveness falls off as mentioned earlier by its inability to get large numbers off many attacks and it being more complicated to pick up than most. But i wont say no to improvements, especially cosmetic ones.
We need a turret kit.
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)