Ideas on sigils
I tend to think that a stacking sigil is best followed by one on crit if you use grenades and on swap if not.
The best on swap is battle IMHO because 6-9 might stacks is quite significant.
The best on crit may be Torment to add yet another condition (and it helps a lot with tagging).
There are plenty of others to think about too. In short, engineers have so many sigil options!
I tend to use nades but I was thinking of swapping bomb due to bombs superior upfront damage and still strong condi. And I still would have poison but no chill.
I’m one of those engineers that thinks bombs and grenades work extremely well together (add elixir gun to round it out).
Either way, I like stacks first and an extra condition second.
Engineers excel at dropping more conditions than you can clean. Max it.