Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Topic says it all, built my engi for condition and am really dissapointed in the dmg. It seems Anet has gone over board with condition removal, or condition dmg is just kitten poor. Would focusing on Pwr/Pre/Crit be more effective ?

Duel pistol build.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


Dual pistols, despite how it looks, isn’t that great for dealing condition damage. Their strength lies in the 3 and 5 skills being able to mess with enemies through non-damaging conditions… With some help from confuse. It’s the blind and the immobilize that make the set good.

So power and crit are going stronger there.

If you want condition damage, I’d suggest grenades due to the ease of bleed stacking there.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Thnx for the quick answer, I’m pleased with my defence but just need to squeeze a bit more dps in. Not alot just a little and if I lose the condition dmg I could do that but I didn’t want to find out the hard way that I would lose Dmg by taking away from conditions.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


Yeah… It’s kind of a bum deal that the bleed on Pistol 1 got slammed as hard as it did after BW3. Condition damage used to be the way to go for P/P, but times change.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


Maybe someone should run fumigate/rocketboots/grenade cooldown spam loadout and report back.

not it!

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


its definitely worth it, just dont ignore power and precision either.

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Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caldric.1685


I tried a few different builds this weekend including condition and unles you just really like playing the Engineer I found no build that really worked well only subpar. Grenade condition on siege and keep defense is still pretty good but almost always removed with the multi condition removers most people have. Pistols have no real range and the condition isn’t that good anyway. Personally I don’t think condition build is good in WvW at all. Grenades are still the only really decent one to use but they have been nerfed into gimped world also.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: jwburks.9735


What is the absolute best grenade build you’ve ever used? I think mine lacks precision, but you have no choice since you must fill out the power tree completely in a grenade build.

We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wasdclick.1764


Don’t need crit entirely for a good Grenade build. But you do need Pistol/Pistol or Pistol/Shield so you can get two active sigils.

For low Crit, I’d suggest 5% damage and your favorite Swap sigil (Might is real good if you remember to swap it every 9 seconds for a maintainable 6 stacks of might.)

Make sure to take the 15% chance of bleed on explosion trait, the 10% more damage one (the cooldown doesn’t seem to work right now apparently.) and Grenadier.

I’d suggest some crit if you can spare the stats though. A combination of crit and power tends to work out to overall stronger damage over time.

Even with a full Power tree thugh, you still have 40 points, which is enough to fill the Precision tree too, though it won’t leave you much for defensive skills.

Is condition build worth it in WvW ?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


I gave up on a condition build and switched to a crit build with sigils for might and extra power. (FYI, 30 in Firearms rocks for pistols as it gives you access to 20% faster recharge, longer range and piercing.)

This is working better than the cond build for soloing and skirmishes in WvW (and PvE), and a lot better in zergs and mass events.