Is anyone changing classes?

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: jlneedham.8219


Been wating on this patch for a while to decide what i was going to do and not really sure what to do. Really not sure if the grass is much greener on the other side of the fence since i dont like warrior and even though they got nerfed, thieves. so just wondering if any of u will be switching to another class?

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bogpad.2185


my main is and will stay my engineer. I do have alts that I play a lot in the last few weeks, and this will most likely not change now, though I hoped it would, but no, I will stay with my engineer for better or worse, mostly worse atm.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


I think I will be trying out elementalist….every good build I have ever had with engi has been nerfed…..tired of it

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


I made a guardian a couple weeks ago. Got bored at level 65 and now she’s just sitting there doing nothing.

Made a Mesmer yesterday and i’m having fun with that class so far.

I also made a warrior a long time ago. But warriors are soo unbelievably boring and bland, that i only got him to 20 before butting him back on the shelf.

Thing is, that i always come back to play my engineer. So no, i doubt i’d ever change classes. My engineer will always be my main man.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


I dunno if i am. I’ll reserve judgement when i see the changes in combat first hand but from what I’ve read they’ve ignored the things we’ve asked for entirely.

-Kits should scale with gear
-grenade kit #1 should auto attack and should tab target only, no more of this pointing with a mouse that disappears while fighting crap.
-healing kits should put out an AOE heal when equipped without a trait for it
-the regen from turrets and kits should no longer overlap (regen from the turret should not interfere with the regen from the gun in the toolbelt.)
-the trait that allow explosions to heal should not be in the invention tree it should be in the alchemy tree and it shouldn’t be at the very end. (XII)
-and now since reading it, kits absolutely should give buffs dependent on which ones are equipped like the toolkit should give us toughness and protection when we put it on etc.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shajin.5492


I play warrior sometimes when my fingers are sore from playing Engineer. Can 1-2 button my way to victory there. Then when my fingers are healed and I am bored of that, I come back to engineer :P

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: The Slyfe.7231

The Slyfe.7231

Not going anywhere, but I think most of you are playing a different class with all the “problems” you come up with.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


Most likely now. I was dead set on Engineer for a while, but a TON goes unchanged/unfixed. I’m still mad that Flamethrower #2 still doesn’t work all the time. It’s by far my favorite weapon and disappointing that it once again got looked over.

Turrets are too weak, our damage is low, annoying bugs, and weapon kits still don’t act like weapons. I was a champion for Engineer for so long, but looks like I’m stowing my Rifle away for a bit.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Not rerolling, engineer for life.

Reducing playtime/taking a break though for sure.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: multani.1452


Not rerolling either, however I will be taking a break from the game until this issues are resolved. I very much enjoy the engineer class, it felt like a class that had the most utility. I thought it would be a class that could help fill many roles without being the BEST, a “jack of all trades” if you will. However it seems ANET has little love for this profession and proved it by nerfing one of the only viable builds in PVP. I have a warrior but honestly, he is very…very..boring. I have a necromancer but I’m sure you all know about how badly they got screwed in this patch as well. I would roll a mesmer but honestly I was terrible with them in GW1 and I don’t feel like head banging my keyboard in frustration all over again lol. I’ll instead resign myself to playing XCOM and TF2, at least with those games I can honestly say if I loose a match it’s because I SUCK and not because my class or game is unbalanced or bugged to hell.

“I got ten voices in my head and NONE of them like you.”
~Eliana Veilstrike~
Yak’s Bend (TBE)

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cormyr.6857


Not changing, Asura and engineer were the whole draw for me to this game. Terribly disappointed that after getting through what felt like some very difficult leveling, and finally starting to feel good about the class again to read these notes though. But like everyone said, things will change. Maybe in another 3 months? Still the best game I’ve played in a long time. Just hope A-net doesn’t go the same route that Activision/Blizzard.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Not changing, Asura and engineer were the whole draw for me to this game. Terribly disappointed that after getting through what felt like some very difficult leveling, and finally starting to feel good about the class again to read these notes though. But like everyone said, things will change. Maybe in another 3 months? Still the best game I’ve played in a long time. Just hope A-net doesn’t go the same route that Activision/Blizzard.

Every time they nerf they don’t even come close to addressing any issues. This is not just talking about engineers. Grenades being nerfed in SPvP when it is only useful against immobilised or snared opponents while it is overused in PvE and currently our only source of mid/long range dps while also being some of the best AoE and close range dps, thief pistolwhip being nerfed to the point of being obsolete while haste doesn’t get touched etc.

These guys have no idea what they are doing.

They are introducing grind content that would make Diablo3’s and WoW’s lovechild feel insecure. (50+ hrs for a new ring, estimated around 75 atm)

Things might change, but the sheer incompetence of the designers of this game make me feel as though Actiblizzard would be a straight upgrade from them in every aspect.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zidijan.4826


Most likely. I love my engineer, but I don’t want to play a class that clearly doesn’t want me to play it. So I’m taking a break for now

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Idstedt.7239


Im just reducing playtime on the game in total, a buff and reworked engineer would have made me to play more.. now its the oppocite. I will just continue doing planned events for the community and leave it at that, nothing more nothing less. Going through new content ..blergh i barely seen 40 % of the map, i play wvw.

Skunkwerk @ , Far Shiverpeaks.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: NeryK.5301


Nope, I’m not going anywhere. Still loving my engineer (and waiting for sigils on kits). I’ve tried six classes out of the eight and this is the one for me.

I like this job. I like it !

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


I’ll play my alts more and my Engineer less. I mostly play WvW, and Engineer isnt terribly usefull there besides wall supression, assuming the wall doesnt bug out (i know exactly what causes this) and your grenades fall through the wall without dealing any damage.
And if this Ascended Gear crap is what im afraid of it’ll be, im done.

Im having no hopes for Engineer getting anything seriously fixed. They gave Ele stats on their conjure weapons, but overlooked the Engineer.
They fixed a trait like Power Wrench to now reduce cooldown of the 2 skills it previously didnt, and in the process bugged Shortfuse to no longer reduce the cooldown on freeze/poison grenade. We’re just trading bugs here. Meanwhile something like Scope is still broken.

They took the time to nerf Engineer in sPvP, but not the time to actually fix broken/underpowered skills. And even nerfed Turrets! Who in their right mind even used Turrets because they suck so much to begin with?

They have no idea what they are doing. They wrote the Engineer changes spread out and litteraly gave every little change its own bulletpoint to make it look like a lot. But filter out the crap that was irrelevant and all the lines used to basicly say 1 thing (grenades -10%/Harpoongun combofinisher) what is really left? Not a whole lot. Certainly not the important stuff.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: MyR.5028


I do not have the time to fully level up another class (and I also do not have the ambition), so I will continue playing Engineer.

However I might be quitting GW2 after this weekend, until there are any serious changes on this class.

Every single patch feels like they are throwing “fixes” like bones at us, so they are able to say “Hey guys, we fixed plenty of stuff, be happy” but in reality it is just tooltip fixes, random changes (like removing BoB blast finisher, just to enable it again next patch) and minor bug fixes that create more bugs, but rarely any changes that are necessary and which we already asked for since the beta weekends.

To be honest I would be quite happy, if ANet just scraps the whole Engineer class and move unique engineer skills to other classes with some artstyle changes (e.g. necromancer creating an elite well for 30 seconds, that stuns upon creation, grants a bit healing over time, and resurects different minions for every fallen enemy in that area).
Then they could give us the option to make a one time transfer to any other class, while keeping character bound equipment (and transform medium to heavy armor etc.), level and personal story.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


I’m not changing classes, as my build didn’t get impacted by the patch, and because I’m attached to my character, and because I’m too lazy to roll another, and because my guild is eyeing something else that is shinny and new.


And because I still love the engineer class despite its flaws.

But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Everyone who hasn’t leveled another class will be in for a nice shock when they discover other classes have just as many issues.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Everyone who hasn’t leveled another class will be in for a nice shock when they discover other classes have just as many issues.

Many classes got hit much harder than we did (e.g. mesmers). We actually received some interesting buffs (e.g. grenade barrage, magnet) along with a few modest nerfs.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


Everyone who hasn’t leveled another class will be in for a nice shock when they discover other classes have just as many issues.

Many classes got hit much harder than we did (e.g. mesmers). We actually received some interesting buffs (e.g. grenade barrage, magnet) along with a few modest nerfs.

This has nothing to do with who got nerfed the hardest, I don’t think engineers got nerfed much at all.

It’s just the changes were not meaningful nor helpful in the slightest when the class has lots of broken skills and traits.

And to all other classes having as many broken skills/traits, no.

This is from my experience of playing mesmer/thief/guardian/engineer. Nerfs aside, these classes are far more polished than engineer.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Haltus Kain.4578

Haltus Kain.4578

Engineer is just so much more fun than the other classes. They’ll have to nerf it a lot harder than that to get me to switch, and tbh I’ll probably switch games before I switch classes.

Haltus Kain [BGV] – 80 Engineer Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

(edited by Haltus Kain.4578)

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: YoshiOfYellow.7862


It’s hard to stay positive and stick to the class when quality of life isn’t getting any better and it’s becoming apparent that the things that really need fixing aren’t going to be made better anytime soon. I rolled an Engineer because I wanted a ranged class that didn’t have to deal with pets and engineer seemed really interesting with all the options available.

Now though… I’m thinking I might just take a break and make a ranged warrior to sate my needs for a nice ranged class. I need a break from playing the most broken professions. Our profession isn’t even Beta quality, we’re practically still in Alpha.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dunga.6754


i’m not changing class, i’m changing games i’ll revisit GW2 from time to time to see if serious pvp and class issues have been fixed. until then, it’s time to enjoy other options.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I won’t be changing classes; I initially intended to switch to Ranger and run with my girlfriend (who also intended to be a Ranger) as a pair of big burly Norn Beastmasters.

Then I just…got sick of playing, what with Deployable Turrets not working. Yes, it seriously got on my nerves that much – if it at least worked, maybe I’d be able to bring myself to finish collecting cash and materials for my 80 set of gear, but, no. Now, if I switched, I’d always have this nagging ‘only doing this because they didn’t fix what I really want to play’ feeling that would further make me not want to play.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


I’m not going to change class. despite the things that weren’t fixed, I still enjoy playing with my engi (call me crazy). not getting things fixed isn’t going to change that. do I want the fixes, yes, and they are needed, but it isn’t going to stop me from enjoying myself.

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

my engineer is my main. got a (boring) ranger, a (squishy) ele and a mesmer i just used for crafting- (lvl 23). Mesmer? – It’s like OMG – i solo’d a champ (15 min) and i didnt even have the right skills/traits/knowledge that i should of . Being able to wipe the floor with a champion while i was a noob to the class is OP. Its made me realise what engineers missing- some form of get out of aggro skill- sure we got knockbacks but that doesnt drop aggro- we can get stealth but it takes 2 skills and some good timing- too tricky to pull off when your in that “oh cr@p” moment- 2 skill uses to drop aggro would be ok if it was instant and guaranteed. . . . . . for some reason i seem to be taking a lot of the aggro in small groups and find myself in a “not so liked” ‘tanking’ role- but i cant tank cos of my armour so ive got to dodge to avoid being squashed – i feel more like an acrobat than an engineer

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cato.3547


My main is mesmer but haven’t touched it in weeks since i rolled engi, its just so fun class to play with. Sure some aspects still needs some work but overall its much better than these forum dramaqueens makes it sound. If you are expecting anet to somehow rework the whole class desing to your liking sry to burst your bubble but that isn’t happening so deal with it.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


In WoW I played a Survival hunter in pvp since vanilla.
People who are familiar with WoW and hunters, know that means I’m either stupid or stubborn. Or both…

I didn’t reroll in WoW, I gave up on it.

Likewise I’m not going to reroll my engineer carrying 4 kits.
I’ll stick to it till I give up on the game.

Simple: because I’m still either stubborn or stupid. Or both.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

sure engi is fun- who else get to wield a flmethrower?
but after one nights grinding with a mesmer (no pun intended) i realised how OP they are –
and yes to some people, that might seem boring “killing things with one skill use instead of a multitude of skills”
but some people might also view “why waste time killing mobs doing content when it can be done soooo much quicker with another character”
When i solo’d champs on my engineer it takes me 30-40 min , knowing what i did wrong last night i feel confident that i could do it under 10 min- or stack loads mf gear and still do it quicker than my engi.
I’m at end game – i thought farming was ok on my engi but after last night i realise how much quicker easier it would be with a mesmer . . . so faced with hours of running round burning things for the drops with engi or doing it quicker with a few boring key presses with a mesmer i know what im choosing (less time farming means more time for dungeons)
i do love my engi for the versatility and choice and the mesmers only lvl 25 so long way to go yet

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: YoshiOfYellow.7862


My main is mesmer but haven’t touched it in weeks since i rolled engi, its just so fun class to play with. Sure some aspects still needs some work but overall its much better than these forum dramaqueens makes it sound. If you are expecting anet to somehow rework the whole class desing to your liking sry to burst your bubble but that isn’t happening so deal with it.

There’s a very large difference between “rework the whole class” and “fix core mechanics to the class that are still broken”.

I don’t think anyone really wants a class rework. We like what Engineer is. We just want our class to actually work.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


If people want to switch professions after this mostly positive patch, what will they do after an actual nerf?

And Kimbald, my favorite spec is also four kits. No one can blame you for choosing (imo) the most fun build in the game.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Daegalus.8216


Not going anywhere, but I do login less and less due to problems. I might make a Necro, but other than that, I really don’t think any other class can fulfill my enjoyment the way the Engineer does.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Creature.4038


I play engineer and mesmer now, my next will probably be elementalist, the other classes from my experience seem really bland indeed its just like 3-5 button spam, really boring

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cheapy.8657


The “nerfs” didn’t affect any of the builds I used, so why would I?

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


sure engi is fun- who else get to wield a flmethrower?
but after one nights grinding with a mesmer (no pun intended) i realised how OP they are –
and yes to some people, that might seem boring “killing things with one skill use instead of a multitude of skills”
but some people might also view “why waste time killing mobs doing content when it can be done soooo much quicker with another character”
When i solo’d champs on my engineer it takes me 30-40 min , knowing what i did wrong last night i feel confident that i could do it under 10 min- or stack loads mf gear and still do it quicker than my engi.
I’m at end game – i thought farming was ok on my engi but after last night i realise how much quicker easier it would be with a mesmer . . . so faced with hours of running round burning things for the drops with engi or doing it quicker with a few boring key presses with a mesmer i know what im choosing (less time farming means more time for dungeons)
i do love my engi for the versatility and choice and the mesmers only lvl 25 so long way to go yet

You will find mesmer levels off quite a bit once you get to orr, solo farming yes mesmer works great…the caveat to this is engineer is vastly better at farming in event chains than mesmer. This is not to say mesmer can’t tag mobs in those chains but engineer is much much more efficient at it.
edit: Especially now given the confirmed by dev bug with izerker missing half it’s attack on it’s first rotation and the change to status effects blocking phantasm creation.

(edited by ShadowPuppet.3746)

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: omgwtflolbbl.7142


They gave Ele stats on their conjure weapons, but overlooked the Engineer.

At least your kits can generally be called useful. The conjured weapon buffs were buffs in name only and don’t fix the core problem behind them – they suck and cause you to severely limit yourself by using one. Not to mention the new “buff” is bugged. Nobody actually cares about the weapon conjure buffs.

Anet said they fixed Mist Form, Ride the Lightning, and Magnetic Grasp, all of which are very important skills (Mist Form for everyone, the other 2 for any D/D), and they managed to fail on all accounts. Mist Form still doesn’t take the cdr into account in open world, RtL is still buggy, and MG is actually worse than before because the only way to get the leap finisher needed in aura builds is actually to completely fail the leap and stun yourself for a good 2-3 seconds.

Not to mention Anet didn’t just straight up remove an entire playstyle (that also happened to be really popular and fun) from you.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Moka.9641


No, engineers forever, I’ll stick with them until they nerf them to oblivion and we’re left with wooden sticks and rocks

[AW]- The Holy Engineer

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


They gave Ele stats on their conjure weapons, but overlooked the Engineer.

At least your kits can generally be called useful. The conjured weapon buffs were buffs in name only and don’t fix the core problem behind them – they suck and cause you to severely limit yourself by using one. Not to mention the new “buff” is bugged. Nobody actually cares about the weapon conjure buffs.

The core problems are no different then the core problems of the Kits. The difference is, you do not rely on your conjure weapon. Engineers rely on kits, they are our Weapons, we only have 2 real weapons + a shield.

And fokittents are a debuff on ourself just as much. I always have to remember to make sure im not using a kit when i use Grenade Barrage or Throw Wrench, because i deal so much less damage when i have a kit equiped.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


So now your claiming that a conjure build ele focus’ less on there utility skills that gives a environmental weapon to 2 players, rely on their utilities, less then the engineer whose utility gives a environmental weapon to just themselves. All wile knowing ele’s even have one of these as an elite.

That is a brilliant assessment.

On what fact do you base a class that has the same amount of environmental weapon utilties as we do, yet also has an environmental weapon an elite, as having less dependance or value in thier skills then the other?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Horheristo.3607


No such thing as main or alt in Guild Wars, and if you played GW1 you should realize that too.

Each class got its own defined role in the game, but more importantly – play and see what you feel more comfortable with at each situation.

For example, if you’re doing dungeons and engineer works best for you there, then take it. Or At WvW you can dominate with the mesmer better, then play it there.

Utilize all the classes with a solid build for each one, rather than focus on one class and try to come up with different builds with little difference.

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: jrmunch.4251


I will not be changing any time soon. Elixir R change doesn’t affect me that much – I can still use it twice per fight. Tool kit got some sweet buffs. 10% to grenades is like nothing…to me at least. I would like the elites redone. I hardly ever remember to even use supply crate…

Is anyone changing classes?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I switched to a Warrior long ago.

Grenades are cool and all, but they’re just not worth it because your finger will hurt after spamming 11111 for so long. It’s also annoying to have to aim EVERY attack, with a chance of it missing.

It’s understandable because grenades stack 25 vulnerability on foes and a multitude of condition with ease, but I would really love other options.

Hip Shot is lame lame laaaaame, and and Explosive Shot is weak weak weeaaaak!

The Wrench can only hit 1 foe with the final attack of his 1-combo, and his 3 skill. It tries to be a mace-wannabe but instead of the useful weakness condition, it applies vulnerability for a few seconds and goes away.

The Elixir Gun also deals pathetic damage, but at least it gets a plus for being a support weapon in dungeons, and to be fair I do think it’s fairly balanced as a range weapon stacking bleed on a single foe. I just wish Fumigate (or whatever its called) dealt more damage. It’s like it was missing an extra 0 to its damage because 132 damage at level 80 is NOT worth it!

Flamethrower is… Not very useful beyond the 1 skill. The fire field is too hard to use with blast finishers because it’s so small, and the 2-skill (projectile) is unreliable.

Sentries die too quickly and are not mobile. The fact they go into recharge when you pick them up makes it not worth it picking them up in the first place. Making matters worse, they’re squishy too! Why even use them?

Bomb Kit is ok, even awesome, but very risky. It’s actually balanced in my opinion. I just wish the “autoattack” had more range to continue autoattacking.

Anyways that is my feedback so far. I really feel Engineer is an uncomfortable class to play, and not sure what they can do outside Grenades.